View Full Version : Heperiid to ID

18-Dec-2010, 11:17 AM
Dear all,

I'm new here and seek help to ID some butterflies. I run a butterfly conservation project in sumatera (Gita Persada Butterfly Park). So, the butterflies are all from sumatera. If that's allowed, i'm going to start posting for more pics.

http://www.weebly.com/uploads/3/6/6/4/366434/3589392.jpg (http://gitapersada.weebly.com/hesperiidae.html)
one of the hesperiid in need for ID

Thanks in advanced

18-Dec-2010, 11:30 AM
Welcome to ButterflyCircle, Martin. :cheers:

You have a very amazing conservation project over there in Sumatra. Perhaps one day, some of us here may want to organise a visit to your area of Indonesia!

As for the skipper, I'll have to defer to our expert from Malaysia, SeowTL (Psyche) to help.

From my limited experience, this could be possibly Pirdana hyela or one of the related species. I know you labelled it as a Choaspes. It could well be one of those as well. But let's hear from Seow.

18-Dec-2010, 03:13 PM
Hi Martin,
Always glad to hear that there are people like you running conservation projects for butterflies.
As for the Hesperid, it is as Khew has indicated, Pirdana hyela. The Choaspes would have a larger orange patch with black marks. Peninsular Malaysia shares the same two species with Sumatera.
TL Seow

20-Dec-2010, 03:55 PM
Thanks all for the warm welcome,

We would be honored to have you guys visited us. Thank you for the identification. Here are some more pics waiting to be IDed.

Hesperiid #2

Hesperiid #3

Hesperiid #4

Thank a million, best wishes

21-Dec-2010, 02:34 AM
2- Lotongus avesta
3- Koruthaialos sindu unless there are other spp.
4- Suada swerga

21-Dec-2010, 09:36 AM
Thanks Seow,

I've been looking for those butts names like crazy. I will post other pics later.

again, thanks a million and although a bit early merry Christmas and happy new year.

best wishes,

22-Dec-2010, 09:27 AM
Here are some more hesperiid pics which found on Gita Persada Butterfly Park that need to be IDed.

http://www.weebly.com/uploads/3/6/6/4/366434/9356269.jpg (http://www.weebly.com/uploads/3/6/6/4/366434/9356269_orig.jpg)
H#5 i got a good feeling that this one is Choaspes, but not sure whether its benjaminii or not.

http://www.weebly.com/uploads/3/6/6/4/366434/176635.jpg (http://www.weebly.com/uploads/3/6/6/4/366434/176635_orig.jpg)
H#6 Telicota maybe?

http://www.weebly.com/uploads/3/6/6/4/366434/7325252.jpg (http://gitapersada.weebly.com/uploads/3/6/6/4/366434/7325252_orig.jpg)
#7 Tagiades maybe?

http://www.weebly.com/uploads/3/6/6/4/366434/4650978.jpg (http://www.weebly.com/uploads/3/6/6/4/366434/4650978_orig.jpg)
#H8 Another Tagiades?

Thanks and Happy Holidays,

Painted Jezebel
23-Dec-2010, 10:21 AM
Hi Martin,

The only one I can confirm with any certainty is No.7, which is Celaenorrhinus asmara.
No.8 certainly looks like a Tagiades species (closest to T. japetus), but the markings do not correspond with any subspecies found on the peninsular that I know of. It may be a Sumatran subspecies, or a species not found here.

23-Dec-2010, 11:08 AM
And H#6 appears to have the markings of an Oriens sp rather than a Telicota. But with my limited experience with Indonesian species, I can't help much.

23-Dec-2010, 03:21 PM
5 Choaspes subcaudatus
Features: tornal lobe tail-like; tornal black bar extended down to wing margin;bar joined to tornal spot, but normal variance.Eliminated C. stigmata previously under C plateni, C. furcatus previously under C. hemixanthus, C. benjaminii & C. xanthopogon.

6 Oriens gola ( corrected fromO. goloides )
You are right , Khew

7 Celaenorrhinus asmara.
As IDed by Les

8 Tagiades japetus
Similar to the Javanese race. P. Malaysia & Sumatra shared the same Tagiades spps.
TL Seow


05-Jan-2011, 05:26 PM
Thanks a billion Seow, really appreciate it. You made it look easy :)
If you don't mind, i'm gonna post some more hesperiid pics.

best wishes,

05-Jan-2011, 10:52 PM
If you don't mind, i'm gonna post some more hesperiid pics.

best wishes,

No problem, Martin. Hopefully everyone can chip in with their suggestions.

TL Seow:cheers:

( Oops! A correction is required. No 6 is Oriens gola notO. goloides. O. goloides have a darker underside forewing ground colour so that the forewing band stands out more,& some indication of the darkened veins should be noticeable. Just didn't double-checked properly )