View Full Version : Another Yellow Flat
08-Jan-2013, 03:45 PM
I was pleasantly surprised by this Yellow Flat landed near me under the hot midday sun. :grin2: Gave me just enough time for a few distant shots and flew away when I approached for a close-up. :-(
This one was sighted miles away from the one found by Federick.
Painted Jezebel
08-Jan-2013, 05:00 PM
Great find, Horace:gbounce: . Good to see it appears to be spreading happily (though two swallows do not a summer make (old English proverb)), as I, personally, think this is a recent arrival, rather than a previously overlooked species.
08-Jan-2013, 09:55 PM
A good field shot, Horace. Well done. It's strange... how a species that is non-existent in our local butt fauna suddenly appears and then is seen again.
Les, a number of the cats have been found, and Horace has completed the life history. So it's not two swallows only in this case. :)
08-Jan-2013, 10:08 PM
Thanks, Les and Khew. :)
It is not just cats, quite a few empty pupal cases have been found so far in the field, indicating that there is a small colony of them around.
08-Jan-2013, 10:26 PM
Excellent find, Horace :thumbsup:
09-Jan-2013, 12:47 AM
Excellent find, Horace :thumbsup:
Thanks, Loke. :) One of the rare occasions in the field that I have luck with an adult of a newly added species.
16-Jan-2013, 11:33 PM
This is the second sighting of adults in the field....
Today along a track on a forested patch , I saw 15 cats , 1 healthy pupae, 2 empty pupae cases , 3 parasited pupae. The distribution of the caterpillars suggest they are quite wide spread on a certain forested region on the island.
It is likely that it has been with us over the years and unlikely to be a recent emigrant , the host plant has no commercial value or use, so it is unlikely that caterpillars and eggs were accidentally imported into Singapore. With so many caterpillars , it is just amazing that it eluded the earlier researchers and us over all these years.
Like all flats, it is difficult to sight them in flight in the field as they are high speed fliers, and perhaps it has an activity timeline like the White Banded Flat that normally find none of us out in the field .
17-Jan-2013, 03:31 PM
This is the second sighting of adults in the field....
Like all flats, it is difficult to sight them in flight in the field as they are high speed fliers, and perhaps it has an activity timeline like the White Banded Flat that normally find none of us out in the field .
Although Flats are generally considered diurnal, it is surprising when some species may be most active.
Pintara pinwilli is a striking Flat that looks like a dwarf Lacewing(Cethosia).
I have only seen it once in the daytime in dark forest.
In a particular place in Negri Sembilan south of Selangor, it was not uncommon in wasteland around a village.
There is no forest for miles around and in the daytime not a single individual could be seen.
Yet late in the afternoon as evening approaches the butterflies appeared & feed on the flowers of the so-called Siam Weed, Chromolaena odorata.
They were still buzzing around the flowers as darkness settled in.
Pintara pinwilli.
TL Seow:cheers:
19-Jan-2013, 10:23 AM
could it be the recent exhumation activities in Bk Brown driving them out of the previously "quiet" habitat?
19-Jan-2013, 11:56 AM
could it be the recent exhumation activities in Bk Brown driving them out of the previously "quiet" habitat?
Nice postulation. Possible, but a bit far fetched... :)
26-Jan-2013, 02:17 PM
One more shot in the field. :)
26-Jan-2013, 06:28 PM
We have being missing it big we know them better and how to look for them !!:)
Cats and shelters were seen all the way to northern extreme of the patch.
25-Feb-2013, 06:59 PM
Sharing another shot of a Yellow Flat on Ixora flowers. :)
25-Feb-2013, 09:28 PM
Lantana you mean....:)
A pretty colour combo, nonetheless.
25-Feb-2013, 09:51 PM
Oops, another careless mistake. :embrass:
Lantana you mean....:)
A pretty colour combo, nonetheless.
28-Feb-2013, 12:20 AM
YAYF! This one is slightly worn. :-(
Green Imperial
28-Feb-2013, 10:03 AM
Excellent shot of the yellow flat on lantana flower!!!!!
Very nice colour combination, giving a bright and warm effects to the photo!
28-Feb-2013, 06:41 PM
Excellent shot of the yellow flat on lantana flower!!!!!
Very nice colour combination, giving a bright and warm effects to the photo!
Thanks, CJ. :) I was just lucky to get the chance to shoot it on lantana flower.
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