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  1. #266 for Singapore's Checklist
  2. Butterflies of Selangor
  3. Unkana spp ?
  4. who is this?
  5. lime butterfly
  6. Species # 82 for AH
  7. Tajuria dominus
  8. Species #83 for AH
  9. Jacintha Eggfly ?
  10. Pls help to ID
  11. death of common mormon
  12. What cat is this?
  13. Preserve a dead butt
  14. Species #268 for the Singapore Checklist!
  15. Is This Centaur Oakblue
  16. Crow Butterfly
  17. Taractrocera vs Oriens UFO discussion
  18. Are they the same Nacaduba spp ?
  19. Happy 40th B'Day, Singapore! And 269th species
  20. ID help please
  21. Another ID help please.
  22. Two GT
  23. Malay Baron male forms
  24. Interesting Setup ...
  25. Updates to the Singapore Checklist
  26. Euthalia merta merta
  27. Try to ID - UFO Shots
  28. Female Common Palmfly & Tawny Palmfly
  29. Insects get blinded by flashes?
  30. Need ID help again
  31. Malayan Plum Judy
  32. Dingy Bush Brown
  33. Common Duffer in Taiwan
  34. Green Birdwing
  35. A. geza vs A. saturata
  36. Tbhp
  37. Pale Grass Blue
  38. Banana Skipper??
  39. A few things to ID
  40. Butterflies and their host plants
  41. Lime Butterfly
  42. Snowflat
  43. Collections (+) or record only?
  44. What skipper is this?
  45. How to Know if a Butt is gonna lay eggs?
  46. New Books from US
  47. Orange Skipper Collection I - Telicota spp
  48. scientific name for Red Harlequin
  49. Butterfly Books
  50. This is the MPJ season.. I think!
  51. ID this butterfly
  52. Catalogue of Swallowtail Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) at BORNEENSIS
  53. Common Rose
  54. Common Redeye
  55. Pitcher Blue
  56. Pygme Grass Blue
  57. Mexico sees bigger butterfly migration
  58. Butterfly Wings work like LEDs
  59. A butterfly to ID
  60. Common Line Blue (broken tail) or Tailess Line blue?
  61. Variation of the Naga??
  62. Real size
  63. Behaviour of Malayan Eggfly
  64. Ketapang?
  65. What's the thing at the abdomen (end) of this Peacock Pansy
  66. Lens Magnification Test
  67. Lime and CM cat
  68. Ypthima baldus newboldi/Ypthima horsfieldii humei
  69. A KL butt
  70. Four New Species of Butts found in Indonesia
  71. Is this a butt or moth?
  72. crab & butte
  73. Monarch Butterflies in New Zealand
  74. Lepidoptera Symposium in Hong Kong, Sept. 2006
  75. How to register as a new member of the Hong Kong butterfly and moth forums
  76. ID help needed
  77. which Arhopala?
  78. useful English Butterfly and moth Discussion Forums
  79. Butterflies photo competition
  80. Butterfly Hunting - HK and Taiwan
  81. Names from the past...
  82. purple bush brown
  83. unknown skipper.
  84. Butterfly in Flower
  85. "Glassy" Tiger
  86. Links to TWN (Chinese) sites
  87. Links to mainland China sites
  88. Delias pasithoe parthenope
  89. What is it doing?
  90. moth or butt?
