View Full Version : Skipper ID needed

Blue Nawab
23-Jul-2011, 11:07 PM
Here's two shots of the skipper...need Dr Seow or any experts to help ID...:cheers:

Looks like Large Dart to me (Potanthus serina)


23-Jul-2011, 11:24 PM
Yes, this is the Large Dart.

Both serina & omaha looks similar with veins darkened along the periphery of both wings. P. serina also have the veins lightly darkened across the hindwing band.

However, I have found a quick way to differentiate the two.
Look at the 2 spots which juts out on the forewing (in spaces 4,&5 )

The Large DartP. serina have the upper one (in space 5) half the size of the lower one (in space 4).

The Lesser DartP. omaha have both the spots equal.

TL Seow:cheers:

Blue Nawab
23-Jul-2011, 11:44 PM
Thanks Dr Seow for the info, pointers and the confirmation of the ID. :cheers:

24-Jul-2011, 12:01 AM
Just to help those who are not sure where the spots in space 4 and 5 are.

In Seow's analysis, the spot in space 5 is about half the size of the spot in space 4. In the Large Dart, the spots also overlap the spots adjacent to them in spaces 3 and 6.

24-Jul-2011, 12:08 AM
In Seow's analysis, the spot in space 5 is about half the size of the spot in space 4. In the Large Dart, the spots also overlap the spots adjacent to them in spaces 3 and 6.

Annotations on pic salah!

Quite a number of them in the deeper part of the track around rattan plant, they start sunning and dogfighting around 2:30 pm.

24-Jul-2011, 12:18 AM
Oops... updated. ;P

24-Jul-2011, 12:28 AM
Cher Hern sorry for using your thread.

So I can safely say this is also a Large Dart?


24-Jul-2011, 10:01 AM
Thanks Khew for the neat clarification of the spots.

Cher Hern sorry for using your thread.

So I can safely say this is also a Large Dart?

Yes. This is a Large Dart. This very worn specimen can cause confusion because of the dark smudges.
Note other species like juno, chloe can also have the upper spot smaller, but not as much as in serina.

The veins across the band on the hindwing in P. serina may be hardly darkened as seen in this individual.
In the female of P. serina the upper spot is larger and the ratio is about 2/3.( Both skippers here are male.)

In case of doubt a third constant feature of P. serina is that the hindwing band is extended upwards into space 6 by a small spot on the inner side.

TL Seow:cheers:

25-Jul-2011, 12:31 AM
Thanks Khew for the neat clarification of the spots.

Yes. This is a Large Dart. This very worn specimen can cause confusion because of the dark smudges.
Note other species like juno, chloe can also have the upper spot smaller, but not as much as in serina.

The veins across the band on the hindwing in P. serina may be hardly darkened as seen in this individual.
In the female of P. serina the upper spot is larger and the ratio is about 2/3.( Both skippers here are male.)

In case of doubt a third constant feature of P. serina is that the hindwing band is extended upwards into space 6 by a small spot on the inner side.

TL Seow:cheers:

Thanks for the explanation and confirmation Seow. :cheers:

01-Aug-2011, 01:22 PM
Basing on the key on space 4 & 5 of the fore wings as mentioned by Seow and illustrated by Khew here:


Seow , Your expert advice will be much appreciated.

These two shot in the checklist are possible mis-identification in the Potanthus omaha omaha (Lesser Dart) folder ?

Spots in Space 5 are half that of Space 4 , so both of them could be Potanthus serina (Large Dart )

Looking closely at the hairdo of the head region , I suspect these two shots are from the same individual........... Chee Ming , is it possible for you to dig into your archives to confirm this?




02-Aug-2011, 12:56 AM
I have been looking at these 2 pics & comparing with pics in the Checklist of both omaha & serina, and honestly am getting a bit confused after an hour.

These 2 pics do look like the same individual, but I am not sure they should differ so much, left/right sides if so.
The difference are,
1 forewing spot in space 5 & 8 (near costal margin).
2 hindwing lowest spot of the band & central spot.

Both do look rather like P. omaha.
I do not know if there are P. omaha in which the spot in space 5 is short.

Will need to check on this & see.

TL Seow:cheers:

02-Aug-2011, 01:45 AM
In looking at more than a dozen typical P. omaha, I have not seen one in which the spot in space 5 is short.

The 2 pics can not be one individual.

The skipper in the first pic is also larger if both are taken at the same magnification.
In P. serina the female is usually the one with the veins more heavily darkened across the band, & thus closely resembles omaha.

Pic one is P. serina and pic 2 is P. omaha.

TL Seow:cheers: