View Full Version : The enigmatic Eurema lacteola.

09-Jun-2013, 12:28 PM
Eurema lacteola is one of several species whose type location is Singapore.
It was described by Distant in 1886 in which he noted the species (a female) was the only white Eurema in the region.

It was thought by some later authors to be a white female form of E. hecabe, & incredibly Lepindex still list lacteola as a synonym of hecabe.
The species appeared to be rather rare & the female even more so.
It is a Sundanian species found in Sumatra, Malaya , Borneo & Java.

Individual variations meant features may overlap or are ambiguous. The FW cellspots are often missing eg. in hecabe
The features which help to diagnose E. lacteola are:
1 FW cell with one spot (may be faint or absent).
2. HW with a bisinuate costal streak (space 7 & 8) directed towards the cellend bar(as in andersonii & ada): a patch in hecabe.
3. FW apex dark patch poor or faint.
4. HW sub-basal cellspot usually absent. (May also be seen in andersonii.)
5. Upperside FW inner margin of dark border in space 2 & 3 (the excavated part) slant downwards towards tornus. (the opposite in andersonii) ; Similar to hecabe.
6. Upperside FW inner margin in space 1b & 1a perpendicular or inclined slightly towards the base. ( outwards in andersonii usually.) This feature is hidden in photos.

Examples which can cause confusion are often seen.

This pristine example have one FW cellspot but the HW costal patch Identified it as E. hecabe.

This example seems to show the right features, but the inclination of the FW border in space 2 & 3 is slight & the HW has a cellspot.
It is E. andersonii.

Horace's example shows E. andersonii without FW apical patch & absent HW cellspot.

There are many erroneous images of this species on the web.
This example from the angelfire website (blocked here) shows a male E. lacteola from Malaya .
The HW is similar to andersonii & the FW border space 2 & 3 is strongly inclined down towards the tornus;FW apex & HW cell without spots.

Yata' Eurema revision can be downloaded from here.

https://www.google.co.uk/#sclient=psy-ab&q=Eurema+revision+Yata&oq=Eurema+revision+Yata&gs_l=hp.3...6422.16778.1.17290. 617.0j2j9j5j2j1.19.0...0.0...1c.1.16.psy-ab.YUNv6FSbFlw&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.47534661,d.bmk&fp=28e9ff7785065bee&biw=1280&bih=595

TL Seow:cheers:

09-Jun-2013, 07:22 PM
Lovely photos, if they are anything like the Eurema species in South Africa, they are very difficult to approach

09-Jun-2013, 08:21 PM
Lovely photos, if they are anything like the Eurema species in South Africa, they are very difficult to approach

These are web images shown to illustrate a point.
The 1st is by Federick.
I can not locate the 2nd.

TL Seow:cheers: