View Full Version : 2 hours at Huay Too National Park - Krabi TH
18-Oct-2011, 09:54 PM
Running away for a few hours in the morning from a 3 days Buddhist funeral (some very far relative of my Thai wife), without proper equipment and clothes, I walked a couple of hours on the main track of the Huay Too National Park, road busy with tourists, taking to the beautiful 7 steps waterfall.
A few but interesting species have paid off the dirty of my good trousers. (
The Pallid Faun ( (
Ancistroides gemmifer ( (
Eurema sp. ( (
Chersonesia peraka (
Sorry if I'm not so exact with the identification....
Here a couple of interesting shots of other insects and a view of the last jump of the waterfall: (
Agama & Robber ( (
Macrochirus sp. ( (
Huay Too Waterfall - Krabi (
Painted Jezebel
19-Oct-2011, 10:01 AM
Very nice, Antonio.
I am yet to see the Pallid Faun anywhere in Thailand, though it does exist in isolated pockets. The only time I had seen it was up in the Cameron Highlands, Malaysia.
From the shape of the orange band, and that it does not reach the costa, I believe the Skipper is actually Ancistroides gemmifer gemmifer.
The Maplet is Chersonesia intermedia intermedia.
19-Oct-2011, 10:31 AM
Actually in the forest of the National Park, since from the area entrance, there were a lot of Pallid Fauns flying around in the shadowed areas.
Any help about the Eurema?
Painted Jezebel
19-Oct-2011, 01:46 PM
Actually in the forest of the National Park, since from the area entrance, there were a lot of Pallid Fauns flying around in the shadowed areas.
Any help about the Eurema?
Nice to know about the Faun, thanks.
With regards to the Eurema, I think I can see a third tiny spot at the base of the cell, in which case it would be Eurema blanda blanda.
19-Oct-2011, 05:14 PM
One easy way to ID Ancistroides gemmifer is to look for white opalescent spots on the forewing, one of which can be seen.
The maplet is Chersonesia peraka since there are 3 complete bands. C. intermedia only have 2.
TL Seow:cheers:
Painted Jezebel
19-Oct-2011, 05:24 PM
The maplet is Chersonesia peraka since there are 3 complete bands. C. intermedia only have 2.
TL Seow:cheers:
Oops! Of course there are!:embrass: I forgot to look at that one.
19-Oct-2011, 11:32 PM
Nice, Antonio. I like that Pallid Faun.
04-Apr-2012, 09:54 PM
Being again in the same area, a few months later, I just follow to post my pics here (some are of the same species): (
The Pallid Faun - Melanocyma faunula faunula ( ( Arhopala[/URL] (
The Gem Demon - Ancistroides gemmifer gemmifer ( (
An Old Arhopala ( (
The Common Line Blue - Prosotas nora superdates ( (
The Common Tit - Hypolycaena erylus teatus ( (
Puddling (
05-Apr-2012, 01:15 AM
No pic for the unIDed Arhopala.
The old Arhopala is Arhopala aedias.
Melanocyma faunula is perhaps one of the most remarkable Amathusine here.
Where other Amathusines skulk in the forest gloom, this one flies in the open in a slow fluttering flight at about 2m. from the ground, although it frequently rest on leaves. There were times, at a distance I thought whether it was some kind of Delias (Jezebel).
Its caterpillars are gregarious, dark red with whitish bands, and it has been suggested that they could be distasteful. Certainly the colour and behaviour of the cats & adults seem to show they could be unpalatable.
One day I saw a day-flying moth Dysphania glaucescens on the wing and I realised this moth bears a resemblance to Melanocyma.
It has the same greyish( though blue-grey) look & has pale yellow along the inner margin.
Dysphania is likely to be a distasteful genus.
What is interesting is that these two species seem to be in an early stage of Mullerian mimicry.
TL Seow:cheers:
05-Apr-2012, 07:55 AM
Nice shots, Antonio.
There were times, at a distance I thought whether it was some kind of Delias (Jezebel).
