- Is this Athyma abiasa (Abnormal Sergeant)?
- Is this Melanitis phedima (Dark Evening Brown)?
- Requesting for help to ID butterfly
- Request for ID
- Request for ID
- Request for ID
- ID help with this skipper please
- Request for ID
- Is this Charaxes distanti?
- Request for ID
- Is this the pupa of Anthene emolus goberus?
- Request for ID
- ID for Swift
- Is this Charaxes distanti (finally)?
- ID help for these Charaxes please
- Which Discophora is this?
- Skipper ID please
- Arhopala for ID
- Request for ID
- Dart for ID
- Confusing Euploea
- Request for ID
- Don't use the forum just as an identification tool
- Help with ID
- Potanthus species?
- Athene species
- Request for ID
- Help with Melanitis ID
- Acytolepis lilacea ?
- Underwing identification of Charaxes bernardus and C. aristigiton
- Request for ID
- Telicota sp?
- Lethe sura and Lethe dura
- Request for ID
- Request for ID
- Is this another form of Melanitis leda?
- Another request for ID
- Separation of C. santana and C. acuta
- Request for ID
- Confirmation of ID
- Please help ID this dart
- Which Symbrenthia are these?
- Please help ID this
- Is this Symbrenthia liliaea luciana?
- ID help for these Barons
- ID help with these Barons please
- Request for ID
- Separation of Lethe sinorix and Lethe kansa
- Lethe vindhya?
- Jamides celeno or Jamides pura?
- Confirmation of ID
- Which Rhinopalpa is this?
- Confirmation of ID
- Mycalesis annamitica?
- Mycalesis distanti ?
- Mycalesis perseoides?
- Mycalesis sp
- Ypthima evansi?
- Three atypical butterflies?
- Charaxes moori or C. athamas?
- ID help with these please
- ID help with this Euploea please
- Is this Curetis santana malayica
- Just want to confirm this Ragadia
- Questions - Bornean species
- Which Polyura is it?
- ID help with this Euploea please
- Is this Charaxes bernardus crepax still?
- Potanthus lydia?
- Request for ID
- Hedge Blue. Udara sp?
- Is this a Mycalesis intermedia distanti?
- Which Oakblue (Arhopala) is this?
- Is this Arhopala amphimuta?
- ID help please
- Which Idea is this?
- Three odd Mycalesis
- Arhopala from Chiang Mai
- Neptis sp. N. soma?
- Another Neptis sp.
- Neptis sp. N. cartica?
- Discophora deo?
- Discophora timora or necho?
- A very stange Athyma sp.
- A difficult skipper that looks easy
- Request for ID of Darts and Swifts
- Request for ID - Suffused Flash or Scarlet Flash?
- Separation of Cynitia "Blue Count" types
- Help with the ID of this butterfly
- Help with ID
- ID help with this Skipper please
- Which Amathusia is this?
- Need help to ID which Arhopala
- Help with butterfly ID
- ID help with this skipper please
- An Ypthima sp from n Thailand
- A swift sp. from n Thailand
- Udara placidula or Celastrina lavendularis
- Differentiation of Neptis clinia and Neptis nata
- Anthene emolus?
- Prosotas pia or P. nora
- Help with ID
- Potanthus omaha?
- Halpe elana?
- A strange Halpe sp
- Euthalia lubentina or Euthalia malaccana?
- Butterfly from Fraser's Hill
- ID of Bush Brown
- Celatoxia marginata?
- Strange Jamides
- Discophora sondaica or D. timora
- Is this Neptis ilira cindia?
- ID help please
- ID help please
- Just want to confirm ID
- Charaxes aristogiton?
- A problematic Amblypodia
- Celastrina lavendularis - Confirmation of ID
- Request ID assistance for this lycanid
- Butterflies from Cambodia
- Would these two Charaxes be C. aristogiton?
- Separation of Thauria lathyi and T. aliris
- Confrmation of Neptis ID
- Borbo cinnara
- Are both of these Jamides celeno?
- Eurema ada - confirmation of identification
- Heliophorus epicles or Heliophorus ila?
- Celastrina argiolus or Udara dilecta
- Pierris sp
- Matapa cresta or Matapa sasivarna?
- Confirmation of ID - Amblypodia narada taooana
- Nacaduba sp?
- Need to confirm ID of these Euremas
- Is this a badly worn out Papilio palinurus?
