View Full Version : A new record for KPG and the South of Thailand

24-Nov-2011, 11:38 AM
It's true, sometimes you have to check just around your home. Yesterday I've found a colony of this tiny butterfly I never care before, just thinking it was some Lesser or Pigmy Grass Blue. But taking the first photo I understood it was another species:

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7156/6388457003_a1728c2e7e_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/angiud/6388457003/)
The Black-spotted Grass Blue (http://www.flickr.com/photos/angiud/6388457003/)

Lycaenidae, Lycaeninae: Chilades putli

Thanks to my friend Les, I learn that this butterfly is recorded until Pattaya at the Southermost part of Thailand, so this record move almost 700 Km South the distribution. Today there is a big storm, so I cannot go again to check the field where this colony lives, I hope tomorrow to check there again.

24-Nov-2011, 12:12 PM

What is "KPG"? Also, how is the flooding in Thailand? Starting to go down?
A lot of Nikon equipment is produced in Thailand and the floods there and the earthquake/sunami in Japan have slowed things down a lot.


Painted Jezebel
24-Nov-2011, 12:19 PM
Chilades putli was previously Freyeria putli. Quite why Freyeria is now included in Chilades, I don't know, but Yutaka has it as Chilades, and that is good enough for me, he usually keeps up to date with these things.

I have now updated my site for this species. Pattaya is the southernmost record I have been able to find, but it is possible that someone may have come across it closer to home and not mention it. This species is so small that it is quite possible that it has been overlooked in the past.

I will be looking more carefully at the tiny blues here. I need to find a new colony of Famegana alsulus anyway, since the only one I knew here has been built upon!:thumbsdow

It's true, sometimes you have to check just around your home. Yesterday I've found a colony of this tiny butterfly I never care before, just thinking it was some Lesser or Pigmy Grass Blue. But taking the first photo I understood it was another species:

Thanks to my friend Les, I learn that this butterfly is recorded until Pattaya at the Southermost part of Thailand, so this record move almost 700 Km South the distribution. Today there is a big storm, so I cannot go again to check the field where this colony lives, I hope tomorrow to check there again.

24-Nov-2011, 12:25 PM
Antonio, congratulation on the new find !!!

Looks like you have really gotten the " Butt Flu "!!:)


Painted Jezebel
24-Nov-2011, 12:31 PM
William, KPG is Koh Pha Ngan (also written as Ko Phangan), the sister island to Koh Samui. We are only a 30 minute boat ride away. However, in less than a year, Antonio has already found 11 species there that I have not come across on KS after 5 years of looking!

The floods up north appear to be going down, though it will take months for everything to be back running to full capacity. Down on the Peninsular, where we live, we have escaped so far, but our rainy season has just started, or so it appears, the weather has been very wierd this year!


What is "KPG"? Also, how is the flooding in Thailand? Starting to go down?
A lot of Nikon equipment is produced in Thailand and the floods there and the earthquake/sunami in Japan have slowed things down a lot.


24-Nov-2011, 12:42 PM
Congrads, Antonio!

Painted Jezebel
24-Nov-2011, 12:48 PM
I forgot to mention, The Black-spotted Grass Blue, is Famegana alsulus. The usual English name for C. putli is the Small Grass Jewel.

24-Nov-2011, 02:05 PM

What is "KPG"? Also, how is the flooding in Thailand? Starting to go down?
A lot of Nikon equipment is produced in Thailand and the floods there and the earthquake/sunami in Japan have slowed things down a lot.


Sorry William, KPG is the acronym for Koh Phangan and I hope you all become used to it because I expect to write a lot about KPG butterflies :bsmile:
About the flood, is receding almost everywhere, although the deflux is slow. Still some minor supply problem (1 month I cannot find my dietetic Pepsi Max, which I'm addicted)

Antonio, congratulation on the new find !!!

Looks like you have really gotten the " Butt Flu "!!:)


LOL, but for sure! When I see my pictures of just six months ago I can understand it!

Congrads, Antonio!

Thanks Moloch, and congrats to you for the amazing pictures of your Queensland trip! :cheers:

24-Nov-2011, 02:07 PM
I forgot to mention, The Black-spotted Grass Blue, is Famegana alsulus. The usual English name for C. putli is the Small Grass Jewel.

