View Full Version : Some Butterfly Sighting Records in 2012
Peacock Royal
05-Feb-2012, 12:38 AM
Shot at PRP last Saturday (29 Jan)
Quite a few King Crows (Euploea phaenareta castelnaui) feeding on one particular flowering Syzygium tree
The 3rd shot puzzles me, but I think it is more likely to be King crow ?
Peacock Royal
25-Feb-2012, 10:49 PM
Some shots taken in the past two weeks.
1. Anthene emolus goberus (Ciliate Blue)
2. Caleta elna elvira (Elbowed Pierrot) & Ionolyce helicon merguiana (Pointed Line Blue) ?
3. Tagiades calligana (The Malayan Snowflat) - No, it should be Tagiades gana gana (Large Snow Flat)
4. Jamides celeno aelianus (Common Caerulean)
5. Symbrenthia but which species ? - pity that I had only one shot
6. Miletus biggsii biggsii (Biggs's Brownie)
7. Hypolimnas anomala anomala (Malayan Eggfly)
25-Feb-2012, 10:56 PM
Congrates Federick , for adding Symbrenthia to the Singapore Checklist!
It has not been recorded here before (C&P4).
Looks like Symbrenthia hippoculus selangorana ( The Common Jester )
:cheergal: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheergal:
Blue Nawab
25-Feb-2012, 11:10 PM
Wow, congrats Fed, you did it again!! :redbounce :jumjoy: :gbounce: :redbounce
25-Feb-2012, 11:21 PM
Well done, Federick :thumbsup:
Peacock Royal
25-Feb-2012, 11:24 PM
Thanks guys. It was all due to luck.
Need to have more shots to confirm the id.
25-Feb-2012, 11:33 PM
Congrats, Federick. :cheers::cheers::cheers:
26-Feb-2012, 12:07 AM
Great Job Federick:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :cheers:
Do you have an upper of that 'J. celeno ? It looks a bit odd.
TL Seow:cheers:
26-Feb-2012, 12:19 AM
That Tagiades calligana looks closer to Tagiades gana featured in the photo checklist. :thinking:
Peacock Royal
26-Feb-2012, 12:24 AM
Thanks Horace, you are right.
26-Feb-2012, 12:30 AM
:cheers: Must be another FT wanting to come over to Singapore. :bsmile:
Pity there was no sign of it today. ;P
26-Feb-2012, 12:44 AM
Congrats Federick!!!
:cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
26-Feb-2012, 01:05 AM
Painted Jezebel
26-Feb-2012, 08:41 AM
Congratulations on finding the Jester, Fed. What was the habitat like in which you found it?
I'm yet to see any of this Genus up here:thumbsdow , though it is on my list of 'possibles'.
26-Feb-2012, 10:24 AM
Horace is right about that Tagiades but I am intrigued about that Jamides.
Although C&P4 shows an example of J. pura with perfect alignment of the striae I have wondered if this is always so. Moreover J. pura is not considered a rare species.
As usual the net shows a huge amount of conflicting images. To make matter worst both J. celeno & J. pura are highly variable with regional differences as well.
Here is a correct image of J. pura female from Koh Phangan.
( hindwing space 6 not completely darkened. ) Note striae not perfectly aligned.
Here is the underside of the same specimen.
Note the marginal & submarginal spots are dark & the striae rather broad.
Compare with more typical J. celeno female on the right here.
Here is another example of possibly J. pura also by Federick in 2009.
It is possible we have J. pura all along.
TL Seow:cheers:
26-Feb-2012, 11:29 AM
Federick, congrats on the new find :cheers:
Peacock Royal
26-Feb-2012, 11:54 AM
Great Job Federick:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :cheers:
Do you have an upper of that 'J. celeno ? It looks a bit odd.
TL Seow:cheers:
Thanks Seow.
Sorry, I don't have a proper upperside shot. But to tell you the feeling when I saw this guy fluttering around - it didn't look liike a typical J. celeno that I am sure of. It took me a while to look at the checklist to come out with the id waiting to be confirm (that;s why I put (TBC) in the filename of the shot).
Attached is another shot taken in a breeze.
Peacock Royal
26-Feb-2012, 12:01 PM
Congratulations on finding the Jester, Fed. What was the habitat like in which you found it?
I'm yet to see any of this Genus up here:thumbsdow , though it is on my list of 'possibles'.
Thanks Les.
This guy was seen puddling when I took a shot. The surroundng areas can be considered as forested. I spotted a Choclolate Sailor as well as an orange butterfly glidiing at the canopy level along the fringe of a fenced-up forested area yesterday morning.
I think we need a lot of luck and patience to nail this bugger again.
26-Feb-2012, 02:21 PM
Just as you said, Federick! Hard work and luck. Just got the latest news from a lil' butt that our top butt hunter has nailed it! :redbounce
So let's look forward to the post of this new discovery by this evening. Thanks to you for spotting it! :cheers:
26-Feb-2012, 02:36 PM
Congrats Federick! :cheers: for a +1
26-Feb-2012, 04:02 PM
:)It was nothing happening where Federick shot his. My hunch tells me they must be somewhere in the adjacent forest . Decided to go in there for a hunt instead of the fruitless wait. .....must have covered 3-4 kilometers....the Butterfly Fairy smiled ...and saw this fluttering in the bush.
Not the best of specimen I must admit, with the right hind wing torn... nevertheless it should be good enough to confirm that we have Symbrenthia hippoclus selangorana on our island. This appears to be a female. Upper and lower wing markings confirm with Pisuth Plate 158 N32 Symbrenthia hippoclus selangorana
The location of this shot was quite far away and deep in the forest from where Federick nailed his. .... There were other specimen around but they were all high and dry and just refused to come down to entertain me.
It is a rather small butterfly about the size of the Lasippa tiga siaka (The Malayan Lascar). It has the same flap-and-glide flight characteristic of the Lascar and it is almost indistinguishable in flight . It is very skittish and a high flyer.
Will bring a director chair and a cool box of beer to wait them out the next round!:bsmile:
Symbrenthia hippoclus selangorana or Symbrenthia lilaea luciana ??
Record shot upper forewing marking
26-Feb-2012, 05:59 PM
What great determination and what a reward, Sunny.:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
It is a female S. hippoclus selangorana alright.
Although the text in C&P4 states that the spot in space 3 on the forewing is wholly pinkish in the female of S. hippoclus, this is nigh impossible to see in a pic on a screen.
I have found an important ID aid ie. on the hindwing the squarish discal spot in space 7 is clear yellow-brown in S. lilaea and partly or wholly shaded in S. hippoclus. Here it is wholly shaded.
The underside hindwing is also more heavily dark-dusted.
The upperside is very variable.
TL Seow:cheers:
26-Feb-2012, 06:02 PM
Well done, Sunny. :cheers: Can always depend on you to hunt them down. :bsmile:
Next will be to send our cat farming expert, Horace, to nail down the life history. :grin2:
Peacock Royal
26-Feb-2012, 08:06 PM
Well done Sunny. The underside shot is great
26-Feb-2012, 09:09 PM
Wow, great effort, Sunny.:thumbsup::cheers::cheers:
3-4 kms away is definitely well into the no-man land and not a place to wander there during weekdays. :thinking:
Banded Yeoman
26-Feb-2012, 09:22 PM
Wow wow wow!!! :what: :what: :what:
Congrats to Uncle Fedrick and Uncle Sunny! :cheers:
I never expected to see this here!!
:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
26-Feb-2012, 09:37 PM
Wow, great effort, Sunny.:thumbsup::cheers::cheers:
3-4 kms away is definitely well into the no-man land and not a place to wander there during weekdays. :thinking:
Not that far away........ I'd covered 3-4 kms searching, before stumbled on them.
The Plane
26-Feb-2012, 11:22 PM
WOW, congrats to you Federick and Sunny ! :cheers: . +1 for our checklist :redbounce
Painted Jezebel
27-Feb-2012, 09:39 AM
Well done Sunny.
Thanks Fed, for the habitat details, and also Sunny, for the flight style details. I must take more interest in the Lasippa looking butts in the future!!!
27-Feb-2012, 09:39 AM
Found a third shot of a possible J. pura female by Federick in Seletar Wasteland Dec. 2011.
Note thick white striae on forewing & sharper contrast of markings.
This one had laid an egg. ean%2529.jpg
TL Seow:cheers:
27-Feb-2012, 09:42 AM
Sunny: Congratulations form across the pond. Nothing i can do but enjoy your postings... one better than the other! William
Great Mormon
27-Feb-2012, 03:43 PM
Congrats on the find Sunny! :cheers:
28-Feb-2012, 12:24 AM
Blog updated with the article ( of Federick's and Sunny's find of this new species to Singapore. :)
Leopard Lacewing
01-Mar-2012, 09:23 AM
Congratulation to Fed and Sunny!!! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
Peacock Royal
18-Mar-2012, 11:43 PM
A few recent sightings.
1. Catochrysops panormus exiguus (Silver Forget-me-not)
2. Anthene lycaenina miya (Pointed Ciliate Blue)
3. Taxila haquinus haquinus (Harlequin)
4(a). Euthalia merta merta (White Tipped Baron) ?
4(b) Underside shot
19-Mar-2012, 12:46 AM
Wah... the White Tipped Baron is back after all these years?? At USR again?
Peacock Royal
19-Mar-2012, 11:33 AM
This time it appeared at a trail near the UPR entrance.
Peacock Royal
31-Mar-2012, 10:46 AM
Shot near UPR two weeks ago.
1. Arhopala major major
2. Arhopala athada athada (Vinous Oakblue)
Am I right ?
31-Mar-2012, 11:14 AM
Shot near UPR two weeks ago.
1. Arhopala major major
2. Arhopala athada athada (Vinous Oakblue)
Am I right ?
Yes. The A. major even have a bit of the upper for confirmation.
TL Seow:cheers:
Peacock Royal
14-Apr-2012, 12:16 AM
Thanks Seow
A few shots taken in the forest.
1 and 2 (Same individual) : Ypthima baldus newboldi or Ypthima horsfieldii humei ?
3 and 4 : Athyma pravara helma (Lance Sergeant)
5. Mycalesis mineus macromalayana (Dark Brand Bush Brown) ?
14-Apr-2012, 01:58 AM
1 & 2 Ypthima horsfieldii.
5 is a bit tricky. It looks like a bit of hybrid between mineus & visala.
It should be M. visala.
The indentation line which forms the inner border of the hindwing spots is broad & open, (triangular at the upper part in mineus.)
The white band bends outward at the upper end.
The lower 3 big spots (excluding the lowest.) are out of line. (in line in mineus.)
The dark subbasal line do not forms the 2 distinct 'teeth' seen in perseoides.
The only reservation is that the perpheral striae are not more broadly whitened.
TL Seow:cheers:
Peacock Royal
28-Apr-2012, 11:25 PM
A few shots from last few outings.
1 and 2 : Euploea crameri bremeri (Spotted Black Crow)
3. Lampides boeticus (Pea Blue) at Ubin
4. Phalanta phalantha phalantha (Leopard) at Ubin
5. Rapala iarbus iarbus (Common Red Flash)
28-Apr-2012, 11:33 PM
Guessing a couple of those butterflies where looking for salt? Looks like you had an enjoyable outing. William
29-Apr-2012, 12:33 AM
5 is Rapala dieneces male (note oval mark on hindwing. This one has broad wings.)
(R. iarbus is lighter & the postdiscal line above the blueish patch is a slanted line.)
R. dieneces & suffusa are very similar. Here is a suffusa pair. Not sure if male is always this yellow.
TL Seow:cheers:
29-Apr-2012, 12:45 AM
Interesting mosquito on the 2nd Spotted Black Crow :)
29-Apr-2012, 07:59 PM
Concur with Seow the Rapala is not a Common Red Flash.
looking at the yellow around the tornal spot ... is it possible that this is a Rapala suffusa barthema (Suffused Flash) ?
30-Apr-2012, 12:34 AM
Concur with Seow the Rapala is not a Common Red Flash.
looking at the yellow around the tornal spot ... is it possible that this is a Rapala suffusa barthema (Suffused Flash) ?
There is a possibility of course, but the ID of the male is based on the upperside, brownish red in suffusa (all on the hindwing) and bright-red in dieneces (dark basal patch on hindwing).
In the females, the underside of suffusa is yellow & dieneces ,pale buff brown.
Fleming does mentioned in the female suffusa underside' note orange over tornal spot conspicuous'.
This is rather vague. In the typical male & female suffusa (yellow form) this can hardly be seen.
Perhaps members can note the upperside colour of the male when it takes flight.
Yutaka website is of little help as it is low-res. & all details are lost on zooming.
TL Seow:cheers:
PS. Moore's original description of the type, a male, states the underside as dull sulphur-yellow.
Distant descibed the underside of female of ssp barthema as yellow.
The male he later noted as allied to domitia in colour minus the black spots.
Peacock Royal
01-May-2012, 07:52 PM
This is another shot that reveals a little glimpse of the upperside - I must say that its reddish-orange upperside was rather intense when it was in flight - thinking that it is a Common Red Flash - that's why I didn't take a closer look at its underside, forgetting that the uppersides of the male Scarlet Flash (R. dieneces) is reddish-orange also.
I am not sure how intense the "reddishness" of the male Suffused Flash (R. suffusa barthema ) is.
01-May-2012, 10:05 PM
As Moore first described the species, the red is suffused with brown, so the male Suffused Flash does not flash brightly.
TL Seow:cheers:
02-May-2012, 12:57 AM
It is understandable that when they wrote it, drawing and words were the only way to describe the ID keys.... how I wish the day someone create a pictorial key to the verbal key, assuming old foggies like us are still around.... it is killing alot of us!!:bsmile:
03-May-2012, 06:56 PM
Very nice shots, Federick. I found that the straps of my binocular/camera were always attactive to something when I placed these on the ground. It certainly does not take the butterflies long to find something like this.
Peacock Royal
18-May-2012, 11:18 PM
Thanks David
A few recent shots.
1. Neptis hylas papaja (Common Sailor)
2. Arhopala epimuta epiala (Common Disc Oakblue)
3. Mycalesis fusca fusca (Malayan Bush Brown)
4a and 4b : Ionolyce helicon merguiana (Pointed Line Blue)
5. Which Miletus ?
19-May-2012, 03:39 PM
2 is A. major male (In A. epimuta, forewing spot 4(lowest here) is dilocated outwards; hindwing spot 6 is astride spot 5 & cellend bar; upperside is all blue in the male.)
5 is Miletus symethus male. ( forewing apex whitish, subapical spots ill-defined or obsolete; Hindwing postdiscal spots lunulate.)
TL Seow:cheers:
Peacock Royal
04-Jun-2012, 09:02 PM
Thanks Cher Hern for providing the transport to Panti Forest with two fantastic shooting companions Sunny and Loke. Very nice weather but extremely humid in the forest.
The "base camp" was disgustingly dirty - litter, discarded food, raw and cooked, cans and human waste attracted thousands of flies.
Here are some of my shots
1. Dichorragia nesimachus deiokes (Constable)
2. Terinos atlita teuthras ?
3 and 4 : Cirrochroa tyche rotundata ?
5. Which Sunbeam ? Curetis regula ?
6 and 7. Cyrestis themire themire (different individuals)
8. Arnetta verones (Sumatran Bob)
9. ??
10. Which Arhopala ?
05-Jun-2012, 12:41 AM
5. Curetis tagalica jopa. Black banded legs. Hindwing lunulate spot in space 6 set inside that of space 7 & space 5.
( In C. regula the lunulate spots in space 6 & 7 are flush or in line.)
9. Astictopteru jama jama.
10. Arhopala epimuta epiala.
This can only keyed out as A. epimuta or agesilaus; spot 4 is slightly shifted out & other features ruled out A. agesilaus.
Note lack of tornal white dot in this individual.
TL Seow:cheers:
PS. The rest are correct.
Peacock Royal
09-Jun-2012, 10:05 AM
Many thanks Dr Seow.
Here are a few more shots from Panti
1. A glimps of the upperside of Curetis tagalica jopa
2. Fluffy Tit (Zeltus amasa maximinianus)
3 and 4 : Great Assyrian (Terinos atlita teuthras) - same specimen
5 and 6 : Malay Staff Sergeant (Athyma reta moorei )
7. Constable (Dichorragia nesimachus deiokes) - most beautiful butterfly species in this trip - but no chance for more shots !!
8. Blue Jay (Graphium evemon eventus)
9. Five bar Swordtail (Pathysa antiphates itamputi )
10 and 11 : The Malay Yeoman (Cirrochroa emalea emalea
09-Jun-2012, 04:03 PM
Very nice, Federick. How often do you see Great Assyrians? I've only seen one and that was on my last trip to The Gap area.
Constables are such beautiful butterflies. It always is nice to see photos of those.
Peacock Royal
09-Jun-2012, 09:37 PM
Thanks David.
I can't answer if The Great Assyrian is common - however, this was my first time sighting at least 3 or 4 of them. Perhaps someone could answer that question.
Peacock Royal
10-Jun-2012, 11:48 PM
A few shots taken from last few outings in Singapore
1 and 2 : Malayan Lascar (Lasippa tiga siaka)
3. The Plain Plushblue (Flos apidanus saturatus)
4. Horsfield's Baron (Tanaecia iapis puseda)
Peacock Royal
14-Jun-2012, 08:21 PM
Just a few shots first.
1. Thauria aliris pseudaliris (Tufted Jungle King)
2. Papilio palinurus palinurus (Banded Peacock) - a long-distance shot.
3. Troides amphrysus ruficollis (Malayan Birdwing)
4. Troides brookiana albescens (Rajah Brooke's Birdwing) - first time shooting a female.
5. Chliaria othona semanga (Orchid Tit) - ??
6. Pathysa macareus perakensis (Lesser Zebra)
14-Jun-2012, 10:12 PM
Seems like a fun and enjoyable trip :cheers:
I haven't seen Tufted Jungle King in Gua Tempurong before. Did you guys venture into the woods on the right side of the toilet?
Peacock Royal
14-Jun-2012, 10:46 PM
Yes, we did. But they have trimmed the plants there and behind the stream.
Elbowed Pierrot
15-Jun-2012, 10:22 AM
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Peacock Royal
15-Jun-2012, 03:02 PM
Thanks Simon. A few more shots.
7. Cethosia penthesilea methypsea (Plain Lacewing) pg
8. Cepora iudith malaya
9. Appias nero figulna (Orange Albatross)
10. Poritia erycinoides phraatica
11. Jamides philatus subditus
12. Chersonesia intermedia intermedia (Correction : Should be Chersonesia rahria rahria) Thanks Dr Seow.
13 and 14 : Rohana parisatis siamensis - male
15-Jun-2012, 09:59 PM
12 is Chersonesia rahria rahria.
C. rahria : forewing submarginal band irregular, upper part with one black dash/spot.
Hindwing submarginal band typically wider than the inner 2 bands; tornus without a black mark.
C. intermedia.: forewing submarginal band irregular, upper part with 2 black dashes.
Hindwing submarginal band hardly wider than the inner 2 bands; tornus with a black mark to the margin.
(Note C&P4's key lines 5 & 6 are in error.)
Correction: Ignore above ID notes; there is too much variations for it to be correct.
TL Seow:cheers:
Peacock Royal
16-Jun-2012, 01:40 AM
Thanks Seow.
15. Terinos clarissa malayanus (Malayan Assyrian)
16 and 17. Pandita sinope sinope
18. Graphium agamemnon agamemnon (Tailed Jay)
I have problems with the following species.
Blue Jay
16-Jun-2012, 01:41 AM
17 to 21: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
16-Jun-2012, 02:46 PM
19 & 20 Appias albina albina.
This is the tricky albatross which looks so much like Saletara.
In Saletara the last vein at the apex (vein 9) is very short, & arise from a tiny fork (from vein 7) close to the margin.
21. Appias paulina distanti.
TL Seow:cheers:
Peacock Royal
17-Jun-2012, 12:00 AM
Many thanks Dr Seow.
22. Chersonesia intermedia intermedia - I hope I got it correct this time.
23. Bassarona teuta rayana (The Banded Marquis) ???
24. Halpe porus (Moore's Ace) ?
25. Halpe hauxwelli
26. Rohana parisatis siamensis female
27. Troides amphrysus ruficollis (Malayan Birdwing)
28. Troides brookiana albescens (Rajah Brooke's Birdwing) - ng.jpg
29. Lamproptera curius curius (White Dragontail)
17-Jun-2012, 12:10 AM
The Birdwing is Troides helena. The spots of T. amphrysus are usually larger and often conjoined. Your earlier shot in post #60 ( shows the upperside of a female Malayan Birdwing.
Peacock Royal
17-Jun-2012, 12:59 AM
The Birdwing is Troides helena. The spots of T. amphrysus are usually larger and often conjoined. Your earlier shot in post #60 ( shows the upperside of a female Malayan Birdwing.
Thanks Khew.
This is Malayan Birdwing (Troides amphrysus ruficollis)
17-Jun-2012, 01:08 AM
Yup, that's correct. :thumbsup:
17-Jun-2012, 02:04 AM
22 (Chersonesia intermedia) is correct.
After studying valid examples of both species, the previous ID points in post 65 are incorrect.
The easiest & accurate ID difference is.
C. rahria : forewing apex with a cross line which may be discernable as 2 spots.
C intermedia : forewing apex with a single spot & without the cross line.
TL Seow:cheers:
Peacock Royal
19-Jun-2012, 12:20 AM
Thanks again Dr Seow
Last few shots taken at Gua Tempurung
30. Koruthaialos rubecula rubecula (Narrow-banded Velvet )
31. Euthalia mahadeva zichrina (The Blue Baron) ??
32. Which Nacaduba sp ?
33. Eurema andersonii andersonii (Anderson's Grass Yellow) low.jpg
34. Polyura athamas athamas (Common Nawab)
35. Megisba malaya sikkima (The Malayan)
19-Jun-2012, 01:04 AM
30 is Koruthaialos sindu. (orange band reach forewing costa; palpi 3rd segments very short.)
32 should be Nacaduba berenice. ( no features to suggest other species.)
34 is Polyura moori (Discal band almost 2x wider than the marginal brown area at hindwing costa; outer margin of discal band on forewing angled.)
The rest are correct
TL Seow:cheers:
19-Jun-2012, 10:58 PM
Hi Federick,
RE: #60, 4 and # 69, 28:
Female and male Trogonoptera brookiana albescens respectively. Eliot (2006) pointed out in his update the Trogonoptera was re-instated as full genus.
Teo T P
Peacock Royal
20-Jun-2012, 12:37 AM
Thanks TP for this update.
Peacock Royal
23-Jun-2012, 11:26 PM
Last few butterfy shots from Kampar.
36. Chersonesia rahria rahria - same individual as my early picture #12 on this species was shot at the waterfall (a mix-up of the shots when I posted)
37. (Xanthotaenia busiris busiris) (Yellow Barred )
38. Which Arhopala ??
39. Notocrypta paralysos varians (The Banded Demon) ?
40. Koruthaialos species ??
41. Which Curetis sp ?
24-Jun-2012, 12:34 AM
38. An aberration. Spot 9(forewing) & spot 6(hndwing) are missing.
Forewing mid cellspot very large, but all other features including the wide gap between spot 5 & cellend bar indicates Arhopala major.
39. Notocryota quadrata.
No subapical spots; very broad white band; at apex, costa & termen at right angle.(Correction: probably N. clavata female)
40 .Female Koruthaialos sindu.
Note Ancistroides gemmifer & Pseudokerana have white spots beneath.
In K. frena (not listed in C&P4) the outer margin of band is smoothly curved.
41. Curetis santana.
It seem almost impossible to separate C. santana & bulis from the underside, but santana have the white palpi 2nd segment spotted red/orange.
Correction: This is probably Curetis bulis.
A check indicates C. bulis also have spotted palpi. In bulis the palpi are finely spotted, while in santana, a few coarser spots are present nearer the tip so that the palpi appeared largely unspotted if not in focus.
TL Seow:cheers:
24-Jun-2012, 01:19 PM
Here is an about turn.
41 is correctly Curetis santana.
In all valid examples of Curetis bulis the lunulate marks of the discal band on the hindwing are well-aligned so that the band is almost a straight line.
In Curetis santana the marks are variably mis-aligned so the discal band appeared dislocated.
One of the main confusion was that Fleming's L378 male upper & underside of C bulis keyed out to be C. santana and is identical to the male C. santana from Ranong in the Yutaka site.
TL Seow:cheers:
25-Jun-2012, 09:20 AM
After rechecking the Notocrypta, I think it is correctly N. clavata female.
(N. quadrata is out as its hndwing is triangular & the cilia checquered.)
The white band is continued to costa & the termen is straight to vein 5 & then curved to the apex.
The shape of the band is broader & resembles N. paralysos, but this is not a criterion for ID.
TL Seow:cheers:
Peacock Royal
30-Jun-2012, 10:43 PM
Many thanks Dr Seow.
I realise that I still have one Arhopala shot (taken at the Batu Berangkai waterfall) that needs to be identified.
30-Jun-2012, 10:52 PM
This last one can only keyed out as A. epimuta.
TL Seow:cheers:
Peacock Royal
09-Aug-2012, 03:49 PM
A male and a female of the Black Tipped Archduke (Lexias dirtea merguia)
Peacock Royal
20-Aug-2012, 10:27 PM
A few recent shots
1. Is this Lexias canescens pardalina (Yellow Archduke) ?
2. Drupadia theda thesmia (Dark Posy)
3. Rapala suffusa barthema (Suffused Flash)
4 and 5. Poritia sumatrae sumatrae (Sumatran Gem)
6. Flos fulgida singhapura (The Shining Plushblue)
20-Aug-2012, 10:33 PM
1 is correct.
3 If the ground colour is brownish it is always R. dieneces.
TL Seow:cheers:
Peacock Royal
15-Sep-2012, 07:09 PM
A few shots taken at USR two weeks ago.
Too busy these days, I took a quick look at the shots and id them as follows :
1. Nacaduba sanaya elioti ??
2. Nacaduba sanaya elioti ?? - different from #1.
3. Arhopala sublustris ??
15-Sep-2012, 09:46 PM
The 2 Nacaduba are N. sanaya.
The Arhopala is a problematic one.
Postdiscal spot 9(topmost) is in line & the band is dislocated at vein 4.
The shape of the hindwing spot 6, wider at top is also sometimes seen in A. athada.
The overall appearance suggest A. athada.
I suppose this is a lot larger than A. major.
TL Seow:cheers:
PS. 3rd is confirmed A. athada.
If spot 6 is wide enough to bridge the spot 5 -cellend gap, and the forewing band is distinctly dislocated at vein 4, it is athada.
Peacock Royal
06-Oct-2012, 09:56 PM
Thanks Dr Seow.
3 upperside shots.
1. Doleschallia bisaltide (Autumn Leaf)
2. Curetis saronis sumatrana (Sumatran Sunbeam)
3. Loxura atymnus fuconius (Yamfly)
13-Oct-2012, 10:44 AM
Nice shots, Federick. It was good to the Sumatran Gem with partially opened wings. Looks like a lovely species.
Peacock Royal
20-Oct-2012, 10:32 PM
Thanks David
Here are 3 recent lycaenid shots taken near LT.
1. Zizula hylax pygmaea (Pygmy Grass Blue
2. Prosotas lutea sivoca
3. Acytolepis puspa lambi (Common Hedge Blue)
21-Oct-2012, 01:15 AM
That Prosotas lutea. Is that taken in Singapore?
TL Seow:cheers:
21-Oct-2012, 01:26 AM
That Prosotas lutea. Is that taken in Singapore?
TL Seow:cheers:
yup. was very surprised when i saw it
21-Oct-2012, 07:43 AM
yup. was very surprised when i saw it
Congrats!:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :jumjoy:
TL Seow:cheers:
Peacock Royal
21-Oct-2012, 08:25 AM
Yes, I shot it at Bukit Brown but the hahbitat there will be affected once the construction of a road starts.
21-Oct-2012, 09:40 AM
Congrats, Federick and Lemon for this new find! :cheers:
21-Oct-2012, 09:46 AM
Congrats, Federick and Lemon for this new find! :cheers:
it was federick who found it and i happened to bump into him just after he shot it. it was flying around with a couple of other small lycaenids.
i didn't manage to shoot it but i did see one specimen after federick left.
i remember shooting one at fraser's hill.
21-Oct-2012, 11:29 AM
congrats on the +1. a pity this place will be gone soon....
21-Oct-2012, 03:02 PM
Yes, I shot it at Bukit Brown but the hahbitat there will be affected once the construction of a road starts.
Bukit Brown?
Seems like it's well established and has been hiding all this while:)
21-Oct-2012, 03:22 PM
Congrats on the +1, Fed. :cheers: This fella's markings a unique enough to ID it. Next time you know what to do - make full use of your NParks permit! :bsmile:
Now to get a better confirmation of the other Prosotas that Horace stumbled upon earlier, P. aluta.
Peacock Royal
21-Oct-2012, 05:29 PM
Khew, I have thought of it but I did't have the correct equipment to do it when this guy was at a distance from me.
I guess BB is not an ideal shooting ground for many of us.
Hope you guys have found its location.
21-Oct-2012, 05:49 PM
Congrats on the +1, Federick :cheers:
22-Oct-2012, 10:49 PM
I guess BB is not an ideal shooting ground for many of us.
Hope you guys have found its location.
Saw a number of them flying around but they were too skittish and too far for any decent shot. :-( One of them seemed to be trying to oviposit on both the legume plant on site and the mile-a-minute vine, but no eggs were found.
Definitely not an easy site to take pics due to the nature of the site and that the butts were visiting vegetation over-growing some of the graves. :sweat:
Peacock Royal
22-Oct-2012, 11:07 PM
Well done ! At least we know where to find them now.
It is a matter of time we find its host plants.
The Plane
22-Oct-2012, 11:15 PM
Congratz Federick. That's a nice +1 :thumbsup: :cheers:
23-Oct-2012, 09:48 AM
Saw a number of them flying around but they were too skittish and too far for any decent shot. :-( One of them seemed to be trying to oviposit on both the legume plant on site and the mile-a-minute vine, but no eggs were found.
Definitely not an easy site to take pics due to the nature of the site and that the butts were visiting vegetation over-growing some of the graves. :sweat:
Well done, Horace. You are our advance party. This Friday BC members will flood the site. :bsmile:
But you've got a point there. If the butt perches on top of a grave, would anyone step on top the grave, knowing that there is someone buried underneath? :thinking:
24-Oct-2012, 07:41 PM
But you've got a point there. If the butt perches on top of a grave, would anyone step on top the grave, knowing that there is someone buried underneath? :thinking:
Some of the abandoned graves are overgrown with vegetation and their tombstone broken/collapsed. Hence you might not even know that you are already stepping on a grave as you approach the butt for a shot.
Peacock Royal
17-Nov-2012, 11:23 PM
I need help in confirming the ids for these two species.
1,2 and 3 - Which Abisara species ?
4. Nacaduba sp ?
18-Nov-2012, 12:24 AM
1, 2, & 3 are female Abisara geza.
The band is strongly angulate at vein 4 on the hindwing.
4. is the female of Ionolyce helicon.
The forewing postdiscal band is mostly disjointed; hindwing submarginal spot in space 3 sharply pointed; note wingshape.
TL Seow:cheers:
Peacock Royal
02-Dec-2012, 12:20 AM
Thanks Dr Seow.
1 and 2. Malayan Eggfly (Hypolimnas anomala anomala) - form nivas
3. Jamides sp - whihc one ?
02-Dec-2012, 03:14 AM
Post 110
It is a male Jamides alecto..
Forewing shape & all blue costa indicats male.
Underside forewing- elpis subgroup; underside hindwing innermost band broken into 3 pieces.
Upperside hindwing marginal spots also typical of alecto.
TL Seow:cheers:
Peacock Royal
12-Dec-2012, 11:16 PM
These butts were rather common iin the urban gardens such as Royal Botanic Gardens and Fitzroy Gardens. The last skipper was shot in the Grampians National Park.
1 and 2 . Common Brown (Heteronympha merope) male
3. Female Common Brown
4 and 5 : Dainty Swallowtail (Papilio anactus)
6 and 7 : Australian Painted Lady (Vanessa kershawi)
8. Cabbage White (Pieris rapae)
9. Telicota sp
10. Trapezites sp
Peacock Royal
19-Dec-2012, 12:36 AM
Let me begin with the most difficult group - the Arhopalas.
#1 and #2 same individual - a rather huge Arhopala - Arhopala aedias agnis ?
#3 : ?? but it looks similar to #2 - A. atosia. (Tail broken.)
#4 : Arhopala democritus democritus
#5 : Arhopala athada athada ?? [COLOR="Red"]It is A. lurida.
#6 : Arhopala epimuta ?? - It is A. moolaiana.
#7 : ?? A. evansi
#8 A. major major ?? It is A. agesilaus
Peacock Royal
19-Dec-2012, 10:08 AM
#9 : Eurema tilaha nicevillei
#10 : Cirrorchroa Malaya malaya - Correction - this is Cirrochroa surya.
#11 : Pachliopta neptunus neptunus - a long distance shot of a female trying to lay eggs
#12 : Knight (Lebadea martha malayana) - Correction - should be Lebadea martha martha
#13 : Euploea sylvester harrisii ?
#14 Littlle Banded Yeoman (Paduca fasciata fasciata) sa4c2d38f.jpg
#15 and #16 : Curetis santana malayica ?
19-Dec-2012, 05:01 PM
Post 113.
1 & 2 Arhopala aedias though spot 6 too central.
3. A. atosia. (Tail broken.)
5. A. lurida. (A. lurida 's spot 7 often not distinctly shifted inwards; alternative A. ariana does not match.)
6. A. moolaiana. (Tornal white dot. tooth; postdiscal spot in space 1b fat bow.)
7. A. evansi (alea sg member with quadrate spot 6.;striae whiter & markings strongly contrasted compared to others except aurelia.)
8. A. antimuta although spot 6 shape unusual; alternatives A. labuana & wildeyana do not match.)
Correction :This is A. agesilaus .
A. antimuta always have a very squarish spot 6.
Spot 5, 6, & 7 are considered to be in echelon (in line) here, this leads to A. agesilaus which match.
As with lurida spot 7 is slanted inwards which makes it difficult to judge its position relative to spot 6.
TL Seow:cheers:
19-Dec-2012, 05:28 PM
post 114.
9. Eurema nicevillei (E. tilaha is now restricted to Java.)
10. Cirrochroa surya. ( Forewing apex not produced; black margin does not cut across apex; forewing discal line (of spots) strongly angulated.)
12. Lebadea martha martha for Langkawi.
13. Euploea sylvester is correct. (Hindwing shape less rounded & forewing shape also ; submarginal spots rounded.)
15 & 16 Curetis santana .(Submarginal striae 6 & 7 not joined in straight line; upperside confirms ID.)
Correction: The upperside is that of bulis from the broad black termen. ? different butterfly.
2nd Correction 15 & 16 are C. bulis. (ID feature for separation unreliable.)
TL Seow:cheers:
Peacock Royal
19-Dec-2012, 05:46 PM
Thanks Dr Seow for providing/correcting the ids.
#17: Simiskina pharyge deolina (Female) g
#18: Blue Helen (Papilio prexaspes prexaspes) - Correction it should be Papilio nephelus annulus.
#19 : Rhinopalpa polynice (The Wizard)
#20 : Euploea radamanthus radamanthus (Magpie Crow)
#21: Great Mormon (Papilio memnon agenor) pg
#22 : Parnara sp
#23 : Pirdana distanti - Correction it is Pirdana hyela female
#24 : Potanthus ganda ??
19-Dec-2012, 06:56 PM
8. is A. agesilaus.
15 & 16
The upperside is correctly C. bulis ;broad black border.
? upper & underside not the same.
18. Papilio nephelus annulus.
The shape of the spots is that of nephelus. Forewing band often obsolete in ssp annulus.
22. The light brown colour suggest it should be P. bada.
23. Pirdana hyela female. Streaked underside; female is bluer.
24. Fleming states ganda male no spot 6 on underside .The veins are actually lightly darkened, so most likely P. omaha variant.
TL Seow:cheers:
19-Dec-2012, 08:04 PM
A great photo stream!
Peacock Royal
19-Dec-2012, 09:07 PM
Many thanks.
8. is A. agesilaus.
15 & 16
The upperside is correctly C. bulis ;broad black border.
? upper & underside not the same.
TL Seow:cheers:
Sorry Dr Seow. There were at least hafl a dozen of Sunbeams fluttering around. I may have mixed up with the specimen.
Here are three more shots which I took on another day at another location where only three of them fluttering arouond. Hope these shots would help you to id.
19-Dec-2012, 09:49 PM
Look like you guys have better luck than us. Like the Wizard and Pirdana :thumbsup:
20-Dec-2012, 12:40 AM
Post 120.
The 1st is C. bulis.
The 2nd is also C. bulis as the orange on the forewing can be seen & does not reached the submarginal striae.
The 3rd is likely to be the same.
I would say 15 & 16 are also C. bulis.
This means the feature to separate bulis & santana (the submarginal striae in space 6 & 7) is unreliable.
TL Seow:cheers:
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