View Full Version : Hey everyone!I'm back!

Chequered Lancer
30-May-2013, 08:47 PM
At last!My internet's fixed.That means I'll be spamming this thread!;P
Shot quite a number of rarities while I was ''Missing In Action'' in the forums!Well at least it gave me some time to improve on my shooting techniques.Here are some of the many shots...
Sorry for the noise on most of the pictures.Don't know what's up with that.

Megisba malaya sikkima,(The Malayan)
Not exactly a rare butt,but it was indulging in an activity that was uncommon in this species,puddling
Lampides boeticus,(Pea Blue / Long-tailed Blue)(Male)
Anthene lycaenina miya,(Pointed Ciliate Blue)(Male)
Spalgis epius epius,(Apefly)
Halpe ormenes vilasina,(Dark Banded Ace)

Chequered Lancer
30-May-2013, 08:48 PM
Eetion elia,(White Spot Palmer)
Hasora schoenherr chuza,(Yellow Banded Awl)
Mooreana trichoneura trichoneura,(Yellow Flat)
Tagiades japetus atticus,(Common Snow Flat)
Mycalesis orseis nautilus,(Purple Bush Brown)
Lethe europa malaya,(Bamboo Tree Brown)(Female)
Zeuxidia amethystus amethystus,(Saturn)(Male)

Chequered Lancer
30-May-2013, 08:50 PM
Abisara savitri savitri,(Malay Tailed Judy)

Blue Jay
30-May-2013, 09:46 PM
Hi Jerome, I personally find that the poor sharpness is forgivable, considering that you use P&S to shoot. Considering P&S standards, I also find that there are quite a number of good shots here. Congrats also for nailing the Yellow Flat, which I have not even seen yet! ;P

Chequered Lancer
30-May-2013, 10:07 PM
Thank you for the kind comments and for your kind understanding!The Yellow Flat's confined to the western side of Singapore.I shot the fella in one of Bukit Batok's forests.:grin2:

Blue Jay
30-May-2013, 10:10 PM
Thank you for the kind comments and for your kind understanding!The Yellow Flat's confined to the western side of Singapore.I shot the fella in one of Bukit Batok's forests.:grin2:
Is it where the other BC members usually shoot it? Or it has spread already? :)

01-Jun-2013, 04:22 PM
Hi Brian, just wanna comment that ur [I]Anthene[\I] might be [I]Anthene licates[\I] because of the "bolder" striae but i'm not sure. dun have c&p4 with me right now.

Painted Jezebel
02-Jun-2013, 09:41 AM
Hi Brian, just wanna comment that ur [I]Anthene[\I] might be [I]Anthene licates[\I] because of the "bolder" striae but i'm not sure. dun have c&p4 with me right now.

A. licates have additional striae on the forewing, so it is not that.

03-Jun-2013, 03:17 AM
Yes, just checked c&p4 and agree that it isn't <i>licates<\i>; false alarm!!;P
But this should be a female since the male is wholly blue above with imperceptible borders.