View Full Version : 2011 KL/Fraser Butt Chase
01-Mar-2011, 05:00 PM
Let me start the ball rolling with just the smallest butt first .
The weather was kind , the hill was steep , but the lure of Ritra, Blue Begum ,Red Base Jezebel and Purple Sapphire and the excellent shooting companions was just too irresistible.
Many Thanks to LC for organizing the trip and putting us up for the nite at his beautiful home and the transport to and fro KL/Fraser's Hill .
Thanks to Ellen for the excellent steak Dinner at Fraser's Hill in celebrating her passing ACCA. !:)
By the last day Ellen was suffering from butt fatigue and refused to move her butt down to the riverside puddling ground . :bsmile:
Pithecops corvus corvus - The Forest Quaker
ISO800 1/60s F/7.1 , Fill-flashed , Handheld.
ISO800 1/250s F6.5 , Fill-flashed , Handheld.
01-Mar-2011, 05:58 PM
Yes, more please :gbounce:
01-Mar-2011, 11:10 PM
:jumjoy: :jumjoy: :jumjoy:
more more more!!!
01-Mar-2011, 11:22 PM
Pathysa agetes iponus - The Four Bar Swordtail
ISO200 1/300s F/11, FF HH
ISO250 1/250s F/11, FF HH
Peacock Royal
01-Mar-2011, 11:23 PM
Wow, love the upperside shot of the 4-bar.:thumbsup:
01-Mar-2011, 11:50 PM
:bsmile: Sunny like doing a strip-tease like that.... a little peek at a time...
Oi... Purple Sapphire leh! :nunu:
Great Mormon
01-Mar-2011, 11:54 PM
Top notch shots Sunny! More pls!
02-Mar-2011, 12:41 AM
A very fun and enjoyable trip with fantastic company and comical banter as always.
Thanks LC for making time to drive us around and welcoming us to your cosy and warm home. :cheers:
Ellen, dinner was good and sumptuous, kamsia kamsia.:cheers: Mr Taran will definitely miss you. :bsmile:
Pithecops corvus corvus (The Forest Quaker)
02-Mar-2011, 01:09 AM
I can only process a few shots at a sitting hence it will come in drips....
Thanks to LC's familiarity with this species , he has been monitoring them for more than 3 years . It took us 5 hours and a round trip of 8km to nail him....... the trek sure worn out Ellen, needed "porters" to carry her gear and bag on the return leg .........and a 300 Plus replenishment.
Les has being there before , he knows how tiring is the trek to the top of the hill ..... not just Ellen, in fact we were all bushed . LC has announced he will not bring any more guys up that way ....unless you can provide him a sedan chair and a bucket full of ice-cold beers on board.:bsmile:
Ritra aurea volumnia - The Orange Imperial
ISO1000 1/60s F/8 , Fill-flashed , Handheld
......she was flat-out
LC and Nelson took over the load of her camera and bag....... Me ? I took the shots and was ready to give her a little nudge to roll down the hill!!;P
It was such a hot day, at the top of the hill most of our water bottles were almost empty. The return leg was a struggle against thirst and wobbly legs. Ellen needed a "300 Plus" to quench her thirst when we made it to the park's canteen.
02-Mar-2011, 02:03 AM
Cyrestis maenalis martini
ISO200 1/300s F/9 , FF, HH
ISO400 1/160s F/10 , FF , HH
02-Mar-2011, 02:13 AM
The Infamous Hill is indeed a killer, inclined at abt 60 degree. :sweat: :sweat:
But the end result is worth every effort. :)
Ritra aurea volumnia (The Orange Imperial)
Polyura athamas (Common Nawab)
Appias cardena perakana
02-Mar-2011, 03:16 AM
Pathysa delessertii delesserti -The Malayan Zebra
ISO200 1/300s F/7.1 FF HH
ISO320 1/200s F/8 , FF HH
02-Mar-2011, 09:38 AM
Great shots! Enjoying all the shots.
02-Mar-2011, 11:22 AM
Nice shots and well done guys :cheers:
Did I see someone's tongue keep hanging outside of her mouth :bsmile:
Blue Nawab
02-Mar-2011, 11:36 AM
Must be really tough! :sweat:
Anyway, the returns are all the beautiful lovely shots of many species not seen in Singapore...Thanks! More to come....?
Great Mormon
02-Mar-2011, 11:53 AM
Excellent shot guys! Nelson, you never fail to take excellent pictures of rare and uncommon butterflies! Sunny, well executed shots, plenty of details to be seen in each photo :cheers:
I am inclined to think that the Plain Nawab picture is actually the Common Nawab... one of the little green spot is missing.
02-Mar-2011, 01:22 PM
What an amazing climb. You all looked pretty beat! Sunny, those shots were simply fabulous. What a great photographer! William
02-Mar-2011, 02:26 PM
I am inclined to think that the Plain Nawab picture is actually the Common Nawab... one of the little green spot is missing.
Thanks Ant, for the keen observation. I was under the impression that the common nawab is the same as the plain nawab, ignorant ignorant. :embrass:
02-Mar-2011, 03:09 PM
Beautiful shots, Nelson, Sunny.
Poor Ellen..LOL...300 PLUS? Wow..only attempted 200 PLUS before :D.
Sorry couldn't join you guys. Got workshop on Sunday.
02-Mar-2011, 03:43 PM
I'm so whacked I have not processed my photos yet. Post soon. I also miss Mr Taran... but only at a distance. Heh!
02-Mar-2011, 03:57 PM
Thanks Jamesf, Loke, Cherhern, Anthony, Will and Kurt!!
My knees still hurts;P , but it was well worth the trek and met up with the lone Orange Imperial. We did not manage an open wing shot of this beauty and observe the fascinating courtship spiraling flight of a mating pair! , perhaps LC can share with us a view of its beautiful upper from his archives.:)
The Blue Begum went absent without leave from the hill top, despite LC's and my best effort to entice him to appear with our Wild Berry smoke bait.... *cough* *cough* :bsmile:
02-Mar-2011, 04:04 PM
Melanocyma faunula faunula - The Pallid Faun
ISO800 1/200s F/8 Manual mode ,FF HH .... my default "cheating" mode to take record shots of butts in the deep shade when lighting is bad.;P
Leopard Lacewing
02-Mar-2011, 04:32 PM
:bsmile: Sunny like doing a strip-tease like that.... a little peek at a time...
Oi... Purple Sapphire leh! :nunu:
:bsmile: :bsmile: :bsmile:
:omg: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Nice series, Sunny & Nelson!!!
02-Mar-2011, 04:54 PM
Thanks Bobby !
Dun have the time to process them at one go, so this will be a slow strip tease!:)
LC , Nelson and Ellen also have lots of shots!!! More to come, as and when I've processed them.;P
Originally Posted by Commander
:bsmile: Sunny like doing a strip-tease like that.... a little peek at a time...
Oi... Purple Sapphire leh! :nunu:
One lone Purple Sapphire was shot by me and LC minutes before we left Fraser's Hill so it will be the last !!:)
Pathysa ramaceus pendleburyi - Pendlebury's Zebra
ISO200 1/300s F/9 FF, HH..... The noon sun was so bright the camera auto revert it down to ISO200.
Painted Jezebel
02-Mar-2011, 04:58 PM
Those shots of you after the climb up bring back very painful memories! My feet have never been the same since!:grin2: At least the Blue Begum turned up for me! Ha..ha...!
The climb also provided other interesting butts when I was there, such as an Allotinus corbeti, a Poritia sp. and an unknown lycaenid, poss Tajuria or a related sp., but it never stopped close enough for me to check.
02-Mar-2011, 07:33 PM
Wonderful photos, everyone. Looks like lots of fun!
Glorious Begum
02-Mar-2011, 09:26 PM
I thought I was smart not to carry camera up to the hill. Ended, I have to carry Ellen's. :sweat:
Papilio memnon agenor(Great Mormon)
The Plane
02-Mar-2011, 11:12 PM
Happy to see so many nice shots you guys got up there :thumbsup: . Feel like taking leave and go there tomorrow right away. Looking forward to see more, more, more...;P
02-Mar-2011, 11:19 PM
Nice shots from you guys and i really like the Four Bar Swordtail shot by Sunny :cheers:
Glorious Begum
02-Mar-2011, 11:37 PM
One down from my WANTED list. :cheers:
The 4-bars.
02-Mar-2011, 11:44 PM
The second shot is not 4 bar, it is 8 bar :) All these photos are driving nuts with envy.
03-Mar-2011, 12:07 AM
Those shots of you after the climb up bring back very painful memories! My feet have never been the same since!:grin2: At least the Blue Begum turned up for me! Ha..ha...!
The climb also provided other interesting butts when I was there, such as an Allotinus corbeti, a Poritia sp. and an unknown lycaenid, poss Tajuria or a related sp., but it never stopped close enough for me to check.
Still waiting for the Blue Begum. ;P
Something seems not right, I am missing the steep climb already!!:stupid:
I believe most of the puddling shots will be repetitive, but they are simply so beautiful that I cannot resist posting them here. So bear with us for the repetitive posting. :grin2:
Cyrestis maenalis martini
03-Mar-2011, 12:14 AM
Pathysa agetes iponus (The Four Bar Swordtail)
03-Mar-2011, 12:19 AM
Here's the last few for today, will post the rest tomorrow, eyes are getting tired. :cheers:
Cepora nadina andersoni
Tanaecia godartii asoka
03-Mar-2011, 01:35 AM
Prioneris thestylis malaccana - The Spotted Sawtooth
ISO200 1/300s F/6.3 , FF HH
Parantica aspasia aspasia - The Yellow Glassy Tiger
ISO200 1/300s F/9 , FF HH
03-Mar-2011, 02:31 AM
After leopard crawling and pushing the camera and lens on the puddling ground for that elusive Spotted Sawtooth ...... someone was wandering why the legs of the butterfly in his viewfinder is always obscured. :whistle: ......... he was using his lenshood as a shovel.:bsmile:
03-Mar-2011, 02:33 AM
COngrats Ellan!!
Remember to pay your subscription fees :p
03-Mar-2011, 09:24 AM
Super ex fees! Beautiful photos everyone! Wa like that I got nothing to post liao lei. Thanks lc and nelson for providing porter service! Heh! Poor lc had to drag me last 200 meters to drink stand. Plus they all donated their drinking water to me!
Thanks you guys! also thanks for putting up with my need to nibble every 3 hours. Heh!
Elbowed Pierrot
03-Mar-2011, 01:06 PM
I think its worth the extra effort :) very nice series for everyone
03-Mar-2011, 01:18 PM
i'm very jealous after seeing these wonderful pictures.
When is the next time anyone is heading there!? I want to go too!
03-Mar-2011, 03:07 PM
After leopard crawling and pushing the camera and lens on the puddling ground for that elusive Spotted Sawtooth ...... someone was wandering why the legs of the butterfly in his viewfinder is always obscured. :whistle: ......... he was using his lenshood as a shovel.:bsmile:
:bsmile: :bsmile: The strangest things will happen when you come across a +1. :grin2:
Luckily this happened after the vital shots are taken. ;P
Great Mormon
03-Mar-2011, 03:20 PM
Great to see so many fantastic shots from everyone.... Ellen do post yours too! More please!!! where is the purple sapphire!?
Great Mormon
03-Mar-2011, 03:21 PM
:bsmile: :bsmile: The strangest things will happen when you come across a +1. :grin2:
Luckily this happened after the vital shots are taken. ;P
Now thats hardcore shooting with a severe case of buttflu! :bsmile:
03-Mar-2011, 03:50 PM
i'm very jealous after seeing these wonderful pictures.
When is the next time anyone is heading there!? I want to go too!
Be independent! Go website, google for Fraser's Hill, buy bus ticket, book hotel room, and you're on your way!! :)
03-Mar-2011, 11:11 PM
Mycalesis anaxia senoi - The White-bar Bush Brown
ISO1000 1/50s F/7.1 FF HH
Neorina lowii neophyta - The Malaysan Owl
ISO320 1/200s F/13 FF HH
04-Mar-2011, 06:25 AM
Nice shots, Sunny. I like both of those browns. I don't remember either at Fraser's. Are they difficult to find?
04-Mar-2011, 07:00 AM
Here are the rest of my shots to share. :)
Pathysa delessertii delesserti (The Malayan Zebra)
Pathysa ramaceus pendleburyi ( Pendlebury's Zebra)
04-Mar-2011, 07:07 AM
Parantica melaneus sinopion (Chocolate Tiger)
Parantica aspasia aspasia (Yellow Glassy Tiger)
Prioneris thestylis malaccana (Spotted Sawtooth)
04-Mar-2011, 07:25 AM
Not sure about the ID of the first one, is it Euploea tulliolus ledereri :hmmm:
Euploea tulliolus ledereri
Mycalesis anaxia senoi (The White-bar Bush Brown)
Pseudocoladenia dan dhyana
Delias descombesi eranthos (Red Spot Jezebel) Need to do some climbing and balancing act to get a shot of this guy. :sweat:
This is the last of the butt pics, till we see again Fraser Hills. :KopiO:
04-Mar-2011, 08:09 AM
Not sure about the ID of the first one, is it Euploea tulliolus ledereri :hmmm:
What you have is the Blue-branded King Crow ( Euploea eunice leucogonis).
It is recognisable by its pointed forewing tip and large size though occasionally some individuals are smaller.
In flight it is a very imposing creature because of its size and rounded blue-black forewings.
TL Seow:cheers:
On rechecking I think you are right, it is E. tulliolus. The forewing does not have as much spotting; the broken forewing shows a brownish upperside; and the size would have been obvious to you.
04-Mar-2011, 09:22 AM
Well done. Pretty amazing! I'm totally impressed!
04-Mar-2011, 11:08 AM
Nice shots, Sunny. I like both of those browns. I don't remember either at Fraser's. Are they difficult to find?
The White-bar Bush Brown was found outside the fence line of the apartment we stayed at the end of Telecom loop. This is the first time I met them , there were 3-4 of them in the deep shade and observed to be active in the late evening and early morning.
The Malayan Owl I believe is fairy common in the deep forest of the central range , it was shot at a river bank at the foothill on our way back , insisting on puddling on some dog poo.
