View Full Version : A couple of books

27-Aug-2012, 12:03 PM
A colleague from China passed me two thick volumes of books published in China. One is an out-of-print book authored by a famous Chinese lepidopterist, Prof Chou Io, and the other book is one on world butterflies edited by him.

Teo, if you want to take a look at the books or borrow them to browse, let me know. :)

27-Aug-2012, 07:09 PM
Thanks Khew. I read them in National Library Reference Section. There are more books from the same author and a few from Taiwan publishers in the library too.

Teo T P

28-Aug-2012, 10:15 AM
Great. So you're already familiar with his works. In his bio, the book mentioned that Prof Chou was born in 1912 in Zhejiang province. If he's still alive, that would put him at 100 years old today! :omg:

28-Aug-2012, 01:09 PM
Great. So you're already familiar with his works. In his bio, the book mentioned that Prof Chou was born in 1912 in Zhejiang province. If he's still alive, that would put him at 100 years old today! :omg:

The first book you posted published in Jun 1998. When was the other book published?
From what I know another two books from Prof. Chou published in 1990 and 1998 respectively, that means he was about 78 in 1990 and 85 in 1998. Few books about butterflies of China apprently published by his students or colleagues with him as mean author or consultant in respect to his contributions to Chinese Lepidoptera.

Teo T P

01-Sep-2012, 12:30 AM
Fed would have these books too. I bought it for him ;P

So if Khew's China colleague bought the books from wangfujin book store, that means there probably isnt any left..