View Full Version : Request for Cher Hern and Billy

15-Jul-2013, 11:29 AM
Cher Hern, can you send a higher res image (perhaps 2000 pixels wide) to Juliana? Her email is below. As for Billy, just your email permission to use your photo would be adequate. Thanks to both of you! :)

From: Juliana Tan [mailto:juliana.tan@gardensbythebay.com.sg]
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 10:24 AM
To: Khew Sin Khoon
Cc: Kenneth Er; Snigdha Singh
Subject: Fwd: Need Blogger permisson

Hi Khew

hope you had a good weekend.

We would like to feature your article on the vagrant captured at the Gardens (http://www.butterflycircle.blogspot.sg/2013/06/a-loitering-vagrant-captured-in.html) in our bi-monthly internal newsletter called as 'Baywatch', and would like to seek your permission to adapt the text, and use the photos by Koh Cher Hern and Billy Oh in the article.

Would it be possible to get the photographer to send us a higher resolution image of the main image too? http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-vmjh1EekW-s/UcpX_0UZbHI/AAAAAAAAKZw/0h1YcGS7rjo/s1600/Vagrant-KohCH.jpg

We will show you the article before disseminating. Hope the above is okay with you.

