View Full Version : Khao Sok NP, Thailand
Painted Jezebel
08-Dec-2012, 12:33 PM
This week, Antonio and I spent 3 full days at Khao Sok NP, Suratthani Province, Thailand.
The intention was to then move on to Khao Phanom Bencha, Krabi Province, but events turned out to be against me. Firstly my motorbike, which I drove down there decided to break its silencer (I think), then we were informed on Monday evening by Antonio's wife that the electricity had gone out, both on Koh Pha Ngan and Samui. Apparantly there had been a major break in the undersea cable, and the islands only had 2 hours a day electricity. Naturally, Antonio was very concerned about his family and the 3 restaurants he owns. We decided on Thursday evening to return back. Antonio was to stop at Surat Thani City to pick up a generator, and I was to drive directly back.
Unfortunately, for me, when I got back, I had a phone message from Antonio saying that there had been a temporary fix, and that electricity was back on. Accordingly he was going to pick up his family today from the mainland and go back to Krabi. It was too late for me and my ailing bike, which is going into hospital today. Also, carrying a rucksack for 200 kilometers each way had damaged my previously broken collarbones and I did not feel able to make another 200km trip!
Anyway, end of soap story and on to the butts! Days 1 & 3 were very disappointing, however, the second day was very good. Several +1s were obtained, even for me. A few to start off:
1) A Curetis species. This has no speckling and the markings suggest either C. insularis pseudoinsularis or C. freda. My guess is the former, but I am not sure, and would appreciate confirmation or correction. Which ever, a +1 for me. - Confirmed C. insularis
2) A second Curetis. This has speckling, and I think it should be either C. bulis or C. santana.
3) A very small lycaenid. I can only think this is Callenya lenya lenya (Long-winged Hedge Blue). Another +1 here. - CORRECTION - Udara cyma cyma (Cyma Hedge Blue). Still a +1.
4) I can only think this is Spalgis epius epius (Apefly), but its markings are so very different from what I normally see.
5&6) The underside purple spots indicate that this must be Ancistroides gemmifer gemmifer (Gem Red Demon). However, the upperside orange markings seem too small to me, yet this was the same specimen. - CORRECTION - 6 is Koruthaialos rubecula, my mistake, not same specimen, just same place and time!
Many more to come.
Painted Jezebel
08-Dec-2012, 12:56 PM
7) Euthalia malaccana malaccana (Malay Red Baron) - Male. (+1)
8) Surendra florimel (Steely Acacia Blue) - Female (+1). I originally misidentified this species as one I already had an underside, so only Antonio has this. No doubt he will show the underside when he gets back. (He missed the upperside!)
9) Lycaenopsis heraldus renonga (Felder's Hedge Blue) - Male. At least this is the only one I think it can be! (+1). I know it is also found at Phanom Bencha so, hopefully, Antonio will be able to get a better photo there.
10) Arhopala ijanensis (White Banded Oakblue). I showed a very worn specimen from Langkawi, this one appears pristine.
11) Arhopala anthelus grahami (Magnificent Oakblue).
12) Tanaecia flora andersonii (Blue Count) - Male
More to follow.
Painted Jezebel
08-Dec-2012, 01:09 PM
13) A Halpe species. Guessing at H. hauxwelli (Pale marked Ace). I always have trouble with this genus. - CONFIRMED
14) A Telicota species. I have so little experience with this genus, I need help with its id. - CONFIRMED - Telicota besta (+1)
15) Oriens gola pseudolis (Common Dartlet)? Not sure. Sorry, only photo I got, and seen only once. - CONFIRMED
16) Oriens goloides (Ceylon Dartlet) or O. paragola (Malay Dartlet)? This was very common in our resort garden. - CONFIRMED - O. paragola (+1)
17 & 18) A very small hesperid. Every time a try to get id, I keep coming back to Oerane microthyrus neara (White Club Flitter). If so, another +1. - CONFIRMED
19) Possibly the star of our visit. I am sure this is Drupadia estella nicevillei (White Craved Posy). I previously found the very similar D. scaeva scaeva (Blue Posy) here, but this does appear different. If I am right, then another +1. - CONFIRMED:redbounce
The end! At least until I know what Antonio posts.
08-Dec-2012, 05:11 PM
Wow, what an eventful trip and you managed to capture some rare butterfly.
It is a +1 for me too, first time seeing some of this butterflies :)
Hope your body is recovering well :cheers:
08-Dec-2012, 06:01 PM
You certainly have an eventful trip.
1. Curetis insularis . Band shifted basad in space 1b (not space 2 as stated in C&P4 key error.)
2 Curetis probably C. bulis. Have'nt quite figured out the difference.
3. Udara cyma .(Callenya base of antenna white; no spot base of space 1b; vein 11 & 12 close. )
4. Spalgis unknown. Only other is S. balongus.Probably worn epius.
5 & 6. A. gemmifer & K. rubecula ; 6 have 2 tears on right hndwing.
13. Halpe hauxwelli probably. closest match.
14. Telicota besta male . Similar to augias but veins lightly darkened.
16 Oriens paragola . Pristine individual with dark brown ground colour.
O. goloides is similar to gola but with the veins darkened so spots especially on forewing separated.
(May have mis-corrected some-one's worn paragola as gola ? Cher Hern's)
!7. Oerane microthyrus. Unique broadly white club.
19 Drupardia estella is right. Broad forewing postdiscal band & cell spot.
TL Seow:cheers:
08-Dec-2012, 06:27 PM
i have always wanted to see Lycaenopsis haraldus, but have never been able to find it in any of my trips to malaysia.
Painted Jezebel
09-Dec-2012, 09:27 AM
Dear Seow, thank you ever so much. 'Eventful' is a true description of the trip, from leaving home to my return, but the problems have been educational. I am now arranging for a box to be attached to the back of my bike to ensure I will not have to lug a rucksack on my back again, and damage my collarbones again. This means more mainland trips will be a certainty.
My bike has been to 'hospital' and is now purring like a kitten, rather than growling like an adult tiger and annoying the neighbours.:)
Your identifications and corrections have helped so much. I had left home expecting no more than 5 new species for me for the entire trip, including Phanom Bencha, but I managed 9 from Khao Sok alone.:gbounce: What I had thought was disappointing has turned out very successful.
Painted Jezebel
09-Dec-2012, 10:20 AM
I don't believe it, but, after getting id confirmations for the above, I was placing them in their appropriate files and discovered what I think may be 3 more +1s! Total +12.
1) Taratrocera luzonensis zenia (Veined Grass Dart)
2) Erites angularis angularis (Angle Cylops), I think.
3) Allotinus substrigosus substrigosus (Lesser Darkie) - Female. Antonio has a much better photo of this which I hope he will show. I saw this on Langkawi, but missed the opportunity.:thumbsdow
09-Dec-2012, 11:24 AM
The correct name for 1 is Taratrocera luzonenesis zenia.
de Jong & Treadaway 1992 have found that taxon ziclea is actually a synonym of archias & so invalid.(see Funet.)
2. Apart from its narrower wingshape, E. angularis differ from the rather similar E. argentina in that the inner band is angled(corrected);( also the outer margin of the hindwing postdiscal band is sharply angled at vein 6. (in E argentina it is straight.)
TL Seow:cheers:
Painted Jezebel
09-Dec-2012, 12:01 PM
The correct name for 1 is Taratrocera luzonenesis zenia.
de Jong & Treadaway 1992 have found that taxon ziclea is actually a synonym of ardonias & so invalid.(see Funet.)
TL Seow:cheers:
Thanks for the correction. I knew about the change but had it the wrong way round, i.e. luzonensis to ziclea.:embrass:
09-Dec-2012, 05:25 PM
2 is Curetis santana.
I finally figured out the difference between the two, & in checking through the correct images it is consistent enough.
The difference is in the hindwing submarginal spots/ striae in space 6 & 7.
In C. bulis.
1. Submarginal striae in spaces 6 & 7 usually well-defined.
2 They are joined end to end in more or less a straight line (aligned.). pg
In C. santana
1. The same striae are often vague or obsolete.
2. If present, they are dislocated, not joined end to end in a straight line.
The upper submarginal stria is slanted inwards, so that even if they touch, the line is angled.
Typically with obsolete submarginal striae in spaces 6 & 7.
In your shot the striae in space 6 & 7 are rather vague and they are angled at the point of meeting, ie vein 6.
TL Seow:cheers:
13-Dec-2012, 07:29 PM
With a bit of delay here are my species. 3 days, of which 2 really full and an average one, bring me a whooping +20 (more or less).
