View Full Version : Pls help ID a skipper

13-Aug-2011, 11:10 PM
Hello, I am a Japanese butterfly lover arrived in Singapore 4 months ago. This 4 months, I spent the weekends going out enjoying shooting butterflies, most of them new to me.
What a nice place it is to photograph butterflies!!
The Butterfly Circle web site has been very useful in identifying the names of the butterflies I shot, but as for the attached skipper, I could not find a clue.
Pls help.

14-Aug-2011, 12:05 AM
Welcome to ButterflyCircle, Yano-san. :cheers: I hope you'll enjoy it here and also Singapore.

What you've shot is a common skipper. It's a Chestnut Bob. The upperside is featured on Page 282 of our book, A Field Guide to the Butterflies of Singapore. :)

14-Aug-2011, 02:10 AM
Mr. Khew,
Many thanks for the welcome and the quick reply.
I should have checked more thoroughlly.
I have seen and shot the Chestnut Bob many times but never thought that the uppersied had spots. (Fleming shows a specimen without any spots)
Anyway thanks again, it was a good lesson.
Yano:mad2: :mad2: