View Full Version : Fraser's Hill Outing - 7-10 Aug 2011

10-Aug-2011, 10:06 PM
Just a shot to start off the roll from the others. :)

Chng, Loke, Bobby, Ben, Anthony & I had a 4D/3N outing to Fraser's Hill over the National Day period. Besides a heavy downpour on the afternoon of 2nd day, the diversity of butterflies was rather low, compared to what David shot a couple of months earlier. Looks like we need to get up there in May instead of Aug. ;P

But anyway, the group had a great time (with the usual English dinner at the Old Smokehouse), lots of wine, beer and laughter :grin2:

This was shot on the morning of the 2nd day after our arrival on the evening of the 7th.

10-Aug-2011, 10:19 PM
Must be a good trip with lots of durian and Butts!!

Okie ! You all can takeover the watch at Sharing a Few Butterflies Thread!

One day one of Frasers' Hill Shots should last it for months !!!:bsmile: :bsmile:


The Plane
10-Aug-2011, 10:39 PM
I enjoyed so much this trip, lots of fun and learning experience, especially from all the Photo Shop gurus. Thanks to Mr and Mrs Khew for organizing this trip for us :cheers:

It was raining, nothing to do so shoot the signboard :grin2:

Glorious Begum
10-Aug-2011, 10:47 PM
Besides a heavy downpour on the afternoon of 2nd day, the diversity of butterflies was rather low, compared to what David shot a couple of months earlier. Looks like we need to get up there in May instead of Aug. ;P

"Sunny" was not there. :bsmile:

Leopard Lacewing
11-Aug-2011, 08:48 AM
I had an enjoyable and fruitful trip. Thanks Khew and Shirley for organising this trip, Loke and Chng for shopping of groceries, Ben for bunking with me and Anthony for entertaining us... thanks to the fun group. :thumbsup:
No sun, nothing to do and just take water droplets :bsmile:


Cheers! :cheers:

11-Aug-2011, 10:00 AM
Thanks Khew and Shirley for organising this trip, Chng for the transport, and Bobby, Benjamin and Anthony for the company. I think I gain some weight with so much foods and drinks, fun, relaxing while listening to the song Rhythm Of the Falling Rain playing in my head :bsmile:

Fist butt photo :bsmile:

11-Aug-2011, 10:47 AM
Nice shot, Loke! :cheers: Looks like a Chinese painting! :thumbsup:

The Plane
11-Aug-2011, 11:22 AM
Let's start posting some butts photos :grin2:

The Smaller Wood Nymph (Ideopsis (Ideopsis) gaura perakana)



Leopard Lacewing
11-Aug-2011, 12:14 PM
Starting with few pics first...

Cepora iudith malaya (The Orange Gull)??? or Lesser Gull???



Polyura delphis concha (Jewel Nawab)

Neorina Lowii neophyta (Malayan Owl)



Troides brookiana albescens (Rajah Brooke)

11-Aug-2011, 12:21 PM
:thumbsup: Ooo... that is one pristine Jewel Nawab that stayed for all of us to shoot! :gbounce:

It was nice seeing the Malayan Owl come down a few times. I was wondering why Chng ignored it, until he said that he had enough of shooting Red Helens (which he initially thought that it was)! :bsmile:

The Plane
11-Aug-2011, 12:48 PM
Below first 2 photos "photoshopped" by Bobby, Anthony, Loke, Ben, Khew and Chng ;P

Melanocyma faunula faunula

The Chocolate Tiger (Parantica melaneus sinopion)


11-Aug-2011, 12:53 PM
The Pallid Faun shot is expertly photoshopped! :thumbsup: Can't really tell where the original damaged part is at all! :cheers:

11-Aug-2011, 01:32 PM
Sharing a few more...

L1. Cirrochroa malaya malaya
L2. Euploea radamanthus radamanthus (Magpie Crow)
L3. Parantica melaneus sinopion (Chocolate Tiger)
L4. Appias lyncida vasava (Chocolate Albatross)
L55. Paduca-fasciata

to be continued...

Great Mormon
11-Aug-2011, 01:41 PM
Thanks Khew and Shirley for organizing this trip; great company with Ben, Bobby, Chng and Loke. It was a blast of a time up on Fraser's Hill.

Starting off with some environmental shots...

A clear twilight sky promising bright clear skies in the day....

The Jeriau Waterfall. A potential puddling spot?

The gang after a full day of shooting
Full size... (http://www.deviantart.com/download/252088040/group___fh___19_by_inckurei-d4634dk.jpg)

The falls at the foot of the hill, after the lake



Great Mormon
11-Aug-2011, 01:43 PM
more pics of the waterfall...




Another group shot...
Full size... (http://www.deviantart.com/download/252089762/group___fh___21_by_inckurei-d4635pe.jpg)

Great Mormon
11-Aug-2011, 01:45 PM
A typical road around Fraser's Hill

We stayed at The Pines, this was the block across from where we stayed

This was our block, and we are the only ones there

Chng & Bobby


Great Mormon
11-Aug-2011, 01:51 PM
Steak vs Roast beef... 1-0. The size of the cut is as big as Bobby's smile!


Yummy crepes suzette

Another group shot @ The Old Smoke House. Note: Wide angle lenses are not good for taking group photos!

Great Mormon
11-Aug-2011, 01:53 PM
At 280RM per night, this could be your cozy hotel during a stay @ Fraser's Hill






Great Mormon
11-Aug-2011, 02:13 PM
1. Plain Banded Awl (Hasora vitta)

2. Archduke (Lexias pardalis dirteana).. It closed its wings when it sensed my presence.

3. Chocolate Tiger (Parantica melaneus sinopion)

4. Chocolate Tiger (Parantica melaneus sinopion)

5. Skipper (Pithauria marsena)

6. Skipper (Pithauria marsena)

7. Skipper (Pithauria marsena)

Great Mormon
11-Aug-2011, 02:16 PM
8. Small Wood Nymph (Ideopsis gaura prakana)

9. Small Wood Nymph (Ideopsis gaura prakana)

10. Tiger Moth

11. Curetis insularis pseudoinsularis? stria in space 2 of the hindwing is shifted in basad.

12. Udara dilecta

Great Mormon
11-Aug-2011, 02:21 PM
13. Common Nawab (Polyura athamas athamas)

14. Dark Mapwing (Cyrestis maenalis martini)

15. Dark Mapwing (Cyrestis maenalis martini)

16. Jewel Nawab (Polyura delphis concha)

17. Rajah Brooke (Troides brookiana albescens)

18. Rajah Brooke (Troides brookiana albescens)

19. Rajah Brooke (Troides brookiana albescens)

11-Aug-2011, 02:44 PM
Lovely photos, everyone. The Jewel Nawab was so nice! I also like the shot of the pristine Malayan Owl. I saw two but neither were in good condition (or cooperative) like your butterfly. Strange, but I never saw a puddling Rajah Brookes and never had a sniff of the Melanocyma faunula although I was watching for it. Does it puddle often or is it more likely to be seen in the forest?

Did you work the falls below the lake? I did not try that area. The habitat shots are excellent ... makes me wish that I was still there.

Looks like you all had a great time. I hope to be able to meet up with you all on some future trip.

11-Aug-2011, 02:56 PM
12. Grass Blue sp.

This one's been ID'ed by Seow as Monodontides musina in David's earlier series from Fraser's Hill.

Great Mormon
11-Aug-2011, 02:58 PM
David, the Rajah Brookes are feeding on some leftovers of someones barbeque. They are located at the falls near the big lake. I added some river water to the BBQ leftovers, and it worked like a charm. The Rajah Brookes puddled in about 10mins.

11-Aug-2011, 02:59 PM
I also like the shot of the pristine Malayan Owl. I saw two but neither were in good condition (or cooperative) like your butterfly. Strange, but I never saw a puddling Rajah Brookes and never had a sniff of the Melanocyma faunula although I was watching for it. Does it puddle often or is it more likely to be seen in the forest?

The Malayan Owl was attracted to our bait, and came back for at least 3 rounds. The RBBs didn't puddle till the charcoal area got wet. Then they came in numbers! Another place where you can see them puddle can be found on our latest blog article - Kuala Woh (http://butterflycircle.blogspot.com/2011/08/audience-with-king.html). There, they appeared to puddle for the whole day!

As for the Pallid Faun, it was also the first time I've seen it puddling on our bait. They usually go for rotting fruits and lurk around deep forest shade. This individual had a unique behaviour.

11-Aug-2011, 03:01 PM
David, the Rajah Brookes are feeding on some leftovers of someones barbeque. They are located at the falls near the big lake. I added some river water to the BBQ leftovers, and it worked like a charm. The Rajah Brookes puddled in about 10mins.

Ant, the RBBs there are mostly of the ssp albescens and not trogon/mollumar.

Great Mormon
11-Aug-2011, 03:08 PM
Ant, the RBBs there are mostly of the ssp albescens and not trogon/mollumar.

This one's been ID'ed by Seow as Monodontides musina in David's earlier series from Fraser's Hill.

Thanks uncle Khew for the IDs and corrections.

11-Aug-2011, 03:12 PM
Wah, wait for me! Nice shots everyone, you guys posted so quickly.
Many thanks to Khew & Shirley for organizing this trip!!

11-Aug-2011, 04:27 PM
These were taken on the day of arrival and the second day. It's my first time to Fraser's Hill and I was really excited by the fact that most butts that I see will be something new to me. :grin2:

Aeromachus pygmaeus (Thanks Seow!)

Parantica melaneus sinopion (Chocolate Tiger)

Cepora nadina andersoni (Lesser Gull)?

Appias lyncida vasava (Chocolate Albatross)

11-Aug-2011, 04:31 PM
This one's been ID'ed by Seow as Monodontides musina in David's earlier series from Fraser's Hill.

I have made an oopsie there. This is Udara dilecta. I thought there was an extra postdiscal spot on the hindwing too much but Fleming's book shows the extra spot.
Moreover the underside is quite white and in this example the upperside is a brighter and lighter blue.

The Halpe species could not be matched to anything in the book or on the net at the moment.

Hasora is H. vitta.

The puddling skippers are Pithauria marsena.

The big Archduke is something special. It is the male of Lexias cyanipardus.

TL Seow:cheers:

11-Aug-2011, 04:35 PM
Below first 2 photos "photoshopped" by Bobby, Anthony, Loke, Ben, Khew and Chng ;P

Great skills! Can't tell any difference at all. Learned some PS skills from watching the demo by Lecturer Bobby. :thumbsup:

11-Aug-2011, 05:08 PM
Adding 2 more from the Jeriau Waterfall puddling spot shot on the 2nd day.

Euploea radamanthus radamanthus (Magpie Crow)

Jamides pura

11-Aug-2011, 05:25 PM
The Sunbeam is Curetis freda.

There is an error in the key & text of C&P4.
The band on the hindwing is shifted inwards (basad) in space 1b & not space 2 in C. insularis.
This is the last segment after the notch in the pic.
The error is corrected in Fleming's book.

The Caerulean is either J. pura or J. zebra.
Since pura is much the commoner species, it is probably this species.
Note all the lines are fairly lined up.

TL Seow:cheers:

The Plane
11-Aug-2011, 05:48 PM
It was nice seeing the Malayan Owl come down a few times. I was wondering why Chng ignored it, until he said that he had enough of shooting Red Helens (which he initially thought that it was)! :bsmile:

:bsmile: Luckily you alerted me, otherwise I will really gave it a pass. Too bad I didn't get a complete parallel underside shot.

Continuing from Anthony numbering :

20. Malayan Owl (Neorina Lowii neophyta)

21. Black & White Helen (Papilip (Princeps) nephelus sunatus)

22. Striped Blue Crow (Euploea mulciber mulciber)

Need Dr Seow's help for the following :

23. Pithauria marsena

24. Halpe arcuata

25. A worn out Una usta

Leopard Lacewing
11-Aug-2011, 05:49 PM
continue with some more pictures....







Tiger Moth

Tiger Moth

Leopard Lacewing
11-Aug-2011, 05:50 PM

Hasora vitta (Plain Banded Awl)


Una usta

P. philonome

P. philonome


Doleschallia bisaltide (Autumn Leaf)

Leopard Lacewing
11-Aug-2011, 05:51 PM
Graphium agamemnon agamemnon (Tailed Jay)

Polyura athamas (Common Nawab)

Polyura moori

Troides brookiana albescens (Rajah Brooke)




Ideopsis gaura perakana (The Smaller Wood Nymph)

Great Mormon
11-Aug-2011, 06:20 PM
I have made an oopsie there. This is Udara dilecta. I thought there was an extra postdiscal spot on the hindwing too much but Fleming's book shows the extra spot.
Moreover the underside is quite white and in this example the upperside is a brighter and lighter blue.

The Halpe species could not be matched to anything in the book or on the net at the moment.

Hasora is H. vitta.

The puddling skippers are Pithauria marsena.

The big Archduke is something special. It is the male of Lexias cyanipardus.

TL Seow:cheers:

Thanks Seow for the ID :) Is this supposed to be a rare species?

Great Mormon
11-Aug-2011, 06:31 PM
Lovely series Chng! Cutting down the sharpening would reduce the haloing around the butterfly, especially around the antenna.

:bsmile: Luckily you alerted me, otherwise I will really gave it a pass. Too bad I didn't get a complete parallel underside shot.

Continuing from Anthony numbering :

20. Malayan Owl (Neorina Lowii neophyta)

21. Black & White Helen (Papilip (Princeps) nephelus sunatus)

22. Striped Blue Crow (Euploea mulciber mulciber)

Need Dr Seow's help for the following :

23. Skipper (is this same as what Anthony's shot 5, 6, 7 ? This one have 1 extra dot on the forewing).

24. Skipper ?

25. ID needed

11-Aug-2011, 07:17 PM
Good comparison of Polyura athamas and Polyura moori (http://www.butterflycircle.com/forums/showpost.php?p=104617&postcount=32)that David also shot in his earlier series. Luckily some of you managed to grab that shot of the lil' bugger sitting on that rock. :cheers:

The Plane
11-Aug-2011, 07:27 PM
Lovely series Chng! Cutting down the sharpening would reduce the haloing around the butterfly, especially around the antenna.