In Red color the corrections :cheers: (
The Red Helen - Papilio helenus helenus ( (
The Common Red Forester - Lethe mekara gopaka ( (
The Angle Cyclops - Erites angularis angularis ( (
Ypthima sp. ( Ypthima fasciata (
The Yellow-banded Yeoman - Cirrochroa orissa orissa ( (
The Malayan Assyrian - Terinos clarissa malayana ( (
The Royal Assyrian - Terinos terpander intermedia (
13-Dec-2012, 07:37 PM (
The Clipper - Parthenos sylvia lilacinus ( (
The Marbled Map - Cyrestis cocles ( (
The Lesser Darkie - Allotinus substrigosus substrigosus ( (
The Malayan Sunbeam - Curetis santana malayica ( (
The Narrow-banded Sunbeam - Curetis insularis pseudoinsularis ( (
The Cyma Hedge Blue - Udara cyma cyma ( (
The Felder's Hedge Blue - Lycaenopsis haraldus renonga ( (
The Dark-based Lineblue - Prosotas gracilis ni (
13-Dec-2012, 07:46 PM (
The Common Ciliate Blue - Anthene emolus goberus ( No black spot? (
The White-banded Oakblue - Arhopala ijaensis ( (
The Langkawi Yellow Oakblue - Arhopala norda ronda ( (
The Broad Yellow Oakblue - Arhopala Amphimuta ( (
The White-dot Oakblue - Arhopala democritus democritus ( (
The Common Acacia Blue - Surendra quercetorum quercetorum ( (
The Steely Acacia Blue - Surendra florimel ( (
The Blue Leaf Blue - Amblypodia narada taooana (
13-Dec-2012, 07:52 PM (
The Common Imperial - Cheritra freja freja ( (
The Dark Posy - Drupadia theda renonga ( (
The White Craved Posy - Drupadia estella nicevillei ( Love it! (
The Orchid Tit - Hypolycaena othona othona ( (
The Orchid Tit - upperside - Hypolycaena othona othona ( upperside (
The Black and White Flat - Gerosis limax dirae ( (
The Veined Grass Dart - Taractrocera luzonensis zenia (
13-Dec-2012, 07:55 PM (
The Light Straw Ace - Pithauria stramineipennis stramineipennis ( (
The White Club Flitter - Oerane microthyrus neaera (
Blue Jay
13-Dec-2012, 07:58 PM
Fantastic shots. The White dot oakblue is one of the nicest Arhopala I have ever seen.:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Regarding the ciliate blue, the part with the black spot looks tattered.
14-Dec-2012, 12:04 AM
Post 12.
Ypthima fasciata.
2nd Terinos is T. terpander.
Post 13
Likely Curetis santana.
Submarginal striae in space 6 & 7 not quite in line.
Upper orange visible- to submarginal straie on forewing & to submarginal black spot on hindwing ( too wide for bulis.)
Prosotas gracilis is right (strongly darkened bases.)
Note gracilis means slender, not graceful.
Post 14.
Arhopala norda.
Postdiscal spot in space 1b V-shaped.(vs. fat bow-shaped in A. moolaiana.)
Arhopala antimuta . nice clear example.
TL Seow:cheers:
Painted Jezebel
14-Dec-2012, 12:38 AM
Thanks for the Ypthima id. I had wondered (I missed that one at the time), but the hindwing spots looked unusual. It was my immediate reaction, and then I saw the close-up and got doubts.
Also thanks for The Arhopala norda id. I have great difficulty with these tailless spp, apart from antimuta, we don't get them much up here. Nice to know I had the rest right!
Antonio, I love the Orchid tit upperside!!!:thumbsup: Far nicer than any I have managed in the past.
I hope you have some to show from Khao Phanom Bencha.
14-Dec-2012, 08:54 AM
Thank you very much Seow for the corrections!
Les, for Khao Phanom Bencha, later today I will post the species. :)
Painted Jezebel
14-Dec-2012, 09:36 AM
I've just noticed an id error. Your Arhopala amphimuta should be A. antimuta. Hindwing spots in 6 & 7 are in line, and not in echelon with spot 5.
14-Dec-2012, 09:24 PM
Beautiful shots , giving justice to all these beautiful species !!
14-Dec-2012, 09:28 PM
Thank you Sunny!
I could stay at Khao Sok for weeks! And everyday new species.
Peacock Royal
14-Dec-2012, 10:08 PM
Wah, so many nice butterflies and shots. Thanks for sharing.
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