- I/d help needed
- Another genus change?
- [141002] A sad turn of events at a butterfly exhibition in China
- Archdukes : ID Confusion.
- Free Milkweed Seeds
- Expansion of Penang Butterfly Farm
- I'm Back!
- Scientific Name of Butterflies
- I/d help needed
- I have a feeling, that some one allready helped me with this one, but...
- Notocrypta clavata , extant in Singapore ?
- Grass Blues
- Why BC is not supporting NSS's National Butterfly Campaign
- For Admin attention
- I.D. Help From Bangladesh
- Abisara saturata & geza.
- Pelopidas mathias & agna.
- Appias for ID
- Jamides pura, an intriguing possibility.
- Nacaduba for ID
- Pantoporia sp
- Hesperiidae ID
- Limenitidinae (i think) for ID
- More unidentified from Northern Thailand
- Arhopala's alea subgroup, a vexing problem.
- ID Help
- ID help please..
- ID help please.
- ID help please..
- ID Help please.
- ID help please..
- ID Help please..
- ID help From Bangladesh !
- ID Help Please..
- ID Help Please..
- Need HELP !!
- Miletus gaesa : A Distinct Probability.
- I.D. Help From Bangladesh
- I.D. Help from From Bangladesh
- Common Sulphur Orange Sulphur cross
- I.D. Help From Bangladesh
- Is this Euthalia monina monina (Malay Baron)
- Is this the Dark Palm Dart - Telicota ancilla
- Would appreciate very much an ID of this skipper
- A faded Yellow Flat (Mooreana trichoneura trichoneura)?
- Rapala pheretima sequeira (Copper Flash) ?
- Would be very grateful for an ID of this
- Is this an aberrant form of Ypthima horsfieldii humei
- ID help please
- ID please
- Is this Ancistroides nigrita
- Eurema ada iona (Talbot's Grass Yellow)?
- Are these Eurema hecabe contubernalis?
- Is this Eurema hecabe?
- Is this Arhopala centaurus nakula (Centaur Oakblue)
- Need ID assistance with this
- ID help please
- ID Help Please
- ID Help Please
- ID Help Please
- Thai hesperiidae id request
- Hesperiinae in Selangor ID please
- ID Help please
- ID Help please
- ID Assist please - Arhopala and Allotinus?
- ID help please
- ID help please: Is this Nacaduba beroe neon (Opaque Six-line Blue)?
- Another Jamides?
- Is this Catochrysops panormus exiguus (Silver Forget-me-not)
- Is this Nacabuba berenice?
- ID Help Please..
- ID Help Please..
- ID help please
- ID-request Eurema sp. and Ixias pyrene?
- Is this Graphium macareus perakiensis (Lesser Zebra)?
- ID-help request Thai species
- ID possible for Thai Ypthima species?
- Thai species ID-request
- Papilio clytia or P. epycides?
- Request ID of these Skippers
- ID Help Please
- Need help to ID this Skipper
- Please help to ID these Skippers
- Need ID please
- ID Help Please
- ID Help Please
- Would Appreciate ID of these butterflies
- Cirrochroa malaya?
- ID of this Arhopala please
- ID Help Please
- ID of this Arhopala please
- Are these Pelopidas mathias mathias?
- ID Help Please
- Is this a Notocrypta or a Quedara?
- Need help to ID thiese, please.
- Which Mycalesis is this?
- ID of this Skipper, please
- Please help ID these two Euremas. Thanks
- Please help to ID these Skippers
- Is this Arhopala amphimuta?
- ID help please; which Curetis is this?
- Is this Neptis nata?
- Please help to ID these, thanks.
- ID of these Skippers please
- Please help to ID these Arhopalas
- Hasora ID, Thanks!
- Please help to differentiate between the two Mycalesis
- Please help to ID these BArons.
- Please help ID this Skipper
- Is this Cream-spotted Sailor (Neptis soma shania)?
- Which Papilionidae is this?
- ID help of this Hesperiinae please
- Which Amathusia is this? ID help please.
- Is this a Hypolimnas bolina variant?
- Is this Melanitis zitenius?
- ID help with these Euploea please
- Is this Arhopala moorei busa?
- Need help with these Arhopalas.
- ID help lease.a Discophora sondaica despoliata ?
- Butterflies from Northern Thailand April 2016
- Butterflies from Southern Thailand
- Help ID, A small skipper in Bandung Indonesia
- Need help to ID these Skippers, pleae.
- Which form of Catopsila pomona pomona is this?
- Is this an aberrant Anthene emolus goberus?
- Is thsi Telicota augias?
- Id help please?
- Id help please
- Id help please? Thank you in advance
- ID help please
- Requested id
- Need Id please
- Id help for Parnara?
- Request id Parnara ganga ??
- Id help please Telicota ?
- Tarucus id help please?
- Id help please Arhopala ?
- Pelopidas subochracea ? - Id help please
- Halpe homolea ?- Id help please ?
- Euploea ? - Id help please?
- Parnara apostata? - Id help please?
- Requested id moth ?
- Id request ?? Moth
- Moths species ? Id help please ?
- Id help please moth?
- Id help please- Moth?
- Cyana bianca? Id help please
- Moth ? Id help please?
- Spindasis- Id help please ?
- Id help Please Moth?
- Prosotas ? id help please?
- Prosotas species ? id help please?
- Parnara ? id help please?
- Potanthus id help please?
- Oriens goloides vs O. gola ?? Id help please?
- Graphium doson larval instar id help please?
- Skipper- Id help please??
- 2 Skippers need ID
- Some Koruthaialos and Ancistroides species need ID
- Some Halpe need ID
- Allotinus or Logania species id help please?
- Arhopala id help please?
- Butterfly id help please?
- Some Brownies and 2 Theclinae need ID
- Hedge Blue id help please?
- 2 Darkie need ID
- Some Curetinae need ID
- ID for Arhopalas from Chiang Mai
- ID for Arhopalas from Gopeng
- ID for Arhopalas from Southern Thailand
- Id help Butterflies?
- Help with Udara identification
- Help with Identification of Skipper
- Id help please ??
- Mycalesis id help please?
- Some Posy for ID
- Potantus spp- Id help Please??
- Id help please Athyma ??
- Spindasis id help please?
- Halpe sp- Id help please?
- Halpe wantona- id help please?
- Swift Id help please
- Austin, Texas, Skippers
- Again, from Austin, Texas
- Another bunch from Austin, Texas
- Which Crescent are these?
- ID help for these Long-tailed Skippers
- Proneura species
- Some Mycalesis for ID
- Some Ypthima for IDs
- ID of Junonia sp.
- Hedge Blue-2 id help please?
- Id-2 Help please ?
- Some Elymnias sp. for ID
- Red Eye - Id help please?
- Is this Euthalia mahadeva zichrina?
- Id help please-3 ?
- Red Eye -id help please ?
- Telicota bambusae - id help please?
- Telicota sp - Id help please2?
- Some Euploeas sp. need IDs
- Lineblue 2 Id help please?
- Lycaena ID question
- Would appreciate very much ID of these Arhopalas
- A Skipper for ID please.
- ID help please
- ID help please with this skipper
- Difficult Thai species
- Identification of Dark-bordered Hedge Blue Plautella cossaea
- Help with Cerulean ID
- A Tagiades species from Indonesia
- Potanthus mingo?
- Euploea eyndhovii or Euploea doubledayi
- Halpe zola in Malaysia?
- Difficult Thai species 2
- Miletus chinensis or M. biggsii?
- butterfly habitat problem
- Difficult Thai hesperiidae
- Separation of Melanitis sp.
- Miletus croton?
- ID help please for this Skipper
- Strange Common Bluebottle?
- Id help please ?
- Manto or Mantoides?
- Appias identification
- ID help with this Arhopala please
- Problematic Grass Yellows
- A second problematic Yellow
- E. novapallida or E. brigatta?
- Two Parantica
- Problematic Euploea
- A tricky Isma species
- Mycalesis munius?
- A Halpe species?
- Hedge Blue sp
- Differentiation of Amblypodia narada
- Some Pyrginae need ID
- Arnetta atkinsoni?
- ID help on this Euploea please
- 2 Abisara need ID
- Small or Essex skipper?
- Is this Allotinus horsfieldi permagus?
- ID help with this Mycalesis please
- ID Help - Prostosas bhutea or p. nelides?
- Request ID help with this skipper please
- Is this Koruthaialos sindu?
- Are these two different species of Amathusia?
- ID help on this butterfly please
- ID help with these butterflies please
- Is this Pelopidas conjuncta (Conjoined Swift)