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View Full Version : Tetragonus catamitus

Blue Nawab
04-Feb-2011, 01:01 AM
This specie will be a good example to distinguish between a moth and a butterfly! Tetragonus catamitus, has always wanted to take a decent shot of it...:bsmile:


04-Feb-2011, 05:08 AM
Cher Hern: That is one beautiful shot. Nice, crisp, nice background, colorful butterfly... it all came together beautifully. Hope you are enjoying the CNY celebrations, some great food, good company, everyone in good health, not to mention no heavy rains. William

Blue Nawab
04-Feb-2011, 09:18 AM
Cher Hern: That is one beautiful shot. Nice, crisp, nice background, colorful butterfly... it all came together beautifully. Hope you are enjoying the CNY celebrations, some great food, good company, everyone in good health, not to mention no heavy rains. William

Thanks William for the nice feedback. The colour of the Moth also blends in nicely with the CNY mood. :bsmile:
The weather somewhat has improved...hope it continues that way.

Peacock Royal
04-Feb-2011, 10:47 AM
A beautiful shot.
Usually this species is very alert. Not easy to get a clear shot like this. Well done !

Blue Nawab
05-Feb-2011, 12:17 AM
A beautiful shot.
Usually this species is very alert. Not easy to get a clear shot like this. Well done !

Thanks Fed! :cheers: