View Full Version : SUMMER AZURES -- A North American Species

29-Jul-2010, 07:20 AM

SUMMER AZURE (Celastrina ladon neglecta):
Today I spotted a tiny Summer Azure hidden deep inside a Joe Pye Weed. Normally a little skittish, this Azure sat and posed for a while. Lighting was poor (had to use a flash) and he was pretty deep in the foliage so I was afraid of scaring him off. Still, I did want to capture him for you to see.

There are several Azure species in North America. The most confusing is the Spring/Summer Azure Complex. The subtilties between Spring and Summer forms takes more skill than I have and almost always it turns out that I have photographed the Summer Azure. These Azures are among the first to arrive in the Spring (usually early April) and are among the last to leave. They tend to be solitary and i usually find them in shaded spots.

I've attached a close-up of the butterfly for you to examine. It is a very pale butterfly with soft, delicate patterns. It is not quite as sharp as I would have liked, but I was afraid to scare it off and so had to accept the settings and angle that I was offered.

i hope you find this useful.