Seow, I thought the same of the Pallid Fauns that I saw near Jeriau Falls.
05-Apr-2012, 08:46 AM
I can see the picture for the Arhopala (imageshack link) :thinking:
By angiud ( at 2012-04-04
Painted Jezebel
05-Apr-2012, 09:49 AM
Antonio, all I get, still, is the frog in the icecube!!
05-Apr-2012, 10:16 AM
Works fine for me, Les.
Blue Jay
06-Apr-2012, 01:16 AM
I do see the frog in the icecube(when viewed on the forum), but its fine when I click on it to open a link.:)
Painted Jezebel
06-Apr-2012, 09:18 AM
Hooray, I can see the pics now. The unidentified Arhopala belongs to the very difficult cleander group. Depending on the tornal lobe, which I always have difficulty with (line 127), it would be either in the alea subgroup, or the cleander subgroup.
Blue Jay
06-Apr-2012, 10:37 AM
Strange. I am not able to click on the frozen frog now.:-(
06-Apr-2012, 11:51 AM
I can suppose a problem of compatibility between ImageShack and the Butterflycircle forum software. I'm not a technician...
06-Apr-2012, 01:12 PM
I can suppose a problem of compatibility between ImageShack and the Butterflycircle forum software. I'm not a technician...
It is strange, Antonio, since I am not having any problems seeing your photos here in Australia.
27-Jun-2012, 11:00 AM
A new, short walk at this beautiful area, but after a flood, for 3 hours and with a new camera never tried before. So, few species (but 2 interesting) and quality not at the top (sorry!) (
The Small Leopard ( Not sure about ID (
The Pallid Faun ( Always present, but I love the species. See the bubble (
A Helen ( I don't have a shot of the underside, so, not so easy for me to know which Helen it is (
The Plush ( My first sight, at the beginning confused with the Banded Royal (thanks to Les for the proper ID) (
The Blue Yam* ( Very skittish animal, the best shot up from a branch tree, heavily cropped ;-) *correction Tks Les (
UnID Lantern Bug ( For the lovers of the Lantern Bugs, only one bad shot and it flies away
Painted Jezebel
27-Jun-2012, 04:30 PM
Wow!! You got a Drina maneia! This is an very rare species in Thailand. Incidentally, it is called the Blue Yam. (Brown Yam is Drina donina, which is very different)
27-Jun-2012, 11:31 PM
From the more scalloped lower termen of the forewing, I gathered the Helen is a male Papilio nephelus chaon.
From the Yutaka map, ssp annulus (Which may have the forewing unmarked) falls short of your area.
TL Seow:cheers:
24-Oct-2012, 11:34 AM
Another short visit to this beautiful hard to visit National Park (close to my wife's family) and I got a few shots. It looks like on the west side of Thailand, after the end of the raining season, is not the best time for butterflies.
This what I got: (
The Chocolate Demon - นิลกายธรรมดา ( (
The Blue Count - เคาท์ขอบฟ้า ( (
The Great Marquis - มาควิสใหญ่ ( bad shot but a not so common species (
The Fulvous Pied Flat - ลายต่างตาลแดง ( (
The Knight - สะพายขาวปีกโค้ง ( (
The Columbine - น้อยขาวดำ ( just the chance to get one shot!
24-Oct-2012, 11:35 AM (
The Tufted Jungleking - เจ้าป่ ( (
The Blue Yam - หนอนกลอยสีฟ้า ( another (bad) shot of this very rare Yam (
The Lesser Bushbrown (
Banded Yeoman
24-Oct-2012, 02:39 PM
Not the best time!?
That is a spectacular collection!:grin2:
The pattern on the columbine is really interesting, and congrats on the blue yam!
Painted Jezebel
24-Oct-2012, 04:52 PM
The Great Marquis - มาควิสใหญ่[/url] bad shot but a not so common species
You really must talk a walk up to Hin Lad Waterfall, I'll show you about a hundred of these in 1/2 hour! You need to walk in deeper forest on KP I think!:)
I reckon it is the commonest forest butterfly on Samui, together with Cyrestis themire.
