View Full Version : Likely New Flat as #298
19-Feb-2011, 04:00 PM
A little bird told me we have a a new flat as #298.......from what I have seen the flat is not in the checklist.
Quite close to Celaenorrhinus asmara asmara. C&P4 plate 53 fig 6
Wait for Nelson to upload it.
19-Feb-2011, 05:26 PM
Thanks Sunny for helping in the ID.
Was trying out some new spots with YM today and stumbled upon this dark looking zipper.
Here's the record shot, awaiting for confirmation of its ID from experts here..
The Plane
19-Feb-2011, 05:53 PM
CONGRATULATION ! Nelson. You done it again ! :thumbsup: :redbounce :redbounce
Great Mormon
19-Feb-2011, 06:40 PM
Congrads on the find Nelson!
19-Feb-2011, 06:51 PM
Well done, Nelson :gbounce: :cheers:
19-Feb-2011, 06:53 PM
Yes, it is Celaenorrhinus asmara asmara alright. Its nearesr ally C. nigricans have an extended forewing band.
Didn't realised this species have not been shot yet.
So , Congratulations are in order, Nelson :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :jumjoy: :jumjoy:
TL Seow:cheers:
19-Feb-2011, 07:16 PM
Another find for 2011! Great work, Nelson! :cheers: Your persistence always pays off!
Thanks for the confirmation, Seow. This appears to be a re-discovery as C&P4 lists it as extant in Singapore. But it's new to our checklist so far.
Les, better work harder up there in Samui. We're breathing down your neck. :bsmile:
Species #299 in the oven now. Just pupated last night :grin2:
Blue Nawab
19-Feb-2011, 08:36 PM
Great Job Nelson, congratulations! :cheers:
19-Feb-2011, 10:13 PM
Well done Nelson and congrats :cheers:
Glorious Begum
19-Feb-2011, 10:22 PM
Well done guys. :redbounce
Peacock Royal
19-Feb-2011, 10:25 PM
Congrats Nelson.
19-Feb-2011, 10:30 PM
Wow, what an exciting find! Congrats, Nelson. :cheers::cheers::cheers:
19-Feb-2011, 11:00 PM
wohoo! congrats!! :cheers:
maybe we should have a party when we confirm #300!
19-Feb-2011, 11:07 PM
Thanks all for the encouraging words. :grin2: :cheers:
YM also have some shots of this new fella, :grin2: thanks dude for reminding me to use first curtain flash under those situations.
20-Feb-2011, 12:23 AM
Interesting scientific name too! Those of you who know Malay, will realise that the word asmara in that language means "love or romance". :grin2:
20-Feb-2011, 08:32 AM
Congratulations on the keen eye and the expected high level of technical excellence in recording a new species. William
20-Feb-2011, 08:40 AM
Thanks all for the encouraging words. :grin2: :cheers:
YM also have some shots of this new fella, :grin2: thanks dude for reminding me to use first curtain flash under those situations.
Well done, Nelson.
I am curious by your comment about the mode of flash. When is it better to use first curtain rather than second curtain flash?
Painted Jezebel
20-Feb-2011, 11:14 AM
Congratulations on the new find, Nelson. I have not seen this species up here for a couple of years, must have migrated South.:grin2:
20-Feb-2011, 12:29 PM
The latest from the field is that the search party sent out this morning to the area has located the species....... Mission Accomplished!!!:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
There should be more shots of the Celaenorrhinus asmara asmara ( The White Banded Flat) when the party returned.
:cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
20-Feb-2011, 01:03 PM
Interesting scientific name too! Those of you who know Malay, will realise that the word asmara in that language means "love or romance". :grin2:
Don't forget we have a Lorong Asmara here in Singapore too off Mandai Road ..........where the last Common Pierrot was recorded by Steven Neo , ...if my "hardisk" recall the data correctly.:)
We should credit the rediscovery to both Nelson and Yiming (neoro) .:)
Nelson sighted it on a low leaf and thought it was a moth :) Yiming being closer took a shot of it . Nelson on seeing the shot Yiming took, realized it could be a flat . They went after it took shots of it and sent out a MMS to Khew and me with picture attached for ID, but neither of us received it.
By chance we met at our favorite hunting ground and he show me the shots, it is infact a flat we have not seen before. On reaching home , did a search based on my memory of the image I have seen, and tentatively IDed it as The White Banded Flat .
Banded Yeoman
20-Feb-2011, 08:02 PM
Wow!!!! Congats to both of you!!!
:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
The Plane
20-Feb-2011, 08:12 PM
Congrats to you, Yiming. :cheers:
21-Feb-2011, 12:13 PM
Don't forget we have a Lorong Asmara here in Singapore too off Mandai Road ..........where the last Common Pierrot was recorded by Steven Neo , ...if my "hardisk" recall the data correctly.:)
Hee hee... same story I just told on our trip yesterday morning. The slight difference between a couple of shifted letters changes the meanings so much! The Mandai Road place is called "Lorong Asrama" and not "Asmara". The Malay word "asrama" means "hostel or residences". That place probably housed some such facility in the past. Maybe the old hostel was a love nest, but the street name didn't intend it to be! :bsmile:
As for the Common Pierrot, perhaps Steven can confirm where he first found it, as with the Red Base Jezebel too, which was found in that area too, I believe.
They went after it took shots of it and sent out a MMS to Khew and me with picture attached for ID, but neither of us received it.
I just received Nelson's MMS today at 11:06am! So much for instant electronic messaging! ;P
21-Feb-2011, 12:14 PM
I am curious by your comment about the mode of flash. When is it better to use first curtain rather than second curtain flash?
I normally would use second curtain flash to have better ambient exposure and in
this instance the butt is perch under the leaf about 2m above with the sky as the backdrop.
By using 2nd curtain flash, the backlit sky and reflection from the underside of the
leaf seems to have confused the cam causing the image to be incorrectly exposed.
As I am trying to get a sharp shot on the subject, I switch to using first curtain to flash on
the subject and manual mode to control the shutter speed and aperture setting and the result
seems satisfactory.
21-Feb-2011, 12:59 PM
thanks all!
Shooting this Flat was not easy, with a very steep cliff just next to us..
Probably came back with 90 shots of the same, just to get a "sharper one"
The 105mm x 2xTC combo did a better job compared to the 180tamron with its Reach!!
Well done, Nelson.
I am curious by your comment about the mode of flash. When is it better to use first curtain rather than second curtain flash?
Technical explanation of curtains can be further googled. But here's my take on its Buttery applications.
Second Curtain
At most time, 90% perhaps of all butterfly shots here are done using 2nd curtain sync.
Shooting this style like all the bridal shots you see people take, allows for the camera to expose for the background and use the flash to fill in to lit the subject.
This will enable properly exposed background, essential if you're shooting close-up or wide open as underexpose out of focus areas tend to look "ugly" and distracting.
Having dreamy background such as the all time GREEN makes this setting a dream.
As most of our shots have 2-3 stops of light difference between the subject and the background, your shutter speeds exposes for the background compensated against higher ISO sensitivity to make up for the slower shutter speeds (we seldom shoot under the blazing sun anywayz)
In short you get slower shutter speeds (manageable still) with a properly exposed background, and an adequately exposed subject balanced against the fill light from the flash.
First Curtain
Could not think much of first curtain applications accept for Paparazi Style shooting where the subject is essential and the background well... its just the background :bsmile: :bsmile:
During our shot, this rata (hahah Flat in Malay) did what it does best, stayed at the underside of a leaf, above head level.
With the sky at the background, though still overcast the difference in light were huge, I would think probably between 3-4stops of light. As most our of camera defaults to Matrix metering (all round averaging) metering tends to become rather confused, especially with rapid multiple shots being taken.
If your batteries does not get flat out, exposures in your pictures tend to go funky.
Shooting First Curtain tends to make more sense, as you get better shutter speeds metered just against the subject. Distance of the subject did make this setting more variable as well.
Similar application for shaded shots, if your ISO tolerance has been surpassed, going first curtain saves you a bit on the agony.
Not to be confused, your camera can still go funky due to metering, so in this case the Best way would be to go IMHO [1] Spot metering [2] First Curtain
Common Mime
21-Feb-2011, 02:14 PM
Congrats, everyone! With some nice photos posted on another thread!
21-Feb-2011, 07:03 PM
Asmara and Asrama :hmmm:
.....My Bahasa Melayu all given back to the guru already after all these years ....hardly used all these 40 odd years , only use it when there is no choice, like talking to our orang asli guide at Selai .;P
21-Feb-2011, 07:25 PM
Your Bahasa Pasar to communicate with the orang asli guide is much better than many of us already.
I remember Anthony looking totally lost at the N-S expressway pitstop food court when the chap spoke to him in Malay.
21-Feb-2011, 07:53 PM
Hairy leg #298
When I first saw it I thought it was some debris stuck to the hind leg. On checking the shot it was out of focus on that region .
When he stopped again, I decided to investigate and took a shot of the hind legs with manual focus.
Guess what !!!! This is how it looks like , out friend has very hairy hind legs and the structure of these are weird to say the least. Wonder what function these straw-mushroom-look-alike hairs are for?
look at the hind leg.
magnified view
21-Feb-2011, 08:13 PM
Something about that mentioned in C&P4 I think.
21-Feb-2011, 09:08 PM
Something about that mentioned in C&P4 I think.
Yes! It does!
"" Caellaenorrhinus , comprising some eighty species , is remarkable being the only Hesperiid genus to occur in the tropics of Asia, Africa and America.
The male of all the species have an erectile hair tuft on the hing tibia, with the exception of C. aurivittatus, where it is replace by a fringe of brown hairs.""
I think we name him Mr. Hairy Legs!!:bsmile:
Still none the wiser, and wondering what these"" erectile hair tuft "" are for !:hmmm: To indicate to the female he is aroused??:bsmile
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