Glorious Begum
04-Mar-2011, 12:10 PM
Well done. Pretty amazing! I'm totally impressed!
Thanks William :cheers:
04-Mar-2011, 12:21 PM
What you have is the Blue-branded King Crow ( Euploea eunice leucogonis).
It is recognisable by its pointed forewing tip and large size though occasionally some individuals are smaller.
In flight it is a very imposing creature because of its size and rounded blue-black forewings.
TL Seow:cheers:
On rechecking I think you are right, it is E. tulliolus. The forewing does not have as much spotting; the broken forewing shows a brownish upperside; and the size would have been obvious to you.
Thanks Seow, for confirming the ID. :) :cheers:
05-Mar-2011, 05:25 PM
Could this be the elusive Yellow Rajah??
Could not find a Yellow Rajah pic in C&P 4 , Pisuth has it at Plate 213/214.
This is the guy that we initially thought could be a Tawny Rajah at the foothill river bank
??? Charaxes marmax marmax - TheYellow Rajah
ISO250 1/200s F/8
05-Mar-2011, 05:34 PM
it sure looks like
but not in the distribution record?
05-Mar-2011, 06:56 PM
Parantica melaneus sinopion - The Chocolate Tiger
ISO640 1/100s F8, FF HH
05-Mar-2011, 07:04 PM
Last one from me....... I am suffering from Butt-fatigue , I will process the remainder when I have the time.
Ellen ,
The floor is all yours!!!
The Hunt for the Purple Sapphire
After looking high low for this little beauty all over the hill on the 3 days, I was about to give up and seriously thought that I have to go up Cameron Highland or go back to Fong Yeun Hong Kong, hoping they will be there to fill up my camera viewfinder.
As a last ditch , LC accompanied me back to where I climbed the fence many many times looking for it last august while we were staying at May Bank Lodge .
No joy, after searching the abandoned compound , just when we'd given up hope and were about to leave, this guy fluttered right next to LC ......:bsmile:
Not the most pristine specimen , nevertheless it is still my first Purple Sapphire!!! .;P
Heliophorus epicles tweediei - The Purple Sapphire
ISO200 1/300s F/6.3, FF HH
The Plane
05-Mar-2011, 07:19 PM
Congrats Uncle Sunny for getting the Purple Sapphire. You finally scored 1 against it. And its a nice shot, like the creamy bg :thumbsup: . :cheers:
Glorious Begum
05-Mar-2011, 08:38 PM
Your color is off. It should be Tawny Rajah. On the upperside as I can recall, very broad black apical bordering and with rich orange color. :cheers:
Could this be the elusive Yellow Rajah??
Could not find a Yellow Rajah pic in C&P 4 , Pisuth has it at Plate 213/214.
This is the guy that we initially thought could be a Tawny Rajah at the foothill river bank
??? Charaxes marmax marmax - TheYellow Rajah
ISO250 1/200s F/8
Great Mormon
05-Mar-2011, 10:53 PM
I must say that the Tiger and the Rajah shot are the best of this series, for the clarity, composition and lighting. They look so 3d from my screen! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
06-Mar-2011, 12:49 AM
Your color is off. It should be Tawny Rajah. On the upperside as I can recall, very broad black apical bordering and with rich orange color. :cheers:
Thanks LC ! I think you are right about the color being off! here is one taken straight out from raw without processing.
Thanks again Anthony!
06-Mar-2011, 04:21 PM
As a last ditch , LC accompanied me back to where I climbed the fence many many times looking for it last august while we were staying at May Bank Lodge .
Hello Sunny,
Is there a plant at May Bank Lodge that the Sapphire particularly likes? Is that the only area where you tend to find it at Frasers?
These are certainly gorgeous butterflies.
06-Mar-2011, 05:44 PM
I have seen one of its hostplant polygonum chinense ( in many part of the the hill, the butterfly has been shot at various locations, even at the children's play ground in the center of the town.It is considered one of the two signature species of Fraser's Hill, the other being the Red Spot Jezebel.
I have gathered from the others that the species likes open field and lalang cover scrub land . They generally flutter close to the ground to bask in the early morning sun till around noon and then disappear, presumably up the tree top.
Khew shot his on Jul 2009 at a flower nursery close to May Bank lodge ('s+hill&page=3) . The nursery has been abadoned when I visited in Aug 2010, for 3 days I could not find any of them there. My last ditch move to revisit it worked this time.... a single one was waiting for me!:)
09-Mar-2011, 12:18 AM
Here's my very late and horrible shots.
^_^... Sorry I dunno why the rest are so DARK! (
Pendlebury zebra upperside ( by garnet_mermaid (, on Flickr (
mapwing puddling ( by garnet_mermaid (, on Flickr (
4 bar dance ( by garnet_mermaid (, on Flickr
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