View Full Version : ID help
04-Mar-2013, 12:31 AM
Another group of hard to id species (to me).
Dr Seow, other experts, please help.
04-Mar-2013, 01:18 AM
The 6-line Blues are quite tough at the moment.
1. Most likely male N. calauria because of the darker submarginal & marginal spots; HW spots exceptional here . Alternative is N. berenice.
Correction: Not sure.
2. Female Ionolyce helicon. Note FW postdiscal is completely dislocated at all points.
Correction: Female Jamides bochus.
3. Most likely male N. calauria same reason as 1. Alternative is N. berenice.
Correction: Not sure.
4. Female N. calauria. Note large marginal spots & both series quite dark.(Correction: probably N. berenice , marginal spots not rounded)
5. Female Ionolyce helicon.
Correction: Male Jamides bochus.
TL Seow:cheers:
PS. Typical male (left) & female(right) N. berenice for comparison.
Male berenice
Female berenice
Examples of female calauria. I am not sure about the male.
This male with large rounded marginal spots is probably N. calauria.
This male from Sabah should be correctly N. calauria. Note dark & large submarginal & marginal spots.
04-Mar-2013, 01:49 AM
2 and 5 have the typical barb-like marking of Jamides spp.
They could be female Dark Caerulean.
04-Mar-2013, 02:01 AM
2 and 5 have the typical barb-like marking of Jamides spp.
They could be female Dark Caerulean.
You are absolutely right. They are also missing the mid cell bar.
I was think only of Nacaduba& deceived by their marginal spots.
TL Seow:cheers:
04-Mar-2013, 09:54 PM
Thanks Horace and Dr Seow.
05-Mar-2013, 01:07 AM
There is so much variations & similarities between N. berenice & calauria that it is quite confusing.
If you look at the mating pair of N. berenice in the link, the female also has the outer 2 rows of spots dark as in calauria; size of marginal spots also overlaps.
Hopefully, I get to see mating pairs that have a good chance of getting the ID right which will then gives us an idea of the variability of the species.
TL Seow:cheers:
PS. Basing on the female's large dark spots this mating pair in the thread below should be N. calauria.
The only difference in the male is the marginal spots bulged in the middle ie. elliptical, while in the berenice male the marginal spots are slab-sided rectangles.
Compare with the N. berenice pair below.
05-Mar-2013, 11:45 AM
Dr Seow,
Is this Jamides alecto (metallic caerulean)?
05-Mar-2013, 11:57 AM
It is a male Jamides celeno.
The FW potdiscal band (the one in the middle) is more or less straight . (Strongly dislocated with the bottom spot completely shifted in, in alecto)
Great you have the upperside showing the broad black border of the male J. celeno.
TL Seow:cheers:
05-Mar-2013, 02:53 PM
Thanks Dr Seow.
08-Mar-2013, 10:33 PM
After careful comparison I am of the opinion that post 1
1 is N. berenice male.
3 is N. berenice male.
4 is N. berenice female.
In particular the margnal spots are rather flat when compared to the corresponding sexes of N. calauria.
TL Seow:cheers:
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