But congratulations on the Stiboges upperside. Most unusual, as we only normally get to see the underside, and you got the Drina again.:gbounce:
21-Nov-2012, 10:43 AM
One more short trip, with Les and after Langkawi. The park is not so crowded yet, but we manage in one and half day to get something interesting:
Not a common encounter (
2 Pallid Faun mating - Melanocyma faunula faunula (
A first for me (
The Common Gem - Poritia hewitsoni regia (
After along hunting, a close-up shot of the rare Drina maneia (
The Blue Yam - Drina maneia (
A couple of nice Lantern Bugs: (
The Dark-horned Lanternfly - Pyrops spinolae ( (
Lanternbug - Pyrops karenia ( and not, as before ID,Pyrops candelaria
A moth (
Callidula sp. (
And a beautiful Peacock (
The Green Peafowl (
21-Nov-2012, 11:59 AM
Great shots for sure! Must have been so much fun... plus, you just whistle and they fly and land on your hand... or wherever you want them for a great photo.
21-Nov-2012, 01:03 PM
Excellent shots of some rarities, Antonio! :cheers:
21-Nov-2012, 01:25 PM
Thank you Khew!
With a shot of the Hypolycaena merguia skapane Les got and with 3 sightings (without any pic) of the elusive Lycaenopsis haraldus renonga (the Felder's Hedge Blue) the trip would be a real success :cry:
14-Dec-2012, 11:06 AM
New2 days trip to the always wonderful Khao Phanom Bencha National Park, sorry Les didn't make it! (
The Common Clubtail - Losaria coon doubledayi ( (
The Great Mormon - Papilio memnon agenor ( (
The Tailed Jay - Graphium agamennon agamennon ( (
The Common Bluebottle - Graphium sarpedon sarpedon ( (
The Malay Yeoman - Cirrochroa emalea emalea ( (
The Yellow-banded Yeoman - Cirrochroa orissa orissa ( (
The Vagrant - Vagrans sinha sinha (
14-Dec-2012, 11:08 AM (
The Little Banded Yeoman - Paduca fasciata fasciata ( (
The Little Banded Yeoman - Underside - Paduca fasciata fasciata ( (
The Knight - Lebadea martha malayana ( (
The Chestnut Rajah - Charaxes durnfordi merguia (
14-Dec-2012, 11:13 AM (
The Peninsular Darkie - Allotinus sarrastes ( (
The Straight Pierrot - Caleta roxus pothus ( (
The Common Hedge Blue - Acytolepis puspa lambi ( (
The Common Cerulean deposing - Jamides celeno celeno ( (
The Large Metalic Oakblue - Arhopala aedias agnis ( (
The Fluffy Tit - Hypolycaena amasa maximinianus (
Painted Jezebel
14-Dec-2012, 07:58 PM
Congratulations on the Charaxes durnfordi. A magnificent find:gbounce: . A different subspecies to what LC and I found in Taman Negara, though what the differences are, I don't know!
Also, you got your Straight Pierrot at last.:thumbsup:
The Arhopala is, I am pretty certain, Arhopala aedis agnis. I found it there last time.
14-Dec-2012, 08:57 PM
Post 22
Just realised the 'Blue Count' is actually C. godartii male.
Inner blue margins quite straight; forewing apices hardly falcate; hindwing blue band narrower than flora.
Post 31.
This form of L. martha with rich chestnut & defined whites is L. martha martha.
Charaxes dunfordi is magnificent.
Post 32.
Allotinus sarrastes.
Hindwing postdiscal spot 6 aligned with spots 2 - 5, & away from spot 7.
Forewing postdiscal spots broken in the middle; lowest at dorsum nearer termen than the uppermost one at costa.
Submarginal spots black & white.
Arhopala aedias is correct.
TL Seow:cheers:
14-Dec-2012, 09:16 PM
Thank you, Seow and Les.
Yes the Charaxes dunfordi is magnificent and it worth the 2 'weak' days.
14-Dec-2012, 09:25 PM
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Well taken shots !!
14-Dec-2012, 11:34 PM
Nice :thumbsup:
Like the Chestnut rajah
Painted Jezebel
15-Dec-2012, 09:08 AM
Post 31.
This form of L. martha with rich chestnut & defined whites is L. martha martha.
This identification raises a number of questions. As they are of a scientific nature, not photographic, I will post them elsewhere, as and when I can phrase my questions correctly!:)
15-Dec-2012, 11:35 AM
The chestnut rajah looks like a piece of steel. Lovely lovely color.
15-Dec-2012, 03:48 PM
This identification raises a number of questions. As they are of a scientific nature, not photographic, I will post them elsewhere, as and when I can phrase my questions correctly!:)
Page 180 in C&P4 states the nominate ssp. martha is found in Langkawi with a hybrid zone in the northern states of Perlis & Kedah on the Mainland. This will of course extends into Thailand.
The type of martha & thus ssp martha was from Pulau Salang (Phuket) in 1779.
The description of martha is given on page 180.
The Malayan ssp. malayana is rather dull.
This one is from Singapore, but Malayan examples are similar.
TL Seow:cheers:
PS. There is a large area of intermediates in peninsular Thailand.
L. martha martha from Laos.
Male from the type location, Phuket.
Male from Langkawi.,r:6,s:0,i:106
L. martha malayana from KPN.
Island forms are less likely to be affected by 'contamination' as on the mainland.
Phuket & Langkawi have ssp. martha.
KPN & Samui retains largely the Sundanian form malayana.
I noticed Samui's form have more orange than that of KPN but would probably still be considered malayana.
Samui, being nearer to the mainland would receive more migrant martha forms.
However, Yutaka considered taxon samuina from Samui as a synonym of martha.
Painted Jezebel
16-Dec-2012, 05:28 PM
Thank you, Seow. You have correctly realised what my problems/queries were, including the synonymised L. martha samuina.
I was also going to mention that Pinratana's Volume 3 (1996) of Butterflies of Thailand states for L. martha malayana...."DISTRIBUTION: Peninsular Thailand, where there is a zone of intergradation extending into the north of the Malay Peninsular. Occurs typically in Malay Peninsular south of Kedah River".
It makes me wonder whether they should be considered separate subspecies at all!
16-Dec-2012, 06:36 PM
It makes me wonder whether they should be considered separate subspecies at all!
By 'they' I gathered you meant the taxa martha & malayana. The typical forms of both (from Phuket & Perak respectively) are distinctive enough.
I noticed most of what Yutaka labelled as malayana are closer to the type of martha from Phuket.
In fact C&P4's checklist stated ssp martha for Kedawi as well (It is north of the Kedah River.).
As Langkawi has many ssp. of Siamese origin, it suggests that when Sundaland was separated from the mainland, the peninsula extended southwards on the western side from Phuket to Langkawi, while Sundaland extended northwards on the eastern side to Samui & KPN.
When Sundaland was reconnected, these four areas became islands.
KPN is unique as the form of L. martha there looks typically of ssp. malayana.
Samui appeared to have too much infusion of ssp martha blood from the mainland, although the female is distinctive.
The situation is quite similar to that of Hypolimnas bolina where in many places two subspecies, bolina & jacintha occur in sympatry.
TL Seow:cheers:
PS. Didn't realised the KPN population is also variable in colour.
The male from KPN.
The female by Antonio.
Female from Phuket (definitive ssp. martha. )
Female from Malaya (definitive ssp. malayana. )
I believed most of the population of peninsular Thailand is referable to ssp. martha.
Painted Jezebel
17-Dec-2012, 09:02 AM
As Langkawi has many ssp. of Siamese origin, it suggests that when Sundaland was separated from the mainland, the peninsula extended southwards on the western side from Phuket to Langkawi, while Sundaland extended northwards on the eastern side to Samui & KPN.
When Sundaland was reconnected, these four areas became islands.