Good thank you!, I'm going to change the common name everywhere!

(and I hope to kindly disappoint you again with some new find ASAP!) :bsmile: :bsmile:

Painted Jezebel
24-Nov-2011, 02:18 PM
(and I hope to kindly disappoint you again with some new find ASAP!) :bsmile: :bsmile:

You can disappoint, anger or make me jealous anytime you want, the sooner the better:grin2: . It is wonderful.

24-Nov-2011, 07:38 PM
Sunny (but windy) afternoon so I visited again the field and I found several more Chilades putli.
I understand also why they call it "the Small Grass Jewel". Because of the iridescent colors of the pristine butterflies, as you can see in the next 2 pictures:



I found the same butterfly, in several specimens, in another site (500 mt distant)

Painted Jezebel
24-Nov-2011, 07:47 PM
Aaaah! You've made me angry and jealous already!

What is the exact habitat you have found them in? You mention a field, but is it near a coconut plantation, edge of woodland or disturbed secondary vegetation?

I WANT TO FIND IT HERE!!!!!!!!!:grin2:

24-Nov-2011, 08:44 PM
They are fields close to coconut plantations with low grass and secondary vegetation.
A lot of this ubiquitous flower is a common denominator of the presence of this species:


I', pretty sure you can find it in Samui too. Here is just appeared, no more than a few days ago. I'll check if is coming everywhere like the Lesser Grass blue or is only localized.

Glorious Begum
24-Nov-2011, 10:39 PM
Congrats on the new find. And beautiful pic too. :cheers:

Blue Jay
24-Nov-2011, 11:15 PM
Congrats on the new species and gd shots, Angiud!:cheers:

Aaaah! You've made me angry and jealous already!

What is the exact habitat you have found them in? You mention a field, but is it near a coconut plantation, edge of woodland or disturbed secondary vegetation?

I WANT TO FIND IT HERE!!!!!!!!!:grin2:
:bsmile: :bsmile: :bsmile:

24-Nov-2011, 11:33 PM
Thank you everybody for the compliments and congratulations.

Now I have to find a new species to make Painted Jezebel completely mad :bsmile: :bsmile:

The problem is that I have to trek up and down on the island 24/7 to find something new during the raining season...:sweat:

To the next! :cheers:

25-Nov-2011, 10:06 AM
Now I have to find a new species to make Painted Jezebel completely mad :bsmile: :bsmile:

I'm sure the locals are already very amused at you two 'mad' farangs running up and down the forests and mountains looking for lil' creatures that they cannot see!

Your latest find is very unique, Antonio. It takes the Lycaenidae eyespots to the extreme, featuring four clear 'eyes' and two silvery spots flanking them. Sweet! :)

For the uninitiated :


Thai word for white people or Westerners, generically referring to non-asians. Generally used without derogatory connotation, derived from the Thai word "farangsayt" for French.
Also Thai word for guava.

25-Nov-2011, 10:17 AM
It is stated to be India's smallest butterfly, but since Zizula hylax is also found in India, it has to be smaller still. Amazing!

TL Seow:cheers:

25-Nov-2011, 10:22 AM
Congrats on the new find, Antonio. :cheers:

Such an interesting little butterfly. :grin2:

Common Mime
25-Nov-2011, 11:30 AM
Lovely rings!!! I am happy to see the two-spotted Blue and this fellow got itself 6!

Painted Jezebel
25-Nov-2011, 02:59 PM
Those first and last silvery spots are what differentiates this species from Chilades (Freyeria) trochylus (Large Grass Jewel), though 'large' can not really describe it (c.15-22mm wingspan). This is also found in Thailand, but only in the north-west.........so far!!!!

Painted Jezebel
21-Dec-2011, 01:34 PM
I am delighted to say that Chilades putli has been found on Samui...but not by me! Monique has a photo of one on her website, found near her home.

Guess where I am going at the earliest opportunity!

21-Dec-2011, 04:28 PM
Just to refresh, one more shot of the 10th of December

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7011/6490412993_0ff58bf232_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/angiud/6490412993/)
the Small Grass Jewel (http://www.flickr.com/photos/angiud/6490412993/)