View Full Version : Krung Ching NP, Nakhon si Thammarat, Thailand - Visit 2
Painted Jezebel
02-May-2013, 05:19 PM
Starting new thread, otherwise the first one would get too large.
Antonio and I returned to KC, Antonio to get a Glorious Begum, me to find a supposed Delias that should not be there. We both failed!!!
However, we both returned with a good number of new species for us. To get rid of them early, I will start with the Arhopala (sorry), things will get better, I assure you!;-)
Species 1 - I thought this may be A. amphimuta, but the upperside forewing black border looks too broad to me. - CORRECTION A. moorei busa.
Species 2 - Stumped on this one! - A. atosia.
Species 3 - Is this A. amphimuta? I hate these tailless ones! - CORRECTION A. moolaiana.
Species 4 - I think A. aida, but would like confirmation. - CORRECTION A. buddha.
03-May-2013, 12:31 AM
More :diablo:
More :elf:
More :vampire:
03-May-2013, 01:34 AM
Post 1.
1. This actually works out to be either A. agesilaus or avatha. Alternative paths, epimuta & hypomuta discounted.
It appears to be correctly A. avatha as the basal spot is missing . There is a mark but without the outlining pale striae.
The flat top metalmark also matches.
A. avatha, however is a small species.
2. Arhopala atosia.
3. The tornal cilia is torn, but the very fat V postdiscal spot in space 1b indicates it is A. moolaiana.
4. Tried alternative pathways to rule out other possibilitie, eg. corinda, hellenore, vihara.
Close to vihara but spot 4 on the FW is distinctly dislocated while in vihara it is not.
Only match following the key line 95, 153, 154, 155, 179, 181, 182, 184, 186. A. tameanga a Bornean endemic.
TL Seow:cheers:
PS. 4. Others. A. barami & overdjkinki are discounted by their broad apical borders on the uppersides.
Wingshape & short tail suggest A. corinda but spots do not match.
Interestingly, on page 285 last paragraph, it is stated A. tameanga may have been overlooked in Malaya because of its likeness to A. corinda.
Painted Jezebel
03-May-2013, 08:55 AM
Thank you, Seow. I had looked at A. avatha, but I have had my hopes dashed so often that I dared not think it might be a +1 for me.
Sorry about showing A. atosia again. I am putting my failure to recognise it down to a cold I have at present!!!
Anyway, I can now prepare the more interesting species to comply with Nelson's request. I will leave most for Antonio to show as he is a far better photographer than me, but I may have some additional photos, e.g. upperside, of the same species which can help in obtaining the correct ids.
I'll start off with 4 species I know Antonio did not get:
LD1) I have shown the male Cynitia flora andersoni (Lavender Count) before. Here is the female.
LD2) A female Euripus nyctelius nyctelius (Courtesan). Nothing unusual here, you may say, however, this specimen is remarkable for two reasons: 1) the forewing postdiscal spot continues after the white cell spot with pale blue spotting. I have never seen any specimen with these. 2) Size. The normal females have a wingspan of c.60-70mm. This one was at least 90mm.! - CORRECTION - This is Papilio paradoxa aenigma female f. aegialus (Great Blue Mime). Thank you, Seow.
LD3) I thought at first that this was Salanoemia similis (Similar Streaked Darter), then I wondered about Isma bononia (Lesser Long-spot Flitter), but the hindwing hyaline spots appear too small. Help please! Very flash intolerant. 30 photos taken, 29 ended up as vegetation only!:cry: Happily suprised to find this lone one with the butterfly in it! - CONFIRMATION Isma bononia (female).
LD4) Neptis duryodana nesia (Malayan Sailor)
03-May-2013, 09:23 AM
Post 4.
LD3 is a female I. bononia. The female has smaller hyaline spots; olive ground; pale whitish hyaline spots.
TL Seow:cheers:
03-May-2013, 10:27 AM
Got it. LD4 is Arhopala buddha.
1. FW spot 4 is considered not dislocated from spot 5 & 6 above it (ie spots 4 - 9 continuous ).
2. There is a costal spot 10.
3. FW spot 2 & 3 not wider than those above, ie spots 4 ,5, 6, & 9.
4. Short tail.
5. Upperside male shining violet blue.
The markings matched.
Key lines 95, 153, 154, 155, 156, 158, 160, 161, 162, 164, 165.
TL Seow:cheers:
Painted Jezebel
03-May-2013, 10:29 AM
Post 4.
LD3 is a female I. bononia. The female has smaller hyaline spots; olive ground; pale whitish hyaline spots.
TL Seow:cheers:
Thank you. Ah well, win one, lose one! I had already come across a male I. bononia in Taman Negara.
Painted Jezebel
03-May-2013, 11:54 AM
Got it. LD4 is Arhopala buddha.
Key lines 95, 153, 154, 155, 156, 158, 160, 161, 162, 164, 165.
TL Seow:cheers:
Gain one again! Followed the keys perfectly. Thank you!
03-May-2013, 02:35 PM (
01The Velvet Flat - Celaenorrhinus ficulnea queda ( (
02 The White-club Yellow Palmer - Zela excellens ( (
03 The Common Wight - Iton samanora samanora ( (
04 The Fulvous Dawnfly - Capita phanaeus falta ( (
The Red Demon - >Ancistroides armatus armatus ( ) (
06 The Yellow-tailed Awlking - Choaspes stigmatus caudatus ( not 100% sure
03-May-2013, 02:39 PM (
07 The Scarce Saturn - Zeuxidia doubledayii ( (
08 The Common Acacia Blue - Surendra quercetorum quercetorum ( (
09 The Banded Red Forester - Lethe minerva tritogeneia ( (
10 The Malay Red Harlequin - Paralaxita damajanti damajanti (
03-May-2013, 02:40 PM
An unusual mass puddling of Phalanta alcippe alcippoides (
Small Leopard mass puddling (
Painted Jezebel
03-May-2013, 05:05 PM
My Morphinae:
1) Amathusia species. I believe this is Amathusia masoni malaya (Rusty Palmking), but I would appreciate confirmation.
2) Zeuxidia doubledayi doubledayi (Scarce Saturn) - Male Upperside (Only shot available!)
3) As above - Male Underside
4) As above - Female Underside
03-May-2013, 10:02 PM
Starting new thread, otherwise the first one would get too large.
Antonio and I returned to KC, Antonio to get a Glorious Begum, me to find a supposed Delias that should not be there. We both failed!!!
However, we both returned with a good number of new species for us. To get rid of them early, I will start with the Arhopala (sorry), things will get better, I assure you!;-)
When Les said so, everybody sits up and pay attenton :)
Beautiful Awlking and Flat, Antonio :thumbsup:
Painted Jezebel
03-May-2013, 10:15 PM
When Les said so, everybody sits up and pay attenton :)
Beautiful Awlking and Flat, Antonio :thumbsup:
Thanks, Loke.
We have not finshed yet! But, yes, both the Awlking and the Capila species were wonderful suprises.
03-May-2013, 10:26 PM
Post 9.
C. stigmata is right. The shadowed fold does not show any black .
POst 10.
Zuexidia doubledayii. Each eyespot is small enough to fit inside the tornal lobe.
The upper eyespot is always very close to the dark line in amethystus.
Post 12.
Amathusia masina .The broad lobe indicates a female & females are very difficult to ID.
Rich reddish brown colour; the median & postdiscal bands are broad, the junctional white between them almost obliterated; pale inner discal band strongly notched.
A mounted female for comparison.
The male is fairly easily identified.
The postdiscal band is a solid red-brown without the colour break or fade seen in other species.
The outer half of the wings contrast strongly with the inner half.
TL Seow:cheers:
03-May-2013, 10:39 PM
I suddenly remembered you said the size of the female Courtesan was very large ,& I thought wouldn't that be a Great Blue Mime.
Sure enough a closer look show it is. The HW submarginal spots are sagittate.
TL Seow:cheers:
Painted Jezebel
04-May-2013, 09:16 AM
I suddenly remembered you said the size of the female Courtesan was very large ,& I thought wouldn't that be a Great Blue Mime.
Sure enough a closer look show it is. The HW submarginal spots are sagittate.
TL Seow:cheers:
Yes, you are absolutely right. I had not even thought of that! The fact that the butterfly was in constant flight, ovipositing, has distorted the shape of the wings somewhat so the pointed apex of the Mime does not show. However, as you say, the submarginal spots give it away.
Papilio paradoxa aenigma female f. aegialus (Great Blue mime) it is! Thank you.
Antonio, you did shoot a female Saturn, but only a single shot, I think, and not the photo you showed. I think it was mid-afternoon on 29 April.
04-May-2013, 10:33 AM
Sorry but I'm leaving one more time :whistle: and I don't have so much time left to post the pictures, so some inaccuracy I'll correct when I'll get a internet connection :) (
The Scarce Saturn Female ( (
The Purple and Gold Flitter ( (
The Plain Green Palmer ( (
The Common Red Harlequin ( (
Hasora quadripunctata ( (
The Spot-pointed Lancer-Pyroneura derna ( Thanks Seow for the corrections !
04-May-2013, 10:37 AM (
The Rusty Palmking - Amathusia masina malaya ( (
The Tailed Disc Oakblue - Arhopala athosia malayana ( (
The Steely Acacia Blue ( (
The Narrow Spark ( (
The Malay Red Harlequin ( (
The Forest Judy ( (
The Dark Banded Ace ( (
The Commander (
04-May-2013, 10:38 AM (
The Malayan Oakleaf - Kallima limborgi limborgi ( (
Krung Ching Waterfall Valley (
Definitely a good hunt (+19!) and a very good time in the forest and in the rest of the trip with the perfect companionship and great knowledge of Les :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :cheers:
Painted Jezebel
04-May-2013, 11:35 AM
Have a good time, Antonio. I'll be away, myself, by the time you get back. Thank you very much for your trip suggestion, which I also enjoyed enormously.
I take it you have now finished your posting here, so any I have left I will post shortly. A very good haul for you, I am still counting my +1s!
04-May-2013, 11:40 AM
Post 1.
LD1. The FW basal cellspot is too obvious & the markings too defined for A. avatha.
A check with Yutaka shows all avatha specimens were captured in Yala.
The confusing feature was that HW spot 6 is nearer spot 5 than the cellend bar.
The mistake was to consider spot 6 to be midway between spot 5 & the cellend bar.
Thus the key lines 45, 55, 59 (spot 6 closer to spot 5), 63, 71, 77, 82, 84, 86 (postdiscal band not widely dislocated as in A. kurzi.), 87,
89 (88-tropaea is tiny & purplish.).
There are 2 species in contention here, namely A. muta & A. moorei.
A. muta :brighter blue on HW; HW border evenly broad; FW underside spot 2 & 3 not so widely separated.
A. moorei : HW duller purplish blue; HW border tend to be narrower between veins 4 - 6. ; FW underside spot 2 & 3 more widely separated.
The features match A. moorei.
The ssp from Brunei of the 2 species are somewhat different on the uppersides but the undersides help.
TL Seow:cheers:
PS. Check C&P4 plate 51, 35 & 37 for muta and 44 & 46 for moorei.
04-May-2013, 11:44 AM
Post 19.
The Oakblue is Arhopala aedias. HW spot 6 nearer spot 5 & widely separated from the cellend bar.
TL Seow:cheers:
Painted Jezebel
04-May-2013, 12:15 PM
Post 1.
LD1. The FW basal cellspot is too obvious & the markings too defined for A. avatha.
A check with Yutaka shows all avatha specimens were captured in Yala.
The confusing feature was that HW spot 6 is nearer spot 5 than the cellend bar.
The mistake was to consider spot 6 to be midway between spot 5 & the cellend bar.
Thus the key lines 45, 55, 59 (spot 6 closer to spot 5), 63, 71, 77, 82, 84, 86 (postdiscal band not widely dislocated as in A. kurzi.), 87,
89 (88-tropaea is tiny & purplish.).
There are 2 species in contention here, namely A. muta & A. moorei.
A. muta :brighter blue on HW; HW border evenly broad; FW underside spot 2 & 3 not so widely separated.
A. moorei : HW duller purplish blue; HW border tend to be narrower between veins 4 - 6. ; FW underside spot 2 & 3 more widely separated.
The features match A. moorei.
The ssp from Brunei of the 2 species are somewhat different on the uppersides but the undersides help.
TL Seow:cheers:
PS. Check C&P4 plate 51, 35 & 37 for muta and 44 & 46 for moorei.
Thank you, again. I was able to easily follow the keys. I can see the difficulty in distinguishing between the two from a photo only, I think I was lucky that I had a shot showing at least a little upperside. Still new to me!
04-May-2013, 10:51 PM
The Amathusia masina is actually a male not a female.
The HW has an oval mark near the base of space 7 inside the 3rd dark band from wingbase.
This correspond to an oval depression with a hair tuft topside, the only Amathusia male to have this.
So the postdiscal band is not always solidly coloured, but still more evenly so than other species.
TL Seow:cheers:
Painted Jezebel
05-May-2013, 10:21 AM
My last few, posted to clear up the odds and sods!
1) Eurema nicevillei nicevillei (Banded Grass Yellow) - First time seeing this in Thailand.
2) Coelites epiminthia epiminthia (Straight-banded Catseye)
3) Idea lynceus lynceus (Tree Nymph) - Upperside to go with Antonio's underside shot from our previous visit.
Now the ones needing identification:
4 & 5) A Telicota species. Sorry about the partial upperside, the only one I could obtain (hope it helps)
6) Jamides of the celeno group. I am hoping it is J. pura, as I am still trying for a decent photo of this species.
7) Jamides of the alecto group.
8) Allotinus species. All I know is that it is not my usual A. unicolor!
05-May-2013, 02:48 PM
Post 26.
4 & 5 most likely Telicota ohara female.
Note strong dark shading on the HW, the black spots in space 2 3 4 & 5 shading to the termen.
6. most likely J. celeno. male Unfortunately the FW termen is not exposed.
Whitish (pura is actually bluer). A positive ID for pura is if the black spot is rectangular.
7. Jamides talinga male. HW basal band dislocated ruled out J. ferrari & virgulatus.
There is a is a spot (or 2 dashes) above the FW cellend bar not found in alecto & elpis.
Upperside HW submarginal spot also ruled out elpis.
White striae are not much broaden in FW space 1b.
Size that of I. helicon in the background is very small.
The above factors should be sufficent to rule out J. alecto with an aberrant spot.
8. Allotinus sarrastes. male.
HW postdiscal spot 6 nearer to 5 than to spot 7. FW postdiscal band widely dislocated, nearer termen at lower end than at upper costal end.
Submarginal black spots with white on the outer edges.
TL Seow:cheers:
Painted Jezebel
05-May-2013, 04:29 PM
Thank you, two new species for me and one I had not seen in Thailand before!
An amazing trip, far exceeding any expectations I could have had. 16 +1s, a moth new to Thailand, and I am waiting for confirmation on a Dragonfly, which if proved correct, would be very important! It is currently being looked at by 4 experts.
05-May-2013, 05:13 PM
Post 18.
The Awl is Hasora quadripunctata.
The white spot is very large (> 1/2 the cell width for quadripunctata), almost the cell width here from vein 4 to vein 6.
FW without any hint of subapical spots.
The lancer is of course Pyroneura derna.
TL Seow:cheers:
PS. A check shows H. quadripunctata has not been recorded from Thailand before.
Painted Jezebel
05-May-2013, 06:00 PM
Can I check this one then, taken same morning, within 15 minutes of Antonio's. This looks like H. badra to me. The spot looks smaller to me, and I think I had better check the photos I did not bother to process!
05-May-2013, 06:04 PM
Can I check this one then, taken same morning, within 15 minutes of Antonio's. This looks like H. badra to me. The spot looks smaller to me, and I think I had better check the photos I did not bother to process!
Yes, this is H. badra.
Antonio's shot is H. quadripunctata without a doubt.
TL Seow:cheers:
Painted Jezebel
05-May-2013, 09:51 PM
I agree entirely with the id, you lucky sod, Antonio, I should have been in the toilet with you!!!!!
I missed it. I have looked at all my photos and they are all H badra.
All I can say is congratulations. A fantastic find, and I will need to have a chat with you later about this.
05-May-2013, 10:55 PM
Congrats guys on another fruitful trip. :cheers:
Let's see when can I go up there again. :thinking:
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