View Full Version : Are these Jamides malaccanus?
Painted Jezebel
09-Oct-2011, 05:16 PM
Here are three specimens which I have in my J. malaccanus file. However, there are breaks in the markings, which suggest I may have one or more wrong.
They are in increasing order of broken striae.
09-Oct-2011, 10:16 PM
These are difficult ones to ID.
There are 2 similar species malaccanus & parasaturatus.
1 & 2 should be J. malaccanus male & female.
3 have the striae more misaligned but topside exposes space 4, 5, & 6 of the right hindwing.The large & dark inner & outer submarginal spots is more in accord with J. malaccanus.
I would leave them as J. malaccanus.
There are many errors on the net eg. Wilkipedia have the correct male malaccanus but the female is a member of the elpis subgroup.
TL Seow:cheers:
Painted Jezebel
09-Oct-2011, 11:03 PM
Thanks, Seow. It was specimen 3, photographed today, that got me a bit concerned. I also have a photo of a specimen from Nakhon Sri Thammarat province which has all the striae absolutely perfectly in line, so I did start to wonder.
10-Oct-2011, 08:42 AM
I found the confirmation for pic 3.
C&P4 states in its key that the female of malaccanus have the veins lightly dark dusted in the distal third of the wing.
A check with the images in C&P4 and Fleming indeed shows that in malaccanus the veins are distinctly darkened between the marginal & submarginal spots whereas in parasaturatus they are much less so.
In pic 3 the topside veins visible are vein 5 & 6 , and they are strongly black whereas in parasaturatus they would only be slightly darkened.
We can conclude that pic 3 is indeed a female J. malaccanus.
TL Seow:cheers:
10-Oct-2011, 09:34 AM
I have located the correct upperside/underside images of the males of malaccanus & parasaturatus for future reference.
The one on the left with the broken right forewing is malaccanus.
ID points ; deeper blue; dark border along termen; hindwing with dark 'spots especially near tornus.
The one on the right is parasaturatus.
ID points ; lighter blue; dark border towards apex; hindwing without the dark 'spots'.
TL Seow:cheers:
11-Oct-2011, 08:17 AM
Just one definite parasaturatus have beeb found on the net.
This is Federick's shot from the Panti forest, Johor. laccanus%2Bmalaccanus.jpg
Note the differences. (Topside pale blue visible.)
1. Submarginal striae on forewing becoming obsolete towards the apex. (Evenly defined throughout in malaccanus.)
2. Striae blue-tinged due to translucency effect , ie. Glassy Caerulean.( Hindwing striae strongly white in malaccanus.)
This is a Malayan example of malaccanus for comparison.
TL Seow:cheers:
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