View Full Version : Records shots from USR

17-May-2011, 07:16 PM
Some record shots taken from USR. Sorry have to trouble the experts here to help ID my Arhopala shots if possible. :)

Pratapa deva relata (White Royal)

Lexias pardalis dirteana (Archduke)

1. Arhopala eumolphus maxwelli?

2. Arhopala amphimuta amphimuta?

3. Same as 2?

Both 2 & 3 have purple upperside.

Thanks for viewing.

Banded Yeoman
17-May-2011, 08:19 PM
Nice shots!

Yes, 1st arhopala is the green oakblue .:)

17-May-2011, 08:42 PM
Ah... the Green Oakblue is back. There was a colony of them at the forested patch before the trail going into the White Royal grounds.

17-May-2011, 11:03 PM
Nice shots!

Yes, 1st arhopala is the green oakblue .:)

Thanks for the confirmation Jonathan. :)

Ah... the Green Oakblue is back. There was a colony of them at the forested patch before the trail going into the White Royal grounds.

Its exactly where I shot it. I only saw one though...

17-May-2011, 11:45 PM
Ah the green oakblue is back!

17-May-2011, 11:46 PM
Improved shot on White Royal, nice!!

18-May-2011, 11:03 PM
Ah the green oakblue is back!

Looks like that's their dwelling area. I recalled shooting a female Green Oakblue there once.

Improved shot on White Royal, nice!!

Thanks! Hopefully a more pristine & sharper shot next time.

18-May-2011, 11:30 PM
The Green Oakblue are always there , except with the numbers varying with the time of the year.

There is a patch with plenty of their host plant. Go read the life-cycle and learn how to identify the host plant, that will make it easier to track it down.

There are another two locations at Bukit Timah Nature Reserves , where it was first sighted and from which the life cycle was recorded by Horace.


19-May-2011, 09:39 PM
The Green Oakblue are always there , except with the numbers varying with the time of the year.

There is a patch with plenty of their host plant. Go read the life-cycle and learn how to identify the host plant, that will make it easier to track it down.

There are another two locations at Bukit Timah Nature Reserves , where it was first sighted and from which the life cycle was recorded by Horace.


Thanks Sunny, I'll take a look at the patch where I shot it and see if it matches the 2 hostplant photos in the blog.