View Full Version : Butterfly sightings in 2011 (By Peacockroyal)
Peacock Royal
15-Jan-2011, 09:20 PM
I will be posting "interesting" and relatively uncommon butterfly shots in this thread.
1. Nacaduba biocellata (Two Spotted Line Blue)
2. Athyma pravara helma (Lance Sergeant)
3. Looks like Lasippa heliodore dorelia (Burmese Lascar)
Common Mime
16-Jan-2011, 10:13 AM
I agree on your Burmese Lascar, Federick.
Peacock Royal
22-Jan-2011, 11:49 PM
Taken at Pasir Ris Park
1. Hypolycaena erylus teatus (Common Tit)
2. Not quite certain which Rapala ?
Taken at LT
3. Nacaduba species
Taken at MF
4. Prosotas nora superdates (Common Line-Blue)
5. Zographetus doxus
6. Nacaduba species - does not look like Nacaduba berenice icena(Rounded 6-Line Blue) ?
23-Jan-2011, 08:58 AM
Your post 1 no.3 should be Lasippa tiga siaka as the submarginal spot 3 is a tall pyramid.
Post 3 no. 2.Female. With the postdiscal band on the forewing set further in, this is closer to R. dieneces than R. manea, except for the colour which can be variable. The key states R. dieneces female underside as pale buff brown. So this should be R. manea.
Post3 no. 3. Nacaduba berenice male.(tentative) When the submarginal spots gets wider and bigger, it can be difficult to decide if it is still berenice or calauria. A classic N. calauria have blockier and usually dark submarginal spots , and cannot be mistaken for berenice.The upperside appears to be rather pale blue and this helps my decision.
Post 3 no. 6. Nacaduba kurava nemana . With the broad submarginal band and its scalloped or evenly stepped inner margin, this is unmistakable. The wingbase have some black specklings due to scale loss, and is not the same darkening as in beroe
This should be a female and the darkening difference with beroe do not apply.
The female calauria have an uneven inner margin and spots 4 & 5 pyramidal.
The female beroe have the lower spots more cresecentic.
TL Seow:cheers:
Peacock Royal
19-Feb-2011, 09:55 PM
Thanks a lot Seow.
Sharing some of my recent sightings.
1. Prosotas dubiosa lumpura (Tailless Line Blue) ?
2. Perhaps another Prosotas dubiosa lumpura (Tailless Line Blue) ?
3. Odina hieroglyphica ortina (Hieroglyphic Flat)
4. Zizula hylax pygmaea (Pygmy Grass Blue)
5. Udaspes folus (Grass Demon)
6. Mycalesis species but which one ?
19-Feb-2011, 11:14 PM
Your last Mycalesis with the 4 squiggly lines on the forewing cell area looks very much like the rare M. perseoides perseoides. :cheers:
Peacock Royal
19-Feb-2011, 11:20 PM
Thanks Khew for the confirmation.
In fact I named the picture file as M perseoides perseoides after I looked at the forewing markings carefully.
20-Feb-2011, 01:32 AM
Post 5
No 1 should be Nacaduba berenice male. The tails are missing.
P. dubiosa have all the submarginal spots as sharply inverted 'V's.
The two submarginal spots 4 & 5 near the apex are pointed & pyramidal, typical of berenice or calauria.
Note the great similarity to N. calauria, but calauria should have either the marginal spots enlarged or the submarginal spots broader or both.
No 2 should be Nacaduba kurava male.
The 2 submarginal spots 4 & 5 are rounded. The submarginal band is narrower than usual here.
No 6. Basing on the extant spp. in Singapore this shoud be M. visala.
If one trace the dark line from the hindwing to the mid of the forewing cell, only 3 squiggles are seen in the basal half of the forewing cell. However, a 4th seem faintly noticeable just at the upper margin of the hindwing.
M. perseoides is a secondary growth spp. so its appearance in Singapore would not be unexpected, but a more tangible proof is required.
TL Seow:cheers:
20-Feb-2011, 09:18 AM
Well, I did not see M. perseoides have been recorded. Comparing the nos. of lines with M. visala, I think you are right, Khew.
Apology for the doubt.:grin2: .
As an aside note, something I meant to ask you for some times. What have happened to the colony of Tanaecia godartii puloa on the island of Sentosa aka Belakang Mati ?
TL Seow:cheers:
Peacock Royal
20-Feb-2011, 01:48 PM
Thanks Seow
Ya, their sizes don't really fit that of a Tailless Line Blue (Prosotas dubiosa lumpura) . There are not many tailless Blues in SG and I didn't have the thought that they could lose their tails so thoroughly - faint man !!
Peacock Royal
27-Feb-2011, 09:52 PM
Have started to re-examine my old photos.
1 and 2 same specimen : Rounded Six-line Blue (Nacaduba berenice icena ) ?
28-Feb-2011, 08:16 AM
Female N. kurava nemana. Note the series of large submarginal spots with the rounded inner margins on the forewing.
05-Mar-2011, 06:56 AM
Nice shots, Federick. It was interesting to see the photo of Nacaduba biocellata after I saw this species last week in Canberra.
Peacock Royal
02-Apr-2011, 12:46 AM
Shot last week at LT and "S Spa"
1. Eurema andersonii andersonii (Anderson's Grass Yellow)
2. Eurema sari sodalis (Chocolate Grass Yellow)
3. Eurema simulatrix tecmessa
4. Leptosia nina malayana (Psyche)
5. Ionolyce helicon merguiana (Pointed Line Blue) ??
6. Anthene emolus goberus (Ciliate Blue)
Peacock Royal
11-Apr-2011, 12:17 AM
Missed the survey last Saturday. After lunch as the weather was still quite good I wemt to the forest. Sharing two shots here.
1. Courtesan (Euripus nyctelius euploeoides) - Male
2. Arhopala amphimuta amphimuta - Need confirmation.
11-Apr-2011, 12:36 AM
[QUOTE=Peacock Royal;102092]
2. Arhopala amphimuta amphimuta - Need confirmation.
If the middle spot (2nd if including all 4 ) in space 7 ( topmost space of the hindwing ) is much smaller than the outer two postdiscal spots in space 7 & 6, as seen here, then it is almost certain that it is A. major.
TL Seow:cheers:
23-Apr-2011, 07:53 PM
Federick, I was looking at shots of Potanthus when I came across this shot of yours in 2007
The hindwing band is not crossed by darkened veins, so it is not P. omaha.
It appeared to be P. ganda, as in P. confucius, the upper end of the band is usually connected by a small spot in space 6 to the big spot in space 7.
TL Seow:cheers:
Peacock Royal
23-Apr-2011, 10:17 PM
Thanks Seow for pointing out the mistake.
Now when I look at that shot - it is definitely not P. omaha
Peacock Royal
14-May-2011, 11:26 PM
Some shots taken today and last few weeks.
1. Malay Baron (Euthalia monina monina)
2. Purple Bush Brown (Mycalesis orseis nautilus)
3. Chocolate Albeltross (Appias lyncida vasava)
4 and 5 look the same to me (of course 5 w/o tails) - I am puzzled :hmmm: Let Seow id them .
15-May-2011, 07:38 AM
Both 4 & 5 are Pointed Lineblue (Ionolyce helicon. The female is rather like Nacaduba, but note similar tornal markings, submarginal inverted Vs , especially sharp in space 3 (next to the big eyespot); forewing postdiscal band need not be broken into spots as in the male.
TL Seow:cheers:
15-May-2011, 06:27 PM
Nice catch Federick! Seems like the Chocolate Albeltross is back. :cheers:
Peacock Royal
28-May-2011, 06:58 PM
This Arhopala was shot at LT.
A. atosia ?
28-May-2011, 11:49 PM
Yes, it is A. atosia. It was a toss-up between atosia and lurida but the large size, duller and poorly -defined markings indicates the ID is correct. Upperside indicates a male and blue extent is also in favour of atosia, as lurida have some brown at the tornus.( Actually the portion where it is brown in lurida is torn off.)
TL Seow:cheers:
Peacock Royal
17-Jul-2011, 12:12 AM
#1 - #5 (#1 and #2, #4 and #5 are the same individual) Some butterfly shots taken with my Ricoh Point-and-shoot camera at Ermei Mountain in Sichuan Province, China.
#6 : Parantica melaneus sinopion (Chocolate Tiger) - taken a few days ago at Fraser’s Hill outside Singapore House
17-Jul-2011, 12:21 AM
You didn't manage to escape from your work and go shoot on FH? How was the weather up there?
Peacock Royal
17-Jul-2011, 12:37 AM
Too many things to do - no time to "sneak out". Weather was fine and sunny on the first three days but drizzling on last day when we were coming down.
Now, no more odd and even hour traffic control at the Gap. Going up (one way traffic) is the same as before but coming down from FH is via another road near the Pine Resort and it ends at 200m away from the Gap.
17-Jul-2011, 12:46 AM
Ah... ok. So they've repaired the other road and it's back in service. About two years back, there was a landslide and the other road was closed down, that's why when we went up last year, it was the up-down routine again. Good that the road is re-opened now.
The next thing to wait is the re-opening of that building at the Gap. There used to be quite a lot of butt activity on the grounds when there were flowering plants in the garden...
17-Jul-2011, 01:34 PM
#1 and #2, and #3 are Araschnia spp. which are holarctic.
Peacock Royal
19-Jul-2011, 12:58 PM
Yes, Aaron. In fact I named the third shot Araschnia as the file name. I was just too lazy to find out the ids. :embrass:
Peacock Royal
29-Jul-2011, 10:14 PM
A few shots taken recently.
1 and 2 : Pantoporia paraka paraka (Perak Lascar)
3. Lasippa tiga siaka (Malayan Lascar)
4. Lasippa heliodore dorelia (Burmese Lascar) - insert this shot on 7 Aug for comparison
5. Spindasis lohita senama (Long-Banded Silverline)
Peacock Royal
05-Aug-2011, 10:52 PM
This was shot at Tampines Eco Green Park.
The brown patches on both upperside hindwing and forewing make me suggest that this is not a Tree Yellow (Gandaca harina distanti). What is this ?
05-Aug-2011, 11:19 PM
This is a Common Grass Yellow that had lost most of its underside markings.
TL Seow:cheers:
Peacock Royal
07-Aug-2011, 07:10 PM
Thanks Seow. A few more shots taken yesterday.
1. Deudorix epijarbas cinnabarus (Cornelian)
2. Tagiades gana gana (Large Snow Flat)
3. Eurema sari sodalis (Chocolate Grass Yellow)
4. Lasippa heliodore dorelia (Burmese Lascar)
5 and 6. Is this Lasippa heliodore dorelia (Burmese Lascar) ?
07-Aug-2011, 07:21 PM
Beautiful shots of the :
1. Deudorix epijarbas cinnabarus (Cornelian)
2. Tagiades gana gana (Large Snow Flat)
3. Eurema sari sodalis (Chocolate Grass Yellow)
My pick goes to :
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
07-Aug-2011, 08:50 PM
5 & 6 are Lasippa tiga siaka. On the forewing submarginal band only the peak in the centre is the highest.
TL Seow:cheers:
Peacock Royal
10-Sep-2011, 12:10 AM
Thanks Seow.
A few more shots from past few outings.
1 and 2. Neptis hylas papaja (Common Sailor)
3. Lampides boeticus (Pea Blue)
4. Junonia atlites atlites (Grey Pansy)
12-Sep-2011, 12:04 AM
Here is something worth shooting with the help of the love potion.
The Malayan Nawab ( Polyura moori) at Kent Ridge Park.
TL Seow:cheers:
Peacock Royal
09-Oct-2011, 07:26 PM
Not many shots were taken duirng the past few weeks due to bad weather and very low butterfly activities out there.
1 and 2 : Poritia sumatrae sumatrae (Sumatran Gem)
09-Oct-2011, 07:29 PM
Best open winged shot of the Sumatran Gem so far! :cheers:
Peacock Royal
09-Oct-2011, 07:43 PM
Thanks Khew. Only one shot along a shady trail.
I cannot denoise it without affecting the blue patches.
Peacock Royal
09-Oct-2011, 07:51 PM
These two shots were taken yesterday morning before the heavy rain at Chestnut area
I think these are two different Mycalesis species ? - I am not sure at the moment. Let Seow and others to id for me.
09-Oct-2011, 09:46 PM
1st is M. visala.
The submarginal area is white-shaded so that 2 dark submarginal lines are formed. The dark postbasal line does not form a tooth at vein 1b.
It seems the indentation line is not entirely reliable.
2nd is M. perseus.
Eyespot in space 2 is strongly shifted in; a line drawn thru eyespot in space 2 & 3 does not touch the upper eyespot in space 1b.
The forewing eyespots are also arranged in a curve.
TL Seow:cheers:
Peacock Royal
30-Oct-2011, 12:27 AM
Thanks Seow.
Shot these at Lornie Trail during a short outing last Sunday.
#1-3 : Which Jamides ?
#4 : Nacaduba calauria malayica ?
30-Oct-2011, 12:59 AM
1-3 Nacaduba sanaya female.
Forewing postdiscal band dislocated at vein 6 (upper end.).
4. Typical Nacaduba berenice male.
Note chalky or frosted blue upperside.
TL Seow:cheers:
Peacock Royal
11-Dec-2011, 12:32 PM
This male Royal Assyrain (Terinos terpander robertsia) came down to puddle for a while.
11-Dec-2011, 02:34 PM
Nice, Federick. Royal Assyrians are one of my favourites and it looks like yours cooperated with opened wings.
11-Dec-2011, 06:38 PM
Very well captured of this elusive and shy butterfly, Federick :cheers:
Blue Nawab
11-Dec-2011, 10:44 PM
I have been patrolling the place several times but no luck with this fellow at eyes level, not to mention open are so lucky, Fed!
Peacock Royal
30-Dec-2011, 11:34 PM
Probably my last posting of shots for year 2011.
#1-#4 taken today at Bukit Brown.
1. Looks like a Suffused Flash (Rapala suffusa barthema
2. Peacock Pansy (Junonia almana javana)
3. Baron (Euthalia aconthea gurda)
4. Hieroglyphic Flat (Odina hieroglyphica ortina)
5. Scarlet Flash (Rapala dieneces dieneces)
6. Malay Lacewing (Cethosia hypsea hypsina)
7. Five Bar Swordtail (Pathysa antiphates itamputi )
8. Malay Viscount (Tanaecia pelea pelea)
9. One more from Bukit Brown - Malayan Lascar (Lasippa tiga siaka)
31-Dec-2011, 12:45 AM
The Rapalas are a confusing lot to try and ID from the underside.
1 should be R. dieneces female. The suffusa female is deep chrome yellow on the underside.
Note the line above the blue/green patch is peaked or domed in the centre.
5 should be R. manea female. Note the line above the patch is skewed to the outer side.
The underside is normally faintly purple-eashed, but this one may be old.
TL Seow:cheers:
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