Thanks Ant. I've replaced the first 2 photos. Like it when people tell me something is wrong with my photos :cheers:

Blue Nawab
11-Aug-2011, 07:33 PM
Terrific Shots Guys! :cheers:

11-Aug-2011, 08:25 PM
You guys take such amazing photos. There are just so many good shots here. I love the perfect lighting on the Magpie Crow and the Autumn Leafwing with the leaf. The open winged Malayan Owl is excellent but then the others are equally good. What a trip! I will return to this post many times.

11-Aug-2011, 09:08 PM
Terrific shots guys!!:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Only wish I was there!:whistle:

About Sharpening:

Do not confine sharpening routine to just pure USM , it has its limitation and as Anthony pointed out it leads to halo if overdone. Further, if you do not use mask then it would sharpen the whole picture. Preferably you want to be able to do ""selective sharpening"" on your picture to bring the subject to the front.

For Halo-less sharpening , there are many sharpening approaches out there and they are all on the net waiting for you to learn. If Ah Pek like me can find and learn it , I am sure tech savy youngsters like you guys should have no problem .:)

For example LAB Sharpening. Oh no no no !! It is not sending to the Laboratory for sharpening.:bsmile:

LAB is one of the image mode of Photoshop , it stands for LAB (Lightness, A, B) color mode . So far that is the most satisfactory halo-less sharpening approach.


Glorious Begum
11-Aug-2011, 09:15 PM
So many good shots. Love it. Post more. :redbounce

11-Aug-2011, 10:20 PM
L6. Paduca-fasciata
L7. Polyura delphis concha (Jewel Nawab)
L8. Polyura delphis concha (Jewel Nawab) - There were two JN landed on that day :)
L9. Cyrestis manenalis martini (Dark Mapwing)
L10. Cyrestis manenalis martini (Dark Mapwing)
L11. Cyrestis manenalis martini (Dark Mapwing) - Just like those drooping eyes :bsmile:

11-Aug-2011, 10:35 PM
L12. Archduke (Lexias pardalis dirteana)
L13. Plain Banded Awl (Hasora vitta)
L14. Udara dilecta
L15. Small Wood Nymph (Ideopsis gaura prakana)
L16. Small Wood Nymph (Ideopsis gaura prakana)
L17. Malayan Owl (Neorina Lowii neophyta)
L18. Malayan Owl (Neorina Lowii neophyta)

Leopard Lacewing
11-Aug-2011, 10:37 PM




T. linna




11-Aug-2011, 10:43 PM
continue with some more pictures....


Love the panoramic look of this pic. :thumbsup:

Leopard Lacewing
11-Aug-2011, 10:47 PM
Picture of Chng & Loke...



Leopard Lacewing
11-Aug-2011, 10:51 PM
L12. Archduke (Lexias cyanipardus sandakana)
L13. Plain Banded Awl (Hasora vitta)
L15. Small Wood Nymph (Ideopsis gaura prakana)

Nice curve for L13 and I like the background for the Small Wood Nymph

Love the panoramic look of this pic. :thumbsup:

Thanks Ben... :bsmile:

11-Aug-2011, 11:06 PM
The third day was bright and sunny as we headed to the Jeliau waterfall again.
Activity was busier than yesterday and my eyes popped even wider at the sight of more butterflies unseen before. :what:



Now for the butts.

Tiger Moth

Tiger Moth

Hasora Vitta

Udara dilecta

Zizina otis lampa?

11-Aug-2011, 11:17 PM

Looks like you folks had a BLAST of a time =) the owl really looks awesome!

Great environment and group shots too, really can "feel" the atmosphere! The shot of the lone butt in the rain by Loke rocks!

11-Aug-2011, 11:18 PM
Continued from my previous post...

Papilio helenus helenus (Red Helen)

Caleta elna elvira (Elbowed Pierrot)

Prioneris thestylis malaccana (Spotted Sawtooth)

Cyrestis manenalis martini (Dark Mapwing)

Cyrestis manenalis martini (Dark Mapwing)

Pithauria marsena

Halpe arcuata. (Thanks Seow :))

The Plane
11-Aug-2011, 11:31 PM
Some records shots for ID. I believed the first 3 are different from each other.

26. A. unicolor male

27. A. strigatus male

28. A. unicolor female.

29. T. linna

30. Halpe elana

11-Aug-2011, 11:42 PM
The Caerulean is either J. pura or J. zebra.
Since pura is much the commoner species, it is probably this species.
Note all the lines are fairly lined up.

TL Seow:cheers:

Thanks Seow for the ID.

11-Aug-2011, 11:54 PM
Nice shot, Loke! :cheers: Looks like a Chinese painting! :thumbsup:
Thanks, Khew.
Where are your shots? Come, please share yours :)

Nice curve for L13 and I like the background for the Small Wood Nymph

Thanks, Bobby.
You guys shots are fantastic too.

The shot of the lone butt in the rain by Loke rocks!
Thanks, YY. :cheers:

12-Aug-2011, 12:19 AM
L19. Red Helen (Papilio helenus helenus)?
L20. Caleta elna elvira (Elbowed Pierrot)
L21. Una-usta
L22, L23 Lampides boeticus (Pea Blue / Long-tailed Blue)
L24 Prioneris thestylis malaccana (The Spotted Sawtooth)
L25. Abisara saturata kausambiodes (Malayan Plum Judy)

12-Aug-2011, 12:23 AM
Nice different perspectives of the Dark Mapwing from Loke & Bobby. :thumbsup:

The Plane
12-Aug-2011, 12:27 AM
Some more records shots...

31. Athyma pravara

32. P. philonome

33. Nacaduba beroe

34. Prosotas bhutea

35. Una usta

36. Bluejay

37. The Circe


12-Aug-2011, 12:40 AM

Looks like you folks had a BLAST of a time =) the owl really looks awesome!

Great environment and group shots too, really can "feel" the atmosphere! The shot of the lone butt in the rain by Loke rocks!

Let's go together next time. :grin2: :thumbsup:

The Plane
12-Aug-2011, 12:53 AM
No caterpillar but found a real cat staring at me while shooting one of the skippers :grin2:


12-Aug-2011, 12:54 AM
Post 34

23. Pithauria marsena.
24. Halpe arcuata.

25. Wow! Look like you found an entirely new species of Lycaenid or this is some kind of clubbed antennae moth.

TL Seow:cheers:

12-Aug-2011, 01:26 AM
So many beautiful shots from everyone. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

More :gbounce:
More :jumjoy:
More :redbounce

12-Aug-2011, 01:27 AM
No time to process my shots so far. Swamped with work the moment I got back to office. ;P

Just did more shots of the Malayan Owl. :)

12-Aug-2011, 01:35 AM
Seow, in this particular case, I don't think this is the Great Archduke (Lexias cyanipardus sandakana). Whilst the underside of this male, and probably the one that Anthony shot, does not have the pale blue colour, my view is that it's definitely not L. cyanipardus. I have specimens of L. cyanipardus from Panti Forest, and the underside is olive green shaded, instead of this reddish brown. The size also does not match.

Whilst Loke was shooting the underside, I was shooting the upperside of the same male that was in the drain. The upperside is quite obviously the common Archduke (Lexias pardalis dirteana). There may be a subspecies that does not have the blue scaling on the underside of the hindwings or just an aberration. Or is there another Lexias species that we're not aware of? :thinking:

12-Aug-2011, 01:39 AM
Post 36

Ancistroides nigrita.
H. vitta
Halpe arcuata
C. aurivittatus

Post 48
A. puspa
Halpe pelethronix-probably.
T. linna same as post 55.
H. arcuata.

12-Aug-2011, 01:50 AM
Seow, in this particular case, I don't think this is the Great Archduke (Lexias cyanipardus sandakana). Whilst the underside of this male, and probably the one that Anthony shot, does not have the pale blue colour, my view is that it's definitely not L. cyanipardus. I have specimens of L. cyanipardus from Panti Forest, and the underside is olive green shaded, instead of this reddish brown. The size also does not match.

Whilst Loke was shooting the underside, I was shooting the upperside of the same male that was in the drain. The upperside is quite obviously the common Archduke (Lexias pardalis dirteana). There may be a subspecies that does not have the blue scaling on the underside of the hindwings or just an aberration. Or is there another Lexias species that we're not aware of? :thinking:

You are right. I was wondering why no one IDed it as the Archduke, and then I saw the subapical white spot.
I forgot the underside colour is very different.

TL Seow:cheers:

12-Aug-2011, 02:25 AM
Post 54
H. arcuata underside as in Fleming. Note subapical spots one large one small.

Post 54
26. A. unicolor male.
27. A. strigatus male.
28. A. unicolor female.
29 T. linna: hindwing band ends at vein 6 topside;dark veins above, none below(darkend in hilda).
30. Halpe elana.

