View Full Version : Danum Valley - July 2013
Painted Jezebel
31-Jul-2013, 11:55 AM
Butterfly numbers were very poor this year. Not sure for the reasons, there may be more than one factor.
I'll start off with the first species I found, which includes one of only 4 new species for me on this trip, that I know of (but there are still the Arhopala to rescue me!!!)
LD1) Rajah Brooke's Birdwing (the original) - Trogonoptera brookiana brookiana. This species had the very annoying habit of only resting at a height of about 3-4 metres, hence the less the parfect angle.
LD2a) Atrophaneura nox noctis (male) - A +1 for me.
b) as above (female), much larger than the male.
01-Aug-2013, 11:24 AM
A poor collection with a final gem... (
The Common Three-ring - Ypthima pandocus ( (
The Striped Ringlet- Ragadia makuta ( (
Taractrocera luzonenesis ( (
The Colonel - Pandita sinope ( (
The Raja Brooke's Birdwing - Trogonoptera brookiana brookiana ( Dreaming of a better shot... (
Neptis omeroda ( (
The Malayan Batwing - Atrophaneura nox ( (
A Grass Blue (
01-Aug-2013, 11:31 AM (
The Common Posy - Drupadia ravindra moorei ( (
Arhopala Danum 01 ( (
Arhopala Danum 02 ( (
Arhopala Danum 03 ( (
The Straight-banded Fivering - Ypthima fasciata ( (
The Elegant Satyr - Erites elegans ( (
The Broad Striped Faun - Faunus kirata ( (
Unid Hesperiidae Danum (
01-Aug-2013, 03:43 PM
Post 2
3. Taractrocera luzonenesis. similar to T. ardonia ( below ) but with broader & yellower bands in both sexes. .jpg
6. Neptis omeroda female.
Note FW extension of the HW discal band composed of well-defined spots.
All others (both sexes of harita, & ilia plus male omeroda ) have the FW extension very diffuse & ill-defined.
8. Zizina otis. HW postdiscal spot 6 is present but poorly formed.
Post 3
2. Arhopala similis. ( C&P4 plate 65/ 8 )
Note rounded spots; tailless; FW without postdiscal spots, submarginal spots expanding upwards.
3. Arhopala epimuta Note tornal marginal white dot.
4. This also keyed out as A. epimuta female (FW rounded; long palpi) Note no tornal white dot.Correction A. hypomuta.
8. Oriens gola. Veins not darkened.
TL Seow:cheers:
Painted Jezebel
01-Aug-2013, 10:24 PM
Thank you for the N . omeroda. I was not sure, as that species is not on the official Danum Valley list, N. ilira is. I did wonder, currently 235 species.
A. epimuta is not on the list either, but then I think that from this trip and our earlier one in 2010, we can add at least 40 species to the known species in Danum (and counting).
01-Aug-2013, 11:38 PM
Post 3 No. 4 is not the female of A. epimuta.
FW spot 4 dislocated; HW spot 6 nearer spot 5 than cellend bar.
These combination of features indicate it is A. hypomuta.
HW basal spot in space 6 absent (possible).
Antenna tip broadly orange. Unfortunately valid examples of A. hypomuta do not show this.
Alternative pathway (assuming dark basal patch in FW space 1b) leads to A. belphoebe, which cannot be.
Tentative ID A. hypomuta.
TL Seow:cheers:
PS. The remark about the female omeroda having well-defined spots alone may not be entirely right . Some variations is expected.
The FW subapical spots are also larger & the submarginal band broader & better defined than in ilira.
PS2. No other match possible for post 3 no. 4 .
Two other Bornean endemics A. dajagaka & baluensis have FW spot 4 in line & resembles A. amphimuta.
A. hypomuta deva from Brunei for comparison.
02-Aug-2013, 11:09 AM
Paralaxita damajani?
Painted Jezebel
02-Aug-2013, 11:36 AM
Yes, the orange tipped antennae are odd! I have specimens taken there that are typical hypomuta, with the small spot at base of space 6, and their antennae show no sign of orange.
Only two Arhopala from me where I am having difficulty.
LD3) Using the keys, this comes out as A. agesilaus, but I could have gone wrong at no. 46!
LD4) Again, to me, this comes out to me as either A. amphimuta or A. baluensis. It was quite small.
Corrections greatly accepted.
Glorious Begum
02-Aug-2013, 08:13 PM
I am not very sure I got the ID correct. Kindly help from all the Sifu. Thanks
Mycalesis anapita
Paralaxita orphna
Ragadia makuta
Graphium doson (Common Jay)
Dark Posy ?
Oriens gola ?
Mycalesis maianeas
Glorious Begum
02-Aug-2013, 08:14 PM
Graphium bathycles (The dark Viened Jay)
Charaxes bernardus repetitus
Common Posy
Erites elegans
Glorious Begum
02-Aug-2013, 08:15 PM
Parthenos sylvia
Cethosia hypsea
Vindula dejone (The Cruiser)
White or Green Dragontail ?
Arhopala ?
Glorious Begum
02-Aug-2013, 08:15 PM
Idea stolli
Arhopala ?
Curetis regula ?
Polyura schreiber (Blue Nawab)
02-Aug-2013, 09:10 PM
Yes, the orange tipped antennae are odd! I have specimens taken there that are typical hypomuta, with the small spot at base of space 6, and their antennae show no sign of orange.
Only two Arhopala from me where I am having difficulty.
LD3) Using the keys, this comes out as A. agesilaus, but I could have gone wrong at no. 46!
LD4) Again, to me, this comes out to me as either A. amphimuta or A. baluensis. It was quite small.
Corrections greatly accepted.
Your LD3 (FW spot 4 partially shifted out) is the same as Antonio's A. hypomuta which I feel is correct as C&P4 practically includes the Bornean species in case they turn up in Malaya. Note opposite antenna tip have the same orangey colour.
LD4. This probably A. baluensis if it is small as amphimuta is medium sized.
The shape of spot 7 is unusual (?abnormal) & the metalmark is different.
The Bornean amphimuta is similar to mainland form.
Mainland Thai form
TL Seow:cheers:
PS. Female baluensis from Brunei. Metal mark more ?band-like.
02-Aug-2013, 11:32 PM
Post 9.
Mycalesis . Not sure what the difference is between anapita & patiana undersides. Even the underside of fusca can be identical.
Jamides virgulatus. FW postdiscal band completely dislocated below (vein 4, space 3) & partially above (vein 6); costal white dashes.
HW basal band intact; orange almost covering stria above it.
Oriens gola.
Post 10.
Eurema nicevillei nicevillei. nos. of spots variable.
2 allied species present, but in E. tominia, spots always scanty & cellend bars obsolete or almost so.
Isma ?umbrosa male. Very confusing.
FW large upper cellspot ; spot 3 & 4 do not overlap. Underside ochreous; abdomen not banded ; antennal club large white patch.
Oriens gola.
TL Seow:cheers:
Painted Jezebel
02-Aug-2013, 11:34 PM
Your LD3 (FW spot 4 partially shifted out)
So I did go wrong at 46. I did not think it was sufficiently shifted. Oh well!
03-Aug-2013, 12:42 AM
Post 11.
Hypolimnas bolina ? ssp. labuana.
Too variable.
Dacalana vidura.
This & the much rarer D. sinhara have been easily confused.
In D. sinhara the black striae are obliterated by the orange patch in space 2 & part of space 1b.
Dacalana sinhara. Note black striae obliterated at orange patch.,r:56,s:100,i:172&iact=rc&page=7&tbnh=191&tbnw=230&ndsp=38&tx=79&ty=54
Yutaka site for D. vidura.
Two dedicated sites in which the images of D. vidura have been captioned as D. sinhara. Note striae intact beside orange patch.
Lamproptera curius. Black bands broad & uppermost window reduced to a small spot.
Arhopala hypomuta.
Aberrant individual with very small postdiscal spots, but FW spot 4 dislocated HW spot 6 nearer 5; antennal tip orangey.
TL Seow:cheers:
03-Aug-2013, 07:53 AM
Post 12.
Allotinus horsfieldi. HW postdiscal spot 6 beneath potsdiscal spot 7; buffy ground & poor contrast.
A. leogoron is similar but contrast between dark markings & whiter ground strong.
Arhopala borneensis probably.
A. trogon & stinga have strongly purple-washed undersides.
The black spots of A. aurea are flattened, in particular the tornal one is rather poor & very small.
Only image of A. borneensis.
Curetis tagalica, most likely. Can be diificult to separate tagalica & regula in some examples.
C. tagalica have the HW lunulate mark in space 6 more deeply - set against marks 5 & 7; FW marks 4 & 5 tends to jut out more (ie. band more irregular).
C. regula from Brunei & Malaya (your own)
Simiskina pharyge. Distinctive marginal metallic green.
TL Seow:cheers:
Painted Jezebel
03-Aug-2013, 10:36 AM
Some species you will recognise, but different subspecies:
LD5) You may have a superbly delicious Semanga, but this one is doubly superb! Semanga superba superba (Red-Edge). New to Danum.
LD6) Zemeros emesoides eso (Malay Punchinello)
LD7) Erites argentina argentina (Eyed Cyclops)
LD8) Junonia iphita viridis (Singapore- Chocolate Soldier, Thailand- Chocolate Pansy). A particularly well marked subspecies.
LD9) Halpe ormenes vistula (Dark Banded Ace). New to Danum.
LD10) Charaxes solon echo (Black Rajah). Same ssp. as Singapore. New to Danum.
Painted Jezebel
03-Aug-2013, 06:30 PM
Post 11.
Dacalana vidura.
This & the much rarer D. sinhara have been easily confused.
In D. sinhara the black striae are obliterated by the orange patch in space 2 & part of space 1b.
I have old references for Borneo. It only shows two Dacalana species on the island, D. lowii and D. sannio. Has D. vidura now been found there? Unfortunately, I only had access to the Butterflies of Borneo at Danum, and then only for the Lycaenidae and Hesperiidae.
I'm updating the Research Centres records to include our finds on our visits in 2010 and 2013, D. vidura is currently not on their list.
03-Aug-2013, 06:54 PM
It is possible that the Curetis depicted in this link below is C. tagalica.
This is because the upperside matched that of C. tagalica labuana, the ssp in Borneo.
In C. regula the border on the HW & the FW tornus is almost a thread, & there is no subspecies for this species.(see pic & key C&P4)
This makes it more likely that the post 12 Sunbeam is Curetis tagalica.
The indentation of the band in HW space 6 can be very shallow as shown in the example from Muane Chong, Ranong, male.
TL Seow:cheers:
03-Aug-2013, 07:01 PM
I have old references for Borneo. It only shows two Dacalana species on the island, D. lowii and D. sannio. Has D. vidura now been found there? Unfortunately, I only had access to the Butterflies of Borneo at Danum, and then only for the Lycaenidae and Hesperiidae.
I'm updating the Research Centres records to include our finds on our visits in 2010 and 2013, D. vidura is currently not on their list.
Both Dacalana vidura & sinhara are also found throughout Sundaland.
TL Seow:cheers:
PS. If I am not mistaken, D. sannio is now D. cremera sannio, & D. lowii is of course an endemic.
03-Aug-2013, 07:27 PM
Some of my pics
Blue nawab
Mycalesis anapita
The Broad Striped Faun - Faunus kirata
Malay red harlequin?
Painted Jezebel
03-Aug-2013, 09:22 PM
Both Dacalana vidura & sinhara are also found throughout Sundaland.
TL Seow:cheers:
PS. If I am not mistaken, D. sannio is now D. cremera sannio, & D. lowii is of course an endemic.
Thank you. I was aware that D. sannio was in the cotys group, but one can only be sure of this group by seeing the upperside, no brand.
D. vidura is then added to Danum species.
I seem to recall when I was studying the Lycaenidae volume that D. lowii has no hindwing stripe, a fact which I had forgotten earlier, is that right?
03-Aug-2013, 09:37 PM
Yes, D. lowii have no white stripe beneath, whlie D. cremera have an orange bar above the black tornal lobe.
TL Seow:cheers:
03-Aug-2013, 10:05 PM
Post 22.
1. Dercas gobrias gobrias. The Sundanian forms are now all referable to D. gobrias.
3. I think this & earlier post are all Mycalesis patiana.
Mycalesis anapita is a paler & yellower species & is more lightly to be mistaken for M. fusca.
About the only reliable difference is that the FW band above vein 4(corrected) is darker & may appear black in fresh individuals of patiana..
Mycalesis patiana from Malaya.
Mycalesis anapita from Sabah.
4. Erites argentina.
E. argentina have a small spot in FW spce 3 (above the big spot) & the HW outer band in space 1b & 2 straight (to the inside of the big spot).
5. Allotinus horsfieldi female.
HW postdiscal spot 6 under spot 7; buffy ground ,poor contrast; broad-based teeth.
TL Seow:cheers:
Painted Jezebel
03-Aug-2013, 10:28 PM
Post 22.
3. I think this & earlier post are all Mycalesis patiana.
Mycalesis anapita is a paler & yellower species & is more lightly to be mistaken for M. fusca.
About the only reliable difference is that the FW band above vein 3 is darker & may appear black in fresh individuals of patiana..
Never forget the Bornean endemic, M. marginata! I saw both anapita, only once, and patiana, many times, there, but not marginata which we found at Maliau. As you say, undersides are nearly impossible when trying to id these species. I agree that M. patiana is most likely.
03-Aug-2013, 11:00 PM
Never forget the Bornean endemic, M. marginata! I saw both anapita, only once, and patiana, many times, there, but not marginata which we found at Maliau. As you say, undersides are nearly impossible when trying to id these species. I agree that M. patiana is most likely.
M. marginata have a very large HW submarginal spot 2, so it is manageable.
M. fusca is dark brown in flight.
Unfortunately the web is full of confusing images of the undersides of these species.
TL Seow:cheers:
PS. Bornean ssp. Dacalana vidura azyada (type location Borneo!) & D. sinhara sinhara.
Painted Jezebel
04-Aug-2013, 10:32 AM
Beginning to get to the troublesome ones!
LD11) Pareronia valeria lutescens (Malayan Wanderer). I was not going to bother showing this, but I noticed that in the Singapore checklist, there are no photos of a male upperside. Though this was taken in Borneo, it is the same ssp. as that found, occasionally, in Singapore.
LD12) Papilio memnon memnon (Great Mormon) female. Anyone know the female form name? Sorry very worn specimen!
LD 13 & 14) Two Charaxes undersides. I can not decide if they are both Charaxes bernadus repetitus.
04-Aug-2013, 12:21 PM
Sorry for the stop, I was traveling, not for butts... (
The Royal Assyrian - Terino terpander subsp.? ( - an unusual find (
Neptis sp. ( (
The Chocolate Albatross - Appias lyncida ssp.?? ( (
The Chocolate Albatross female? ( (
The Common Tree Nymph - Idea stolli (
04-Aug-2013, 12:23 PM (
The Pointed Ciliate Blue - Anthene lycaenina ssp.? ( (
The Banded Red Harlequin - Paralaxita orphna ( (
The Tawny Bushbrown - Mycalesis anapita? ( (
The Malayan Mottle - Logana malayica (
04-Aug-2013, 12:26 PM
According to funet the Bornean ssp. is the nominate P. memnon memnon , although Fruhstofer have described memnoides 1903 from Borneo.
Under P. memnon memnon is female form laomedon Cramer.
The description of f-laomedon matches well.
As for the Charaxes, I think they are the same, since in peninsular Malaysia there are also 2 forms, one with the steely grey sheen.
TL Seow:cheers:
Glorious Begum
04-Aug-2013, 04:16 PM
Thank you very much Dr Seow. :cheers:
04-Aug-2013, 08:43 PM
Nice series of pictures Guys.:)
Painted Jezebel
05-Aug-2013, 11:55 AM
Last of my Lycaenidae.
LD15) Nacaduba species from this year.
LD16) Nacaduba sp. from 2010. This was id'd as N. berenice at the time.
The two appear different, particularly in the shape of the forewing submarginal spots in spaces 1b and 2, which are rectangular in this years photo, and more oval in that of 2010. As far as I can see, only N. berenice, kurava and the endemic normani are found in Sabah as far as Six-lines go.
LD17) I thought this was Celastrina lavendularis, but I could not see that it is found in Borneo when trying to find the ssp. There is Celastrina philippina philippina, though and two Acytolepis species.
05-Aug-2013, 03:15 PM
It might have been quiet compared to your usual trips, but you guys have found lots of interesting species. Great photos!
05-Aug-2013, 11:39 PM
Last of my Lycaenidae.
LD15) Nacaduba species from this year.
LD16) Nacaduba sp. from 2010. This was id'd as N. berenice at the time.
The two appear different, particularly in the shape of the forewing submarginal spots in spaces 1b and 2, which are rectangular in this years photo, and more oval in that of 2010. As far as I can see, only N. berenice, kurava and the endemic normani are found in Sabah as far as Six-lines go.
LD17) I thought this was Celastrina lavendularis, but I could not see that it is found in Borneo when trying to find the ssp. There is Celastrina philippina philippina, though and two Acytolepis species.
LD15 should be Nacaduba berenice.
The marginal spots are flat-sided. The submarginal spots somewhat resembles beroe , but dark striae in FW band strong & base not distinctly darkened.
A bit of the dull lavender upperside can be seen.
A beautiful example of N. beroe from Fraser's Hill
LD16 should be Nacaduba normani.Correction: ID doubtful as N. calauria is also found in Borneo.
Both series of spots very dark; FW marginal spots large & bulging; HW marginal spot 3 rounded.
Federick posted a couple from his Kinabalu trips which I ID'ed as N. calauria not realising N. calauria is not recorded from Borneo.
N. calauria range from India thru Sumatra, Java to Sulawesi & Ambon.
It is replaced in Borneo by N. normani which has also found its way into Sulawesi.
The other 6-line blues, berenice, kurava, & beroe can be discounted.
LD17 should be Acytolepis ripte.
There is a small white-edged triangular spot at the base of HW space 7 (none in Celastrina) ;antennal tip black (white in Celastrina ).
The FW cell has a ill-defined white-edged rectangular spot (perspective-distorted) with a black smudge below (FW cell clean in puspa).
LC's perfect example from Meliau.
Celastrina lavendularis, widespread from India to Papua is replaced in Borneo by C. philippina (probably 2 ssp overlapping in the Philippines.).
Main difference on upperside. Only underside difference seen is lower end of HW cellend bar close to postdiscal spot 2 in lavendularis.
TL Seow:cheers:
06-Aug-2013, 07:43 AM
A check with Butterflies of Sulawesi indicate N. calauria is present in Borneo as well. Funet shows a ?Borneo for ssp malayica, but Yutaka confirms it. (Fleming does not indicate Borneo).
The description for N. normani is not available.
However a process of elimination will indicate this is most likely N. normani.
N. berenice & N. calauria.
FW submarginal spots narrow , not forming a neat band; inner margins irregular; submarginal spot 4 & 5 usually pointed.
N. berenice : FW marginal spots flat -sided, or not bulging ; HW marginal spot 3 flattened.
N. calauria : Peripheral spots often very dark; FW marginal spots large & bulging; HW marginal spot 3 rounded.
N. berenice icena (ssp akaba can be seen at Phillipine site, however the female there appeared to be beroe from the topside appearance.)
2 males and a female . Note 2nd male matches LD15.
N. calauria malayica.Male & Female. Note LD 16 is quite similar except the FW submarginal spots are also large & bulky.
N. kurava & N. beroe.
FW submarginal spots tend to form a regular band with a rounded or neater inner margin; submarginal spots 4 & 5 often rounded.
N. kurava : FW submarginal band neater; dark striae in postdiscal band present in the male;HW submarginal spot 6 usually large & quadrate.
N. beroe : Male submarginal band less neat with flared edges ;dark striae in postdiscal band vague; dark base; Female difficult to separate.
Two examples of N kurava nemana (same ssp in Borneo) males from Malaya & Singapore.
N. beroe neon male See link in previous post.
As you can see LD16 does not really matched any of the other 4 species.
So the suspicion that it is N. normani is very strong.
TL Seow:cheers:
PS. N. normani have become a pest on cocoa Theobroma cacao, so it should be quite common in Sabah.
Painted Jezebel
07-Aug-2013, 09:25 AM
Thank very much for the detailed explanations, Seow.
My last two.
LD18) An Idmon species. The width of the orange band suggests I. latifascia, but then it makes me question on the id of the Idmon I saw in Maliau,, identified as that species at the time. I now wonder if it was the Bornean ssp. of I. obliquans.
LD19) My best guess is the underside of Pemara pugnans, but I am not sure.
As this is my last post on this thread, that I know of anyway, I would like to express my gratitude to LC for organising the trip, and for putting us up overnight, before and after the Tawau-KL flight, and to Marcus and Antonio for their entertaining companionship.
07-Aug-2013, 01:12 PM (
The Dark Veined Jay - Graphium bathycles ( (
The Elbowed Pierrot - Caleta elna ( (
The Common Tawny Rajah - Charaxes bernadus repetitus ( (
Oriens gola ( (
The Bandless Bushbrown - Mycalesis maianeas ( (
The Banded Grass Yellow - Eurema nicevillei nicevillei (
And, dulcis in fundo: (
The Bornean Plush - Sithon micea (
A beautiful, strange endemic species of Sabah.
IMHO the first, or one of the few, pictures of this uncommon (rare?) Lycaenid. I've found only this drawing:
07-Aug-2013, 06:03 PM
Thank very much for the detailed explanations, Seow.
My last two.
LD18) An Idmon species. The width of the orange band suggests I. latifascia, but then it makes me question on the id of the Idmon I saw in Maliau,, identified as that species at the time. I now wonder if it was the Bornean ssp. of I. obliquans.
LD19) My best guess is the underside of Pemara pugnans, but I am not sure.
As this is my last post on this thread, that I know of anyway, I would like to express my gratitude to LC for organising the trip, and for putting us up overnight, before and after the Tawau-KL flight, and to Marcus and Antonio for their entertaining companionship.
LD18. You are right here . This is the bona fide Idmon latifascia (=wide band). The Meliau individual is female (abdominal tip) which has wider & clearer band than the male I. obliquans.
LD 19. Agreed it is P. pugnans. The longer & gradual all black antennal club, colour shape all matched except for the missing black smudge around the subapical spots but this is variable.
LD 15. After looking hard at this I thought could this be actually an N. kurava variant as the FW submarginal spots are almost bandlike.
After looking at the Philippine ssp which comes closest to that of Borneo , I feel it is correctly N. berenice.
The inner margin is much more interrupted at the veins; spots 4 & 5 more pointy(peaked) at the middle