- ID help please with this
- ID help with this Skipper please
- ID help with this skipper, please
- Please help with the ID of this butterfly
- ID help please with this
- In memory of Prasobsuk Sukkit
- ID help with this unknown butterfly please
- ID Help Please
- ID Help Please
- ID Help Please
- Curetis species from Phang-nga
- Miletus gaesa ?
- An odd Abisara or simply A. abnormis
- Is this Prosotas dubiosa?
- Two Paralaxita from Krung Ching
- Is this Discophora sondaica?
- Two Lethe species from Doi Phu Kha
- A Pithauria species?
- Prosotas lutea ID confirmation
- Help with ID of Nacaduba sp
- The confusing Spindalis lohita and S. seliga
- An unusually coloured Spindasis syama?
- Scobura isota or Scobura cephala?
- Butterflies from Thailand
- Two Nacaduba species - confirmation of ID please
- Poltremis discreta or P. etola
- Arhopala atrax - confirmation of ID
- Arhopala atrax or not?
- An incredibly small Charaxes athamas
- A problematic Nacaduba sp
- Nacaduba pavana - confirmation of ID
- Sebastonyma dolopia or Sebastonyma pudens?
- Miletus ancon - confirmation of ID
- Request help with ID of skipper
- Three Miletus species - confirmation of ID
- Potanthus palnia - confirmation of ID
- Golden Birdwing Shot at Seam Reap, Cambodia
- Confirmation of ID - Mycalesis nicotia
- A Potanthus species from Chiang Dao
- Mycalesis annamitica or M. lepcha
- Is this Catochrysops panormus or Catochrysops strabo?
- Potanthus ganda - confirmation of ID
- Is this another variant of Charaxes bernardus?
- Please confirm ID of these Curetis
- ID Help Please
- ID Help Please
- Request for ID
- Request for ID please
- ID Help Please
- ID Help Dr Seow
- Difference between Nacaduba beroe neon and Nacaduba berenice icena
- ID Help Dr Seow
- Help to ID Darts
- Difference between Great Orange Awlet and Orange Awlet
- Is this Mycalesis perseus?
- Skipper ID Help Please
- Rajah (Charaxes spp) from Northern Part of Thailand
- Some butterflies from Eastern China (part 1)
- Some butterflies from East China (part 2)
- Some butterflies from East China (part 3)
- ID Help for Several Skippers Required
- Help with Bush Brown ID
- Help with Lycaenid ID
- Just a few more butterflies...
- Butterflies of Temburong Forest Part 1
- Butterflies of Temburong Forest Part 2
- ID help please
- Some Morphinae need ID, thanks
- Some problematic Curetis sp
- Papilio clytia or Tirumala sp?
- Lasippa viraja ?
- Lasippa heliodore - confirmation of ID
- ID help please
- Rapala pheretima or something else?
- Allotinus drumila - confirmation of ID
- A tricky Rapala
- Rapala dieneces or R. suffusa?
- Brownie Shot at Northern Thailand
- Is this still a Charaxes bernardus?
- Possibly Monodontides musina?
- Acytolepis puspa lambi or Plautella cossaea?
- Difficult "hedge blues"
- Difference between Vindula erota erotella and Vindula dejone chersonesia
- Diffrentiation of Zizeeria karsandra and Z. maha
- ID help with this Curetis please
- Is this neptis clinia?
- ID Help appreciated
- ID help appreciated for Hesperiidae specimen
- Is this Nacaduba beroe?
- Help to ID Arhopala
- Is this still a Doleschallia bisaltide?
- Is this possibly a Charaxes aristogiton?
- Possibly a Curetis santana?
- Aberrant - Zizula hylax - Request opinion
- Is this Psuedoborbo bevani?
- Allotinus ID help please.
- ID Help appreciated
- Identifying Telicota sp.
- Host plant problem
- Is this Hypolimnas bolina kezia?
- ID help with this Arhopala please
- Confirm ID please
- Giant Swallowtail Butterfly & Caterpillar Help Needed
- ID requested for Mycalesis sp. of Indian subcontinent
- ID Request for Mycalesis.
- ID help please
- Too many painted lady eggs.
- Butterfly ID - #1
- Butterfly ID #2
- Butterfly #3
- Butterfly ID #4
- Butterfly ID #5
- Butterfly ID #6
- Butterfly ID #7
- Butterfly ID #8
- Butterfly ID #9