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View Full Version : NOLID MOTH- Caterpillar and Adult

Blue Jay
12-Nov-2012, 12:08 AM
My dad found this final instar "big-head" caterpillar on the roof his car (as shown in the cat. pics) and brought it back. After 9 days of pupation, it eclosed few hours ago and soared for the trees when released!!! :redbounce

Nolid Moth

Caterpillar images courtesy of my dad.







Chequered Lancer
12-Nov-2012, 04:04 PM
Excellent documentation!:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: I've seen these caterpillars before.It's as if it had a green pea attached to it's head!:bsmile:

Blue Jay
12-Nov-2012, 11:47 PM
Excellent documentation!:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: I've seen these caterpillars before.It's as if it had a green pea attached to it's head!:bsmile:
Jerome, I totally agree with what you said about the head of the caterpillar. I was sort of "wowed" when I first saw the caterpillar.:)

01-Dec-2012, 05:01 PM
These Nolid caterpillars (Chleophorinae) are fairly common in my neck of the woods, often in dramatic defoliation proportions....
Anyone have any suggestions as to why the swollen thorax exists?
Perhaps it offers an alternative target to prevent head strikes....?
It would seem feasible that it mimics unpalatable berries as a deterent against predators, particularly birds, but I have never seen them on or near a food plant with similar fruit....?
It might be storage as the feature is present throughout the life cycle from hatching to pupation and particular seeing these can be in defoliation proportions....?

Nolid Moth Caterpillar (Carea varipes, Chleophorinae, Nolidae)

Nolid Moth Caterpillar (Nolidae)
