View Full Version : Skipper

28-Jan-2012, 11:40 PM
From ButterflyCircle Facebook Group (http://www.facebook.com/groups/112319205455786/)...

Dr. Seow request your input on this skipper, a member asked what skipper is this ?

My half-passed-6 skipper identification says it is a Potanthus trachala tytleri ( Detached Dart )


29-Jan-2012, 01:27 AM
Its more than half past six, Sunny. You have it right.
The overlap between spot 3 & 4 is very little.
I am using the underside of this P. cofucius from Taiwan for comparison. ( no pseudomaesa or trachala there , so it is correct.)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Potanthus_confucius_Taioan_ngpanlongtiap_002. jpg :bsmile:

This is an eye-opener.
I have been assuming BC member would knew trachala as something not omaha/ganda type by the size. But what if the size is forgotten or not sure.
Some of Brian's recent ' P. confucius ' need rechecking.

TL Seow:cheers:

Seow , a misplaced smiley causes a mis-direction of the link, I have corrected it and it is working fine now.


29-Jan-2012, 04:29 PM
Thanks Sunny for the correction.
I didn't put a smiley. It must have been activated as the pointer passed over it. The touchpad can be sensitive.
I remembered an incident in the past when a thumbdown appeared with the comment making it appeared rude.

TL Seow:cheers: