View Full Version : Khao Sok NP, Surat Thani, Thailand
Painted Jezebel
30-Mar-2012, 09:32 AM
Just to open a thread for Antonio and myself to post our photos from our visit there during the last 4 days.
This is a beautiful, peaceful place, despite being popular with tourists. These, however, are very well behaved when compared to those LC and I came across in Taman Negara.
The weather was good, though the morning mist did not disappear until about 9.30 each morning, and clouds started appearing at about 13.30 every day, thunder started about 14.30 and it was usually raining at 15.00.
Altogether, I know that I found 17 species new to me, probably more, so how many were new to Antonio would be almost uncountable!!!!
I am posting two awful shots now, don't worry, the rest will be much, much better. These will be the only butt shots shown until Antonio has posted his location shots to give you an idea of the environment in which we 'worked'. These will include some very rare species, and some, I am sure, you will not have seen before, including one Skipper that could, possibly, be a new species, but I will leave that one until the end to keep you in suspense:grin2: .
The first is a female Neomyrina nivea periculosa ( Great White Imperial). She was ovipositing, and never stayed still, but it was the first time I have seen this species.
The second one was, I first thought, a Bibasis sena, however, now looking at it closer, I think that it is more likely to be an extremely rare Zela onara solex (Dark Club Yellow Palmer). Confirmation of this would be much appreciated.
30-Mar-2012, 11:58 AM (
Khao Sok National Park - The entrance ( (
Khao Sok National Park - Bang Hua Raed area ( (
Khao Sok National Park - The Klong Sok ( (
Khao Sok National Park - Another view of the Klong Sok (
30-Mar-2012, 12:11 PM
I'm uploading on my Flickr just know and I am slowly processing the many pictures I've happily taken :)
I'm sorry but just random butterflies and not in a systematic order. (
The Curved Cyclops - ผีเสื้อปีกใสจุดตาลายโค้ง - Erites medura russelli ( (
The Tiger Hopper - ผีเสื้อจิ๋วลายเสือ - Ochus subvittatus subvittatus ( (
The Pointed Lineblue - ผีเสื้อฟ้าขีดปีกแหลม - Ionolyce helicon ( (
The Dark Posy - ผีเสื้อแต้มแสดสีคล้ำ - Drupadia theda renonga ( (
The Tailed Yellow Owl - ผีเสื้อแถบข้างเหลืองหางยาว - Neorina crishna archaica ( (
The Tailed Yellow Owl - ผีเสื้อแถบข้างเหลืองหางยาว - Neorina crishna archaica (
30-Mar-2012, 12:13 PM (
The Black Tipped Archduke - ผีเสื้ออ๊าชดุ๊คปลายหนวดดำ - Lexias dirtea merguia ( (
The Sumatran Gem - ผีเสื้อมรกตสุมาตรา - Poritia sumatrae sumatrae ( (
The Large Spotted Oakblue - ผีเสื้อฟ้าไม้ก่อใหญ่จุดเด่น - Arhopala vihara ( (
The Forest Quaker - ผีเสื้อดำจุดขอบ - Pithecops corvus corvus ( (
The Common Clubtail - ผีเสื้อหางตุ้มหางกิ่ว - Atrophaneura coon doubledayi (
30-Mar-2012, 12:14 PM
Of course help for the unidentified species and corrections of the mistakes are both welcome
Painted Jezebel
30-Mar-2012, 02:20 PM
A couple of corrections required, together with the scientific names for any future 'searches':
Post No. 3:
1) Correction - This is the Curved Cyclops (Note only 3 subapical spots on the forewing) - Erites medura russelli.
2) Tiger Hopper - Ochus subvittatus subvittatus.
3) Correction -This is a Six-line blue.
4) Dark Posy - Drupadia theda renonga.
5) Tailed Yellow Owl - Neorina crishna archaica.
Post No.4:
Black Tipped Archduke - Lexias dirtea merguia.
Sumatran Gem - Poritia sumatrae sumatrae.
Forest Quaker - Pithecops corvus corvus.
Common Clubtail - Atrophaneura coon doubledayi.
The Arhopala, I have not yet checked the keys!
Painted Jezebel
30-Mar-2012, 02:46 PM
As we arrived on the Sunday afternoon, we did not enter the Park that day, but, instead wandered arround wastleand near our resort. Not much was found, but these were photographed, and need ID confirmation.
1 & 2) Aeromachus pygmaeus (Pygmy Scrub Hopper)
3 & 4) A Telicota sp.? - I suspect I will be told this is Cephrenes aculle....again! CORRECTION - Telicota bambusae, Thank you Seow.
5) A Potanthus trachala?
6) Nacaduba hermus swatipa (Pale Four-Line Blue)
The more interesting species will follow shortly!:)
Painted Jezebel
30-Mar-2012, 03:07 PM
During our first day in the Park, we came across, in addition to those already posted by Antonio:
1 & 2) Drupadia scaeva scaeva (Blue Posy)
3 & 4) Iton semamora semamora (Common Wight)
5) I think this is Scobura phiditia (Malay Forest Bob) - Antonio, you have a much better photo of this (the one with the large opaque spot on the hindwing, could you post it?)
6) I think this is Halpe zema zema (Banded Ace) - CORRECTION Halpe ormmes vilasina ( Dark Banded Ace)
7) Sarangesa dasahara dasahara (Common Small Flat)
30-Mar-2012, 04:30 PM (
The Pointed Line Blue - ผีเสื้อฟ้าขีดปีกแหลม - lonolyce helicon merguiana ( (
The Lesser Jay - ผีเสื้อหนอนจำปีเล็ก - Graphium evemon eventus ( (
]The Little Map[/B] - ผีเสื้อแผนที่เล็ก - Cyrestis themire themire ([/img] (
[B]The Little Map upperside - ผีเสื้อแผนที่เล็ก - Cyrestis themire themire ( (
The Common Small Flat - ผีเสื้อปีกราบเทาจุดเลือน - Sarangesa dasahara ( (
The Yellow Pansy - ผีเสื้อแพนซีเหลือง - Junonia hierta hierta ( (
The Yellow Pansy - ผีเสื้อแพนซีเหลือง - Junonia hierta hierta ( (
The Orange Gull - ผีเสื้อเหลืองสยามธรรมดา - Cepora iudith malaya (
Painted Jezebel
30-Mar-2012, 04:36 PM
Just adding a female Yellow Pansy, as Antonio has shown the male.
Painted Jezebel
30-Mar-2012, 05:48 PM
Second day at the Park:
1) Another Potanthus sp. - P rectifascia?
2) A female Bassarona teuta rayana (Banded Marquis). This is a different ssp. from what I have on Samui.
3) Amathusia sp. There is something about this one that makes me think it may not be the usual species, but I can not put my finger on it. It certainly looked different when I saw it on the wing! CORRECTION - [I]Amathusia ochraceofusca ochraceofusca, [/I Thank you Seow, I had suspected this, but did not have the balls to actually say it!
4) Arhopala norda ronda
5) Arhopala perimuta regina
6) A LBJ, (little brown job). Possible Caltoris malaya.
7) Arhopala antimuta antimuta
8) Yasoda pita dohertyi (Malayan Branded Yamfly).
30-Mar-2012, 09:48 PM
Post 1
Zela ornara female (2 subapcal spots & shape of band)
post 3
3. Female Ionolyce helicon (broken postdiscal bands & sagittate spots.)
post 4
Arhopala vihara.(keyed down to vihara or barami, Note white-ringed tornal black spot.)
post 7
Telicota bambusae (contrast & orange too strong; veins not darkened; base of space 2 black; greenish tinge.)
Potanthus trachala probably (strongly notched outer margins of spots.)
post 8
Scobura isota (double conjoined spots in space 4 & 5; another at space 2 discernable.)(Correction: you are probably right it is S. phiditia.)
Halpe ormenes ( tornal part of band broad ; whiter)
TL Seow:cheers:
30-Mar-2012, 10:36 PM
Post 11
1. The 3rd segment of the palpus is short & conical as in Telicota & Cephrenes. Unknown
3 Amathusia ochraceofusca (Notches in discal band; submarginal band wavy.)
4. Arhopala norda (spot 6 nearer spot 5; tornal white dot & tooth; border wide at apex(difference from A. moolaiana.)
6. probably Caltoris malaya ( no upper cellspot so 1 or none; underside ferruginous but not as red as C. cormasa.)
7. Arhopala antimuta is correct.
TL Seow:cheers:
Painted Jezebel
30-Mar-2012, 11:43 PM
Post 11
4. Arhopala norda (spot 6 nearer spot 5; tornal white dot & tooth; border wide at apex(difference from A. moolaiana.)
This species was too big to be A, norda, I would, personally stick with my original suggestion.
31-Mar-2012, 12:46 AM
This species was too big to be A, norda, I would, personally stick with my original suggestion.
Line 56 states spot 6 is roughly midway between spot 5 & cellend bar for A. agesilaus.(see pl 40/7 & pl65/16.)
A. agesilaus and A norda are the same size.
Post 7
Nacaduba hermes.(hindwing pd band & sm spots touching; dark marginal spots, that in space 3 round )
TL Seow:cheers:
Painted Jezebel
31-Mar-2012, 12:48 AM
Final day:
1) Ethope diademoides hislopi (White Diadem)
2) Mycalesis mnasicles perna (Cyclops Buchbrown)
3) Arhopala sp? - Update A. epimuta.
4) CORRECTION -Thaumantis klugius lucipor Dark Jungleglory.
5) Paranticopsis aurelia aurelia (Baby Lascar)
6) Arhopala anthelus grahami (Magnificent Oakblue)
7) Halpe aurifera (Golden-Spot Ace).
One and only one left, but this is a species I can not find in any of my books. I will post tomorrow! Will it be new, or am I too hopeful.....again???????
Painted Jezebel
31-Mar-2012, 01:06 AM
Line 56 states spot 6 is roughly midway between spot 5 & cellend bar for A. agesilaus.(see pl 40/7 & pl65/16.)
A. agesilaus and A norda are the same size.
TL Seow:cheers:
Thank you. I have always thought that A. norda was the same size a A. major, i.e. quite small.
31-Mar-2012, 07:59 AM
Thank you. I have always thought that A. norda was the same size a A. major, i.e. quite small.
This one runs thru the key nicely without problem. I get the feeling the other A. norda which we discussed in the Arhopala thread is just A. amphimuta.
The unknown skipper in post 11 is Potanthus. After checking pics of Potanthus, I find it can be difficult to gauge the palpi in pics.
TL Seow:cheers:
PS. The only Potanthus in which the underside is rather vague is P. rectifasciatus.(note in this sp.the underside have a spot in space 7 but upper do not.)
31-Mar-2012, 08:22 AM
Post 16
3. is Arhopala epimuta (note spot 4 is dislocated.)
4. is Thaumantis klugius male (white cross band, margin not angled; hindwing tornus not pointed.)
The rest are correct.
TL Seow:cheers:
Painted Jezebel
31-Mar-2012, 09:53 AM
Thank you so much for the IDs and corrections. I am particularly happy that you are able to confirm the Zela onara solex:redbounce , bad photo though it may be.
One last one, that, I think, may exercise your brain cells a bit! Personally, I have not been able to find anything like it in my books, though, of course, I may be missing something. This was the size of a Matapa aria.
UPDATE (6 April 2012)- Xanthoneura corissa indrasana (Plain Yellow Lancer)
31-Mar-2012, 10:36 AM
Very interesting.
The red eyes and body shape indicates a member of the erionota group.
The hindwing cilia is ?orange. I noticed your colour setting is too orange so the whole colour need to be toned down a tad.
Matapa is out as its hindwing cell is produced at vein 4.
Zela is discounted as its hindwing cell is very short.
Gangara is discounted as its hindwing cell is shorter than 1/2 the hindwing length & by colouration/pattern
Erionota have the right length for the cell. Again colour & pattern is wrong.
This leaves one possibility to check out.
The female of Ge geta.
The male is quite dark but I don't know ochreous the female is on the underside.
TL Seow:cheers:
Painted Jezebel
31-Mar-2012, 11:10 AM
Thank you. Yes, the photo is a bit over orange, but I had already toned it down a bit! I can confirm that the butterfly was a quite bright orange in colour.
I have never seen a female Ge geta, though I am aware that it does have spots in spaces 2,3,6 & 7. There also looks as if there is a spot at the cell-end. The lightened veins are also a bit odd. I got the impression that this was quite a pristine specimen, so wear and tear should be out. Nothing I have read indicates that the female is orange.
31-Mar-2012, 12:11 PM (
The Malayan Assyrian ผีเสื้ออะซีเรี่ยนมลายู - Terinos clarissa malayanus ( (
The Malay Forest Bob - ผีเสื้อจิ๋วดงมลายู - Scobura phiditia ( (
The Yellowdisc Tailless Oakblue - ผีเสื้อฟ้าไม้ก่อแถบเหลือง - Arhopala perimuta ( (
The White-dot Oakblue - ผีเสื้อฟ้าไม้ก่อกระขาว - Arhopala democritus democritus</ ( (
The Common Punchinello - ผีเสื้อบินตลกธรรมดา - Zemeros flegyas albipunctatus ( (
The Cyclops Bushbrown - ผีเสื้อตาลพุ่มใหญ่ - Mycalesis mnasicles perna ( (
The White Diadem - ผีเสื้อตาลจุดขาวเรียง - Ethope diademoides hislopi (
31-Mar-2012, 12:16 PM
In looking thru Yutaka's website I have already check out other possibilities in the group except one Unkana flava (no pic).
Also tried out remote possibilities eg Suada (black eyes; ample wings.)
If the female of Ge geta (cellspot may be variable; orangey cilia) can be excluded, chances are you have an entirely new species.
I would add probably a new genus as well.
TL Seow:cheers:
Painted Jezebel
31-Mar-2012, 12:20 PM
Thanks for posting the Malay Forest Bob photo, so much clearer than mine. Hopefully, this will help Seow confirm the species.
31-Mar-2012, 12:20 PM
chances are you have an entirely new species.
I would add probably a new genus as well.
:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: Wow, could be a very successful small trip!
31-Mar-2012, 12:24 PM
Thanks for posting the Malay Forest Bob photo, so much clearer than mine. Hopefully, this will help Seow confirm the species.
I concur it is S. phiditia.
The spot in space 2 is not hyaline.
Also seen underside of S. isota on Indian website (quite orange).
TL Seow:cheers:
Painted Jezebel
31-Mar-2012, 12:39 PM
In looking thru Yutaka's website I have already check out other possibilities in the group except one Unkana flava (no pic).
Also tried out remote possibilities eg Suada (black eyes; ample wings.)
If the female of Ge geta (cellspot may be variable; orangey cilia) can be excluded, chances are you have an entirely new species.
I would add probably a new genus as well.
TL Seow:cheers:
Unkana flava is the same size as U. ambasa, so it can be ruled out.
This Hesperid is proving as interesting as I thought it might.:redbounce Antonio can confirm that I got rather excited when I saw it. Admitedly, at the time, I thought that it may have been a new Matapa species, as I knew that no existing sp. had spots on the forewing, but, as you say, the venation is wrong.
It is a shame that we only have photos, but someone will have to obtain a collecting permit in Thailand first to get a voucher specimen (if it proves not to be the female Ge geta, which, in all honesty, I do not think it is!).
31-Mar-2012, 01:21 PM (
The Magnificent Oakblue - ผีเสื้อฟ้าไม้ก่อจุดเข้ม - Arhopala anthelus grahami ( (
The Common Disc Oakblue - Arhopala epimuta ( (
The Dark Jungle Glory - ผีเสื้อดาราไพรสีคล้ำ - Thaumantis klugius lucipor ( (
The Pygmy Scrub Hopper - ผีเสื้อจิ๋วแคระ - Aeromachus pygmaeus ( (
UnID Pothantus ( (
UnID Red Eye (
Painted Jezebel
31-Mar-2012, 02:04 PM
Sorry, Antonio, I misled you about the Assyrian. It is not. T. terpander, but, instead, Terinos clarissa malayanus. The hindwing is more pronounced at vein 4. Actually, I think we saw all 3 members of this genus.
31-Mar-2012, 02:26 PM
Mmmm OK, I have an underside pic of another Assyrian, I'll post to check if is different. (
Assyrian (
Painted Jezebel
31-Mar-2012, 03:16 PM
I have this as Terinos atlita teuthras (Large Assyrian). I remember this specimen, and it was large.
By the way, T. clarissa is called the Malayan Assyrian.
31-Mar-2012, 04:57 PM
Antonio, you have a clearer shot of the Potanthus and it looks like plain old P. ganda after all.
As for the redeye,I agreed Ge geta is unlikely as such marked difference in colour would have rate a mention in the text.
However, Unkana flava need to be considered as its size would be a bit larger than M. aria.
The name flava means yellow and possibly the female may be deeper in colour. Unkana have dark eyes with a hint of red, but we don't know if this is true for all species.
Even as we ruled out Ge geta we have little info on U. flava.
What I know is that it was described as Unkana attina var. flava & later raised to full species status.
As attina now falls as a subspecies of U. ambasa, it suggests that U. flava is like a yellow form of U. ambasa.
Still seeing a pic is believing.
It looks like very high probability of it being a new species.
TL Seow:cheers:
Painted Jezebel
01-Apr-2012, 07:49 AM
Ek-Amnuay shows both a male and female of U. flava, though only the upperside of the male, The yellow is on the upperside hindwing, and the markings of both sexes are very similar to the female of U. ambasa. I honestly believe that we can rule out this species.
01-Apr-2012, 06:59 PM
Ek-Amnuay shows both a male and female of U. flava, though only the upperside of the male, The yellow is on the upperside hindwing, and the markings of both sexes are very similar to the female of U. ambasa. I honestly believe that we can rule out this species.
The probability of this being an entirely new species & new genus is now 95 percent.
( 5 % for caution of unknown factor.)
TL Seow:cheers:
Painted Jezebel
02-Apr-2012, 09:10 PM
A very interesting comment. This entire thread is down to 3 people. Myself and Antonio, who were there, and Seow. Apparently no one else is in the slightest bit interested whatsoever in this thread!!!
This is strange as we have come across many unusual species!
02-Apr-2012, 09:58 PM
I can only watch on the side line drooling on the new ones that I have not seen before. :)
More more more. :cheers:
ps: emmmm should I go to chiang mai to a certain national park to get some Thai beauty :thinking:
03-Apr-2012, 12:52 AM
Here is that 5% worth of caution.
1. Could a Matapa (red-eye; orange colour & cilia.) have mated with an Unkana ( hyaline spots; defined veins.) ?
2. Could it be an extra-Asian palm stowaway?
3. Could it have been discovered before & described in Greek somewhere ?:bsmile:
TL Seow:cheers:
03-Apr-2012, 09:38 AM
Excellent report, guys. It is great to see all of those species. You two must be very happy with all of your finds and photos.
03-Apr-2012, 09:40 AM
A very interesting comment. This entire thread is down to 3 people. Myself and Antonio, who were there, and Seow. Apparently no one else is in the slightest bit interested whatsoever in this thread!!!
This is strange as we have come across many unusual species!
Maybe not enough 'creamy' background?
:bsmile: :bsmile: :bsmile:
Just a joke, not so easy to keep the aesthetic of a picture at high levels deep in the jungle with a backpack, leeches and (for me) a completely wet shirt
03-Apr-2012, 10:00 AM
not so easy to keep the aesthetic of a picture at high levels deep in the jungle with a backpack, leeches and (for me) a completely wet shirt
You two took some excellent shots. It is hard in the forest interior. I am just back (yesterday morning) from Malaysia and often had trouble with low light ... lots of noisy pictures.
Congrads on the new sightings and discoveries. It would be exciting to find something that has not been previously described.
Banded Yeoman
03-Apr-2012, 11:27 AM
We are all really excited for you two!:cheers:
I have been watching this thread closely and all the butterflies and pictures have been amazing.
I just have not found a chance to chip in and say it!;P
Painted Jezebel
03-Apr-2012, 12:37 PM
Thank you. We did see many more species, but they were not cooperative. I am positive I saw an Acerbas martini, but it only landed for a couple of seconds, enough to recognise it, but not to photograph it. We also saw a Paranticopsis ramaceus pendleburyi at a river's edge. We hoped it would stop and puddle, but no such luck.
Deep in the forest we saw many small lycaenids and other hesperids, but they never stopped either. Nevertheless, it was a very successful outing, but not without incedent. (See 'other animals' forum)
I am now trying to contact the DNP (Department of National Parks) to ascertain how to get a collecting permit, but all their email addresses on their website appear 'dead'! It is very frustrating, and I apologise if I let my frustration on this matter show through in my last post. I may have to contact Ian at the British Museum or Laurence at FRIM to see if they have any contacts in Thailand.
03-Apr-2012, 01:02 PM
If you do get the permit, here are some suggesions to improve the odds.
As the male generally defined the species, it is easier to aim for this sex.
Useful items.
1. Belacan (prawn paste)
2. Bird poo (insectivorous & frugivorous)
3. Rotten prawn (provided you don't passed out first.)
4. A rabbit's foot & a horseshoe.
TL Seow:cheers:
Painted Jezebel
04-Apr-2012, 10:47 AM
If you do get the permit, here are some suggesions to improve the odds.
As the male generally defined the species, it is easier to aim for this sex.
Useful items.
1. Belacan (prawn paste)
2. Bird poo (insectivorous & frugivorous)
3. Rotten prawn (provided you don't passed out first.)
4. A rabbit's foot & a horseshoe.
TL Seow:cheers:
I can get 1 - 3 OK, but for No4., LC, could I borrow your rabbit?!!!!:grin2:
04-Apr-2012, 07:51 PM
I am now trying to contact the DNP (Department of National Parks) to ascertain how to get a collecting permit, but all their email addresses on their website appear 'dead'! It is very frustrating, and I apologise if I let my frustration on this matter show through in my last post. I may have to contact Ian at the British Museum or Laurence at FRIM to see if they have any contacts in Thailand.
Do you are organizing a new trip to Khao Sok without telling me?
Back from a single morning at Phanom Bench National Park (Krabi) with the ubiquitous Pallid Faun, 2 unID Arhopalas, 1 unID Skipper, and a couple more unID species. If I have time I'll post later!
04-Apr-2012, 10:00 PM
A few more shots of other insects and reptiles. (
Agama ( (
Tortoise bug ( (
Unidentified Grasshopper ( (
Glenea pulchra ( (
Unidentified Stick Insect ( (
The Red-Tailed Racer ( (
The Red-Tailed Racer - Head detail (
05-Apr-2012, 07:57 AM
Wow, love the dragon and the racer. Impessive photos!
Painted Jezebel
05-Apr-2012, 02:00 PM
Here is that 5% worth of caution.
I think you had better make is 95% caution. I believe I may well have an identification for this species:cry: , and it is found in Malaysia too!!
I will confirm when I know for sure.
05-Apr-2012, 02:39 PM
I think you had better make is 95% caution. I believe I may well have an identification for this species:cry: , and it is found in Malaysia too!!
I will confirm when I know for sure.
Let me hazard a guess.
I have actually look at Isma because the subapical & cellspots resembles the genus, but Isma have black eyes, & the likely candidate, I. cronus have no cell spot, but have spots on the underside of the hindwing.
Still if it is something already here it is probably Isma. Isma miosticta?
TL Seow:cheers:
05-Apr-2012, 05:07 PM
Got it.
It is Xanthoneura corissa.
I thought this one was way too small for it.
I also did'nt realised it has red eyes.
TL Seow:cheers:
Painted Jezebel
05-Apr-2012, 10:06 PM
Got it.
It is Xanthoneura corissa.
I thought this one was way too small for it.
I also did'nt realised it has red eyes.
TL Seow:cheers:
Got it, indeed! The red eyes got me looking in completely the wrong direction. I am 99.9% certain that this is X. corissa indrasana. (The Plain Yellow Lancer) .
The problem was that there are no photos of the underside that I have been able to find.
05-Apr-2012, 10:20 PM
An Image from The Butterflies of Thailand Vol. 1 - Kimura, Aoki, Yamaguchi, Uemura and Saito - Mokuyosha 2011 (
Definitely it's the same.
Painted Jezebel
05-Apr-2012, 10:28 PM
Again, I can not see this. It simply says 'Domain Unregistered'.
05-Apr-2012, 11:03 PM
Just a hunch, but try to go here and sign in log in , or open a new account. Should work.
06-Apr-2012, 12:53 AM
There is actually a pic of the underside in Fleming, but unfortunately with Fleming there is no caption with the image. You have to refer to the text portion of the book.
The red-eye was a red herring.
When I read it was previously placed in Plastingia I thought it has a patterned underside.
On the bright side you saved a ton of moolah.
Time to give yourself a treat and destress.
TL Seow:cheers:
Painted Jezebel
06-Apr-2012, 09:04 AM
Fortunately, I always kept an element of doubt in my mind, so I am not stressed, just slightly disappointed. At least LC's rabbit will be pleased!:grin2:
It is a nice, unusual find anyway.
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