  91. Butterfly/Moth poster
  92. Glasswing
  93. write-up for Banded Royal
  94. Updates to AH Checklist
  95. Banded Demon?
  96. Seeding a butterfly garden with caterpillars
  97. Coon??
  98. Butterfly Garden
  99. Skipper - TBID
  100. Is this Sumatran Gem?
  101. Egg-laying season?
  102. Porita philota philota?
  103. Observation.
  104. Score Sheet
  105. Losing weight has never been so easy!
  106. Discussion of J.anasuja, N.amrita, M. hypoleuca
  107. butterflies at Gua Tempurung
  108. Colour Sergeant
  109. Two Swallowtails
  110. Book: The Butterflies of Hong Kong
  111. Upperside of ?
  112. BCircle Diary Entry - Sep 2006
  113. Butterfly ID
  114. Updates to the Singapore Butterfly Checklist
  115. More Tawny Coster Sightings
  116. What's wrong with this TC?
  117. Spot the difference - Tawny Coster
  118. Butterfly Release at One North
  119. Butterflies Thru' the Lens - Preserved for Posterity
  120. A Big Thank You to Khew!
  121. Passiflora foetida at AH
  122. Introducing Species #277 for Singapore
  123. ID Key to the Separation of species of Eurema
  124. Is this really a LBSL
  125. Why our Peablue is different?
  126. Test Your ID Skills
  127. Which Rapala ?
  128. More New Butt Books
  129. Forget Me Not???
  130. What is attacking the NBGY pair?
  131. Dark Glassy Tiger
  132. Another predator of the NBGY
  133. More predation stories
  134. Need help in ID of grass yellows
  135. Predation.
  136. Male or Female Scarce Silverstreak?
  137. NParks' Website new look
  138. Butterflies in Malaysia - when?
  139. Strange Bush Brown Mating Pair
  140. If only we have such auspicious butterfly!
  141. How to tell the sexes in a mating pair?
  142. Is that a pupal case?
  143. Empty eggs of Malayan Eggfly
  144. Differences between male/female pointed cilate blue
  145. Some changes to WWW
  146. Another butt victim
  147. Updates to C&P4
  148. Tear-drinking Moth
  149. Oriens spp.
  150. One up for 2007 - Species #278 for Singapore!
  151. Butterflies ID
  152. ID doubt about Potanthus species
  153. Gynandromorphs
  154. Setting up a Butterfly Park - Thailand
  155. Heliconius heurippa
  156. Highway to be closed – for the butterflies
  157. The Puddlers
  158. Initial impressions and suggestions
  159. The Singapore Butterfly Checklist welcomes its 279th species
  160. Butterfly Thoughts : Discussion on new subspecies of Common Rose
  161. Common or Perak Lascar?
  162. Help needed for Atlas Moth
  163. can salvage?
  164. ...and a skipper helps AH hit the Century Mark!
  165. Arhopala major???
  166. Butterflies Aren't Special
  167. Cycads Under Threat
  168. Does Flash photography harm animals/birds?
  169. For the Cat Farmers.
  170. Who took this Pandita sinope sinope ?
  171. New Hong Kong Butterfly Book
  172. Which Sergeant is this?
  173. Status of Common Tree Nymph
  174. Butterfly ID
  175. Do we need Code for Breeding / Photographing Butterflies?
  176. Record Shot - Great Archduke
  177. Atlas moths found in Singapore
  178. Hypolimnas bolina
  179. Competition
  180. Mass Order for Butterflies of Thailand
  181. Is this Plastingia pellonia
  182. Was anyone at Macritchie board walk at 1pm on 12 sept?
  183. Location of Butterfly
  184. Great Swift?
  185. Koruthaialos rubecula rubecula
  186. Singapore's #280 species!!
  187. A Pygmy posy & Branded Imperial
  188. 1001 Garden Plants in Singapore 2nd Edition
  189. Keys to butterfly description terms
  190. Butterfly Conservation: Saving the Harlequin
  191. Which Delias
  192. photo of common five rings in the checklist
  193. Specimen Reference for Rapala
  194. Are They The Same Species and Specimen ?
  195. Next BLOG article
  196. Next BLOG articles
  197. New Delias sp.
  198. New article at the Blog
  199. Butterflies of Singapore BLOG
  200. Next BLOG articles - Jan-Feb 2008
  201. Subfamily for Tawny Coster
  202. Mispelling?
  203. Revision to the Singapore Butterfly Checklist 2008
  204. Next BLOG Articles - Jan - Mar 2008
  205. Army of caterpillas at Macpherson estate
  206. ButterflyCircle revolution?
  207. Butterfly Garden @ Changi Airport T3?
  208. Doleschallia bisaltide australis
  209. Cabbage White
  210. Congratulations Sunny
  211. Teaser at the Blog !
  212. Singapore Welcomes species #281!
  213. Butterfly ID needed - two species from Ubin
  214. Group of yelllow butterflies at Changi
  215. Butterfly Scales
  216. Congratulation James!
  217. Butterfly from Ubin - requesting ID again
  218. Forums Temporarily Closed for Registration
  219. New Sunday Times article
  220. Code Of Conduct - Butterfly Watching And Photography In Singapore
  221. What is the Smallest Butterfly?
  222. Common Birdwing and CITES
  223. Butterflies Location
  224. Blog - Anyone wants to do Life History of the Lime Butt?
  225. Facilities for the Appreciation and Education on Butterflies
  226. ButterflyCircle members re-discovers the Sylhet Oakblue
  227. Alexandra Hospital's winged beauties
  228. Madame Butterfly of Alexandra Hospital
  229. For the Newbies
  230. Something terrible happened to me... sigh...
  231. wrong picture in the checklist??
  232. An online butterfly book
  233. Pisuth's book
  234. Interesting Butt Facts
  235. ID Help
  236. Common Mormon forms
  237. Probably a +1 for Singapore Checklist -- Pelopidas agna agna (Little Branded Swift)
  238. New Book launched - Butterflies of India
  239. Butterfly ID
  240. hi :Intro and querry on Hesperridae forum
  241. Use of scientific names
  242. Hong Kong Butterflies list by HK Lepidopterists' Society Limited
  243. Publish your new sightings, new records or rediscoveries
  244. Hairy Eyes!
  245. Now I have to talk about butts
  246. Bush Brown (ID needed)
  247. Sir David Attenborough warns butterflies could die out
  248. Help with id pls
  249. Why not Common Six Rings
  250. Photographs required