I was pondering this yesterday afternoon whilst in the pub, and came to the same conclusions.
As I think I have mentioned before, it can be very confusing when living where two major faunal areas (Sundaland and Indo-Burmese/Indo-Chinese) are merging, allbeit slowly.
17-Mar-2013, 09:07 AM
Back from Kaeng Krachen, a little diversion for personal business at Krabi allowed me a few hours at Khao Phanom Bencha, very dry with the river reduced to a thin stream. I start with these pictures, much more easy to manage. (
The Common Clubtail - Losaria coon doubledayi (
A common encounter in the forest (
The Grey Pied Flat - Coladenia laxmi sobrina (
Not 100% sure about the ID (
The Malay Chestnut Bob - Iambrix stellifer (
Not sure about the ID (
Arhopala sylhetensis ( Thanks Seow (
The Great Zebra - Graphium xenocles ( Thanks Les (
The Fourbar Swordtail - Graphium agetes agetes ( (
The Malayan Zebra - Graphium delessertii delessertii (
Painted Jezebel
17-Mar-2013, 09:52 AM
Very nice. I must go onto the mainland to get another shot of the Malayan Zebra, mine are useless!
The other Zebra is a Great Zebra, the orange tornal spot is variable in size, and the Lesser Zebra does not have any.
The skippers are as you say.
I hope you had a more relaxing time in Krabi, with less driving.
17-Mar-2013, 10:09 AM
Coladenia laxmi is right.
Arhopala silhetensis. FW band dislocated at vein 4; Hw spot 6 & 7 sinious(wider than usual here.).
Graphium mecareus. FW cell spots separate it from G. megarus.
Correction; G. xenocles as Les had indicated.
TL Seow:cheers:
17-Mar-2013, 06:23 PM
Antonio, are you using a new camera?
the new pictures you're posting are markedly different from your usual and they are phenomenal. i love that 4 bar. the picture has an atmosphere that i can't quite put my finger on. anyway, gorgeous!
17-Mar-2013, 08:16 PM
Yes, Minutemaid, actually the pictures look different, because I've using now a full frame camera, with also a wonderful control of noise at high ISO, the Canon 6D. Unfortunately I have to practice more, both to learn how to manage a FF sensor and how to use a camera with several different controls.
But after a few moments of concern, I start to use the camera with a bit more of confidence. I hope in the future the quality of my pictures will improve more.
Thank you!
17-Mar-2013, 08:17 PM
Thank you, Les and Seow for the useful clarifications.
17-Mar-2013, 10:58 PM
Yes, Minutemaid, actually the pictures look different, because I've using now a full frame camera, with also a wonderful control of noise at high ISO, the Canon 6D. Unfortunately I have to practice more, both to learn how to manage a FF sensor and how to use a camera with several different controls.
But after a few moments of concern, I start to use the camera with a bit more of confidence. I hope in the future the quality of my pictures will improve more.
Thank you!
Beautiful shots, Antonio. The color, high iso and low noise is a big plus for 6D. You are adapting well :)
03-Jul-2013, 11:29 AM
A new trip to Krabi and one day only of butterfly hunting.
This Miletus was, IMHO, strange and never seen before, very fast flying, large white upperside, large (over one inch tall). Could it be M.symethus? (
Miletus sp. (
A few more to follow.
03-Jul-2013, 12:58 PM (
The Straight Pierrot - Caleta roxus pothus ( (
The Blue Yam - Drina maneia ( (
The Hieroglyphic Flat ( Ultra-cropped shot of the (here) rare Odina hieroglyphica ortygia. Damn! disappear so quickly!
03-Jul-2013, 03:28 PM
Post 51.
The brownie is the female M. ancon. M. ancon have the FW postdiscal spots defined (obsolete in symetnus) & HW fascia darker.
The male ancon from Kaeng Krachan.