Post 60
31. Athyma pravara.
32. P. philonome
33. Nacaduba beroe: typical male ; darkened wingbase; reduced/obsolete dark lines in forewing postdiscal band.
34. Prosotas bhutea.
35. Una usta.

TL Seow:cheers:

12-Aug-2011, 08:57 AM
Post 29

The little skipper which have the marking of a Halpe species is actually Aeromachus pygmaeus, a skipper normally found in the north. Note very short blunt antennae without apiculus.

This leaves the puzzling no. 25.
I have look through the Castniid moths and nothing like it is seen.
It looks like a Lycaenid but the antennae are too long.

TL Seow:cheers:

Painted Jezebel
12-Aug-2011, 09:31 AM
Post 29

The little skipper which have the marking of a Halpe species is actually Aeromachus pygmaeus, a skipper normally found in the north. Note very short blunt antennae without apiculus.

This leaves the puzzling no. 25.
I have look through the Castniid moths and nothing like it is seen.
It looks like a Lycaenid but the antennae are too long.

TL Seow:cheers:

You just beat me on the Aeromachus pygmaeus, though its location left me puzzled. I had that 'gut feeling' that it was not a Halpe sp., so I had to check what else it could be.

The odd Lycaenid struck me immediately as a worn or aberrant Una usta, but I see what you mean about the length of the antennae. Curious!

You guys must have had a ball, so many wonderful species, and so many skippers to get ones teeth into. Never been there, and I must rectify the situation next year.

12-Aug-2011, 09:42 AM
The odd Lycaenid struck me immediately as a worn or aberrant Una usta, but I see what you mean about the length of the antennae. Curious!

I concur with that view, Les. Being there, I also noticed this rather worn -out Una usta puddling. I didn't shoot it because of its condition. The apparently shorter antennae could be due to the perspective of the shot when it was taken and the position of the antennae.

12-Aug-2011, 10:44 AM
I concur with that view, Les. Being there, I also noticed this rather worn -out Una usta puddling. I didn't shoot it because of its condition. The apparently shorter antennae could be due to the perspective of the shot when it was taken and the position of the antennae.

Great! It didn't even cross my mind.
I kept thinking where in the world is there a Lycaenid with so few spots.:embrass:

TL Seow:cheers:

Great Mormon
12-Aug-2011, 10:50 AM
Thanks Ant. I've replaced the first 2 photos. Like it when people tell me something is wrong with my photos :cheers:

The pictures look great now with the sharpening toned down. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

12-Aug-2011, 10:53 AM
Great! It didn't even cross my mind.
I kept thinking where in the world is there a Lycaenid with so few spots.:embrass:

The weather up there was sunny in the morning, and thunderstorms in the afternoons. The heavy rainfall and strong winds must've battered quite a few of these butts, as we saw really bashed-up Lycaenids. I saw another Udara that had only half its hindwings left, and it appeared so different at a glance.

Through the nights, we heard thunder some distance away. We also heard news that a landslide at Cameron Highlands (http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/afp_asiapacific/view/1145721/1/.html)claimed some seven lives. Luckily, the rains didn't affect Fraser's Hill when we were there, even though that afternoon when we were caught in a storm, we could see a 'river' of water coming down the road when we were at Jeriau Waterfalls. It's scary when you think of what a bigger storm could bring! :sweat:

Great Mormon
12-Aug-2011, 12:52 PM
A few more shots....

Chocolate Tiger (Parantica melaneus sinopion)

Chocolate Albatross (Appias lyncida vasava)

Malayan Plum Judy (Abisara saturata kausambiodes)

Lance Sergeant (Athyma pravara helma)

Red Helen (Papilio helenus helenus)

Sunbeam (Curetis insularis pseudoinsularis)

A moth that I thought was a skipper

12-Aug-2011, 01:44 PM
Last few butt shots...

L26 Euthalia ipona (male)
L27 A very thirsty Spindasis kutu
L28 Zemeros flegyas albipunctatus (The Common Punchinello)
L29 Same as Chng's species 25, a worn Una-usta?
L30 Arphopla horsfieldi, with green upperside
L31 Paduca-fasciata
L32 Halpe arcuata

Painted Jezebel
12-Aug-2011, 02:00 PM
Nice photos Loke, as always.

No. 28 is Zemeros flegyas albipunctatus ( The Common Punchinello).

I have to question your id of No. 26. The blue band appears the wrong shape to me. To my mind it is closer to a male of the much more interesting Euthalia ipona. I wonder what Seow makes of it?

12-Aug-2011, 02:04 PM
A few environmental shots...

i. Dawn
ii. Benjamin in action
iii. Bobby in action
iv. Khew taking a break
v. Chng in serious butt hunting mode :bsmile:
Ant, as requested, I didn't put up your 'action' shot ;P

vi. Heading home. It rained all the way from Rawang to Pagoh (Johor) :sweat:

Great Mormon
12-Aug-2011, 02:17 PM
Ant, as requested, I didn't put up your 'action' shot ;P

hahaha, anything but that embarrassing shot please :P

12-Aug-2011, 02:20 PM
hahaha, anything but that embarrassing shot please :P

He won't post it here. He'll post it on our blog article so that the whole world can see? :bsmile:

12-Aug-2011, 05:04 PM
David, the Rajah Brookes are feeding on some leftovers of someones barbeque. They are located at the falls near the big lake. I added some river water to the BBQ leftovers, and it worked like a charm. The Rajah Brookes puddled in about 10mins.
Thanks, Anthony, for the information. I will have to keep that in mind for bait on the next trip. Also, will have to stop at this falls.

The Malayan Owl was attracted to our bait, and came back for at least 3 rounds. The RBBs didn't puddle till the charcoal area got wet. Then they came in numbers! Another place where you can see them puddle can be found on our latest blog article - Kuala Woh (http://butterflycircle.blogspot.com/2011/08/audience-with-king.html). There, they appeared to puddle for the whole day!

As for the Pallid Faun, it was also the first time I've seen it puddling on our bait. They usually go for rotting fruits and lurk around deep forest shade. This individual had a unique behaviour.
Thanks for the info, Khew. I will try to bait the Pallid Faun in the forest on my next trip. Also, I will check on Kuala Woh. If it is not too far from Fraser's, then I might try a quick trip to see the puddling RBBs.

Khew, those were excellent photos of the Malayan Owl.

Anthony, the colour of that Chocolate Albatross was very nice.

Loke, I like that dawn shot. Were you up that early to go birding? The dawn chorus at Fraser's is always good.

12-Aug-2011, 05:17 PM
Some more records shots...
37. The Circe

Seow, I also got some record shots of this fella. From my own notes, Malaysia only has Hestina mimetica ruvanella. Someone who shot this at Fraser's Hill labeled it as Hestina nama. I know of no record that Malaysia has H. nama. Thailand has H. nama which looks similar. How does one distinguish between the two species?

Are they the same species or there are updates to the checklist for Malaysia that I may have missed?

12-Aug-2011, 06:01 PM
Nice photos Loke, as always.

No. 28 is Zemeros flegyas albipunctatus ( The Common Punchinello).

I have to question your id of No. 26. The blue band appears the wrong shape to me. To my mind it is closer to a male of the much more interesting Euthalia ipona. I wonder what Seow makes of it?

Agreed L26 is E. ipona. E. phemius is similar but have white streaks on the forewing.

More interestingly is L27 Spindasis or Cigaritis seliga.(Correction :this is S. kutu:the 2 postdiscal bands on forewing are open (as in S. syama)
Note forewing pale marginal line obliterated; submarginal pale area very narrow.
More importantly the hindwing submarginal brown band reaches the upper wing margin. (In S. lohita it falls short.)

L30. I have been unable to differentiate accurately eumolphus & horsfieldi based on the underside.
I'll hazard a quess this is A. horsfieldi since on the hindwing, the postdiscal spot in space 5 & the cellend bar are far apart.

TL Seow:cheers:

12-Aug-2011, 06:19 PM
Seow, I also got some record shots of this fella. From my own notes, Malaysia only has Hestina mimetica ruvanella. Someone who shot this at Fraser's Hill labeled it as Hestina nama. I know of no record that Malaysia has H. nama. Thailand has H. nama which looks similar. How does one distinguish between the two species?

Are they the same species or there are updates to the checklist for Malaysia that I may have missed?

Yutaka specimens are all from the north of the country and are H. nama.
In . nama the line of postdiscal spots on the hindwing arched upwards so there a black oval space between and the submarginal dots.
IN H. mimetica the postdiscal spots run parallel to the submarginal dots.

I am surprised that H. mimetica is not found in southern Thailand.

TL Seow:cheers:

12-Aug-2011, 07:06 PM
Thanks Les, Seow for the ID :cheers:

12-Aug-2011, 10:35 PM
Loke, I like that dawn shot. Were you up that early to go birding? The dawn chorus at Fraser's is always good.
No. Perhaps we are just eager for butterfly hunting and woke up early. We can hear the birds singing in the morning but we didn't venture into the forest trail.

Sharing a little video shoot at the Jeriau Waterfall. These Chocolate Albatross are skittish.

12-Aug-2011, 10:46 PM
No. Perhaps we are just eager for butterfly hunting and woke up early. We can hear the birds singing in the morning but we didn't venture into the forest trail.

Sharing a little video shoot at the Jeriau Waterfall. These Chocolate Albatross are skittish.

Nice video! :thumbsup: They are hyper sensitive to any slight movements and I almost gave up shooting them.

12-Aug-2011, 11:00 PM
Our outing on the third day was cut short by the heavy downpour in the afternoon. We headed back to the apartment and spent the time editing photos and watching the discovery channel.

We headed to Ye Olde Smokehouse in the evening for dinner.

A shot of my main course, Grilled Salmon. :)

Looks of satisfaction after dinner. :grin2: (....well at least for most ;P )

12-Aug-2011, 11:30 PM
The last day was the most rewarding. We encountered butts in great varieties. The Jewel Nawab and the Malayan Owl are no doubt, in my opinion, stars of the whole outing. :grin2:

Sharing the last batch of my pics.

Iambrix salsala salsala

Doleschallia bisaltide (Autumn Leaf)

Ionolyce helicon

Pithauria marsena? As stated in post #63?

Common Nawab (Polyura athamas)

Polyura delphis concha (Jewel Nawab)

Neorina Lowii neophyta (Malayan Owl)

12-Aug-2011, 11:31 PM
A huge number Raja Brookes puddling, makes isolation both a challenging and difficult task.

The wingspan of this beauty is just amazing!!

And a shot of the close wing at last...:grin2:

12-Aug-2011, 11:42 PM
Here are shots of the Circe (Hestina mimetica ruvella) showing the underside and upperside as well. Thanks to Seow for confirming that this is not H. nama.

What was interesting was that this individual was flying together with the Chocolate Tiger that it mimics, so initially I'd ignored it as I thought it was the Danainae. Then when it stopped with its wings half-opened as in the 2nd shot, I realised that Danainaes don't stop like that, and I managed to track it down for a better shot. It was quite skittish though.

Leopard Lacewing
12-Aug-2011, 11:55 PM
Nice shots, Ben... And nice video clip from Loke using the 180mm lens! :thumbsup:

The Plane
13-Aug-2011, 02:05 AM
Dr Seow, Thanks for all the ID help. I have updated my threads. You are really wonderful in ID-ing !!! :cheers:

Great Mormon
13-Aug-2011, 10:13 AM
No. Perhaps we are just eager for butterfly hunting and woke up early. We can hear the birds singing in the morning but we didn't venture into the forest trail.

Sharing a little video shoot at the Jeriau Waterfall. These Chocolate Albatross are skittish.

Loke, what an excellent video! The river in the bg and the sound of running water gives a whole lot of perspective into the habitats of the puddlers. :cheers:

The Plane
13-Aug-2011, 11:37 AM
Some shots from my P&S camera :cheers:

13-Aug-2011, 07:17 PM
Nice shots, Ben... And nice video clip from Loke using the 180mm lens! :thumbsup:

Loke, what an excellent video! The river in the bg and the sound of running water gives a whole lot of perspective into the habitats of the puddlers. :cheers:
Thanks Ant, Bobby. Next time I will try it on the Jewel Nawab ;P

Make a slow motion version :)


14-Aug-2011, 08:09 AM
Looks like a great bunch having a great outing. Need to think about linking up with that team! William

14-Aug-2011, 05:19 PM
Did a rechecking on the Arhopala in post 77 and it is A.horsfieldi.

A. eumolphus: metallic tornal patch pale green, narrow throughout with a 2nd paler diffuse layer extending above the 3 black spots.

A horsfieldi: metallic patch bluish, broad at the inner half (space 1b) with the 2nd upper layer much reduced & largely absent beyond the big black tornal spot.

TL Seow:cheers:

15-Aug-2011, 09:44 PM
Did a rechecking on the Arhopala in post 77 and it is A.horsfieldi.

A. eumolphus: metallic tornal patch pale green, narrow throughout with a 2nd paler diffuse layer extending above the 3 black spots.

A horsfieldi: metallic patch bluish, broad at the inner half (space 1b) with the 2nd upper layer much reduced & largely absent beyond the big black tornal spot.

TL Seow:cheers:
Thanks, Seow :cheers:

17-Aug-2011, 10:58 PM
Miss out this one. It is a highly cropped image and just for the record.
I think it is a Tagiades menaka manis. Something sweet? :)

18-Aug-2011, 12:16 AM
Yes it is T. menaka.
It has six postdiscal spots whereas T. cohaerens have five, missing the lowest one in space 3.

TL Seow:cheers:

Great Mormon
20-Aug-2011, 08:52 PM
The glorious sunrise that greeted us in the morning..


Polyura moori moori

22-Aug-2011, 09:23 AM
Drooling!! Simply stunning.

Can we have more over here please?
