View Full Version : Old Malay unidentifieds
Painted Jezebel
16-Mar-2011, 10:45 AM
I have been going through some of my unidentified photos from previous trips to West Malaysia, hoping that a second (or twentieth!) look may give me some idea.
I am wondering whether this one, taken at Genting Highlands may be Udara rona catius? C&P4 does not show the undersides, so I am sure.
16-Mar-2011, 09:10 PM
It is actually Udara placidula irenae following the key line 1, 2, 6, 8 , although your pic topside appears blue.
TL Seow:cheers:
Painted Jezebel
17-Mar-2011, 08:28 AM
Thank you. I had discounted U. placidula owing to the upperside colour. Although not particularly happy about it, I had been forced to go to keys 1, 2, 3 & 5, thinking that the post-discal spot was, although slightly darker, not as prominent as in some of the species pictured and therefore 3 may apply.
Painted Jezebel
17-Mar-2011, 11:10 AM
Another two, this time from Endau-Rompin.
The first may just be a female Ionolyce helicon that has lost its tails, but the forewing apex appears too rounded, even for a female.
The second one is also tailless, and I can not see any signs that it ever had any. This is not a very clear photo, but I hope sufficient enough for an ID.
17-Mar-2011, 03:15 PM
One way of telling the Prosotas spp. and the female I. helicon from the 6-line blues is the inverted Vs of the submarginal spots on the hindwing, in particular the spot next to the black ocellus is a sharply inverted V.
The first is a male P. aluta missing the tails. In the female helicon the forewing submarginal spots are also Vs; hindwing also angular.
The second is a male P. dubiosa. Typically the forewing submarginal spots are less distinct.
TL Seow:cheers:
Painted Jezebel
17-Mar-2011, 09:20 PM
Thanks, yet again. I had not seen P. aluta before, so that is a nice surprise.
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