TL Seow:cheers:
03-Jul-2013, 03:40 PM
Thank you Seow :cheers: a + for me. (
The Narrow Spark - Sinthusa nasaka amba ( (
The Tailed Disc Oakblue - Arhopala atosia ( (
The Darky Plushblue ( - Flos anniella
Painted Jezebel
03-Jul-2013, 04:22 PM
Post 51.
The brownie is the female M. ancon. M. ancon have the FW postdiscal spots defined (obsolete in symetnus) & HW fascia darker.
The male ancon from Kaeng Krachan.
May I ask, what about M. gigantes?
03-Jul-2013, 04:34 PM
May I ask, what about M. gigantes?
It is stated that the range of M. gigantes & ancon are allopatric.
M. gigantes was formerly considered a ssp. of M. ancon. They are similar in size.
Yutaka's record shows M. gigantes to be well south in Narathiwat Satun & Ko Tarutao.
TL Seow:cheers:
03-Jul-2013, 04:36 PM
Post 54.
Arhopla atosia.
Flos anniella The marginal spot is in space 2 ;HW apex strongly darkened.
TL Seow:cheers:
Painted Jezebel
03-Jul-2013, 05:31 PM
It is stated that the range of M. gigantes & ancon are allopatric.
M. gigantes was formerly considered a ssp. of M. ancon. They are similar in size.
Yutaka's record shows M. gigantes to be well south in Narathiwat Satun & Ko Tarutao.
Thank you. Actually I had missed Pendlebury's record for M. ancon from Karom Waterfall, Khao Luang. Krabi and Karom WF are about equally south, though they are seperated by a very wide plain of rice padis. Krabi is almost equidistant from Satun and Ranong, which location I had seen, so I thought it worth asking.
Also noticing, now, that one of the Ranong locations is Muang Shone, which is to the south of the province, I feel sure you are right.
03-Jul-2013, 07:47 PM (
The Common Red Harlequin - Paralaxita telesia ( (
The Dark Posy male upperside - Drupadia theda thesmia ( (
The Scarce Saturn - Zeuxidia doubledayi doubledayi ( ?
03-Jul-2013, 08:59 PM
Thank you. Actually I had missed Pendlebury's record for M. ancon from Karom Waterfall, Khao Luang. Krabi and Karom WF are about equally south, though they are seperated by a very wide plain of rice padis. Krabi is almost equidistant from Satun and Ranong, which location I had seen, so I thought it worth asking.
Also noticing, now, that one of the Ranong locations is Muang Shone, which is to the south of the province, I feel sure you are right.
Another 50 km south of Krabi, it will be quite hard to decide what it is.
Post 59.
Z. doubledayi is right. This species is probably still extant in Singapore.
The Paralaxita species appeared to be lowlanders up north though the temperature is not much different from Malaya.
TL Seow:cheers:
03-Jul-2013, 09:05 PM
Last: (
The Coon -Psolos fuligo - ( unusual upperside (
The Brush Tree Flitter - Hyarotis microsticta ( (
The Black and White Helen - Papilio nephelus annulus - upperside ( corrected! (
The Black and White Helen - same underside (
And just 2 more insects: (
Systella dusmeti ( (
Unidentified Cerambycidae (
03-Jul-2013, 09:22 PM
Another nice collection of pictures, Antonio. :thumbsup::thumbsup:
05-Jul-2013, 01:14 AM
Post 61.
Papilio nephelus annulus , although the FW band is broad on the underside.
TL Seow:cheers:
04-Dec-2013, 12:10 PM
Just less than 2 mornings this time, just the weather gave me a truce... Park not so busy (butterflies speaking): (
The Fourbar Swordtail - upperside (Graphium agetes agetes) (
The Glorious Begum, already seen - Agatasa calydonia calydonia (
What IMHO should be the Malay Staff Sergeant - Athyma reta reta
Green Imperial
04-Dec-2013, 02:55 PM
Beautiful series!
04-Dec-2013, 05:10 PM
Thanks CO :)
Peacock Royal
12-Dec-2013, 09:51 PM
Wow, the open-winged Fourbar and the Glorious Begum shots are super good.
Krabi is in my plan now.
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