View Full Version : A few photos from Fraser's Hill (June)

31-Jul-2010, 06:32 PM
Here are a few photos from my trip to Fraser's Hill in early June. This was my fourth trip to Fraser's and I always enjoy it. The mountain forest is a lovely sight!

I did not have a car on this visit so did lots of walking instead. One day, I set off for the falls but after passing the nursery, I had second thoughts about the long walk back up the hill. Instead of photographing puddling butterflies near the falls, I concentrated on those along the Telekom Loop and nearby trails.

As usual, I have my "L" (learner) plates on. If my identifications are not correct, I would appreciate hearing of the true identity.

One of the best spots was a yard at the far end of the Telekon Loop. I met the owner back in 1995 when I taped out a pair of Large Scimitar Babblers next to his property. He was curious about the birds and had never seen tapes used before. On this trip, I saw him again and he remembered me from that birding trip long ago. He allowed me to photograph a few of the butterflies that were on his walkway. He has a dog that "marks" the concrete and this was attractive to a number of butterflies.

One of the prettiest was this lovely Spotted Sawtooth (Prioneris thestylis):

Branded Yeoman (Paduca fasciata) -- the guy said that these are scarce at Fraser's.

Blue Admiral (Kaniska canace perakana) -- lovely colours on the upper side and an interesting pattern on the underside.

Red-spotted Duke (Dophla evelina) -- a nice, large nymph. I saw a few of these on the Telekom Loop usually where there were crushed figs on the road.

Yellow Glassy Tiger (Parantica aspasia) with a larger tiger (I don't know the species).

31-Jul-2010, 06:50 PM
Chocolate Tiger (Parantica melaneus)? These were common and beautiful. Their wing shape and behaviour remids me of the Heliconiinae of the neotropics.

"Butterflies Revenge" -- This tiger was sipping juices from this road killed animal. The animal was pretty much pulped and I did not recognize it until I did the photo editing. It was a big tarantula so it looked odd to see a butterfly feasting on a spider!

Red Helen (Papilio helenus) ... thanks for the id, Khew!-- another butterfly that was hanging around the guy's yard on the Telekom Loop.

Sumalia daraxa theoda -- (name corrected, thanks Les)

Malay Jungle Glory (Thaumantis odana pishuna) -- (name corrected, thanks Les)

Mapwing (Cyrestis maenalis martini) -- (name corrected, thanks Les)

31-Jul-2010, 06:54 PM
Nice shots, David. Just in time to whet the appetites of those of us who are making a trip up there next week! :cheers:

The Helen looks more like a Red Helen (Papilio helenus helenus).

31-Jul-2010, 07:06 PM

You mentioned the "Telecom Loop" I suppose you are referring to this area marked in red circle?



31-Jul-2010, 07:22 PM
Thanks, guys.

I saw of your approaching trip and I am envious! Fraser's Hill is a beautiful place. I have read your blogs and admired the amazing photos that you all have posted from prior trips.

You are correct. That is the loop. The house that I visit is between Green Acres and that purple symbol. Are you guys interested in birds? I have seen nesting Cutia on a previous trip near the 3V symbol. I heard Large Scimitar Babblers in that area on this trip but did not bring along a tape. They are hard to see without a little assistance.

By the way, that is also the loop that I walked at night and it produced a few interesting snakes. The Malay Blue Coral Snake was not far up the road from our bungalow. It was killed on the road near the Bank Pertinian bungalow.


31-Jul-2010, 07:59 PM
Thanks David !

We will allocate some time for that sector.

We are interested in anything that moves!!;P


31-Jul-2010, 08:05 PM
Common Earl (Tanaecia julii)

Malaysian Jezebel (Delias ninus) -- (id confirmed by Les, thanks!)

Black-tipped Archduke (Lexias dirtea)? -- clubs are mostly black.

An odd and nicely marked skipper:

Peacock Royal
31-Jul-2010, 08:06 PM
Thanks David for sharing thses wonderful shots. Hope the weather will be as good as today's (too hot in fact, the butts were super active) when some of us going up there next week.

31-Jul-2010, 08:17 PM
I walked the roads at night. On one walk, I noticed the legs of a spider protruding from a crevice. I teased it with a stem and it only took a moment before it came bounding out. I learned elsewhere that this is a special spider. It is an ancient trapdoor in the genus Liphistius.

Tarantula burrows were numerous along road banks. These would respond to a stem of grass but they never emerged from their burrows.

I found this incredible Rhinoceros Beetle beneath street lights in town. I also discovered that some ways of holding it were better than others!

Lampyrid larvae -- I found this amazing beetle before sunrise one morning. I saw two green spots moving around the forest floor and found the source to be this creature.

31-Jul-2010, 08:19 PM

I am looking forward to all the photos! I hope the weather is cooperative for your group.


31-Jul-2010, 08:30 PM
An oddly coloured opilione:

These crickets would cut up dead leaves and then drag them back to their burrows on road cuts.

... colourful cicada:

... enormous Dung Beetle:

... strange snail

I am looking forward to all of your photos from Fraser's. How many people are going on the trip? I don't know whether you normally do this but night walking can be very interesting.


31-Jul-2010, 08:53 PM
Blotched Forest Skinks (Sphaenomorphus praesignis) were sometimes seen along road cuts. I also found one on a log.

Mabuya multifasciata were common along the roadsides.

... creatures of the night:

Four-lined Treefrog (Polypedates leucomystax)

Poisonous Rock Frog (Odorrana hosii)

Rhinoceros Frog (Limnonectes plicatellus)

Malayan treehole Frog (Metaphrynella pollicaris)

Blue Nawab
31-Jul-2010, 10:17 PM
wow, lovely shots of the butterflies and other animals. Really must make a trip to go there one day...:bsmile:

Painted Jezebel
01-Aug-2010, 09:26 AM
Great shots, David. Fraser's Hill is top of my 'Still to go to' list.

A couple of corrections:
The Blue Admiral's scientific name is Kaniska canace perakana. The name you used is for The Wizard.
You can delete the '?' after Delias ninus. It is that species.
What you have given as Bassarona recta is actually Sumalia daraxa theoda.
The Jungle Glory is The Malayan Jungle Glory (Thaumantis odana pishuna)
And finally, the Map is Cyrestis maenalis martini. This is the montane version of C. nivea, and is darker.

Can anyone advise whether busses go from KL to Fraser's Hill? If so, I may take a week up there next year sometime.

Glorious Begum
01-Aug-2010, 12:16 PM
Can anyone advise whether busses go from KL to Fraser's Hill? If so, I may take a week up there next year sometime.

There is no bus to Fraser hill. You can give me a call as I might be free to go with you. :cheers:

Here is how you can go there by yourself. Text taken from journeymalaysia

All public transportation to Fraser's Hill has been suspended since 1st January 2008. To get to Fraser's Hill, take the KTM Komuter from KL Sentral Station all the way to Kuala Kubu Bahru station and from there catch a taxi (not really a taxi but normally they are private owners who want to make a few Ringgit pocket money) all the way to Frasers. The fare is between RM50 - RM70 per way. When you get to Fraser's Hill, take down the driver's contact number just in case you need a transfer back to KKB at a later date . For the komuter KTM schedule, please go to: www.ktmb.com.my . From KLSentral (timetable = seremban - rawang route) take the komuter to Rawang and then change trains at Rawang station for Kuala Kubu Bahru (timetable = rawang - kkb)

01-Aug-2010, 01:14 PM
Thanks, Cherhern. I take it that you are part of the group there next week? I look forward to your photos!

Thanks for taking the time to sort out my mis-identifications. I have updated my notes.

I also would like to get back to Fraser's Hill next year. The timing will depend upon my current project but hopefully it should be in May or June. On this trip, my wife and I used a taxi to/from Hotel Istana in central KL. It cost 350 RM each way. If using a taxi, you need to organize a time for them to return since they don't seem to be available at Fraser's without a booking.

In the past, I always hired a car. A car is really essential to get down to the waterfall. The walk down may not be too bad but it is a long, steep climb back to town. On this trip, my wife and I both wanted to get lots of exercise so having no car forced us to walk everywhere.


Glorious Begum
01-Aug-2010, 09:14 PM
It cost 350 RM each way.

Up and down will be RM700. Next time call me, I charge RM300 one way, round trip is RM600. It is enough to pay for my hotel room and foods. Plus, I get a free trip there. :bsmile:

02-Aug-2010, 06:02 AM
I like that idea. I could get some advice on butterfly photography techniques and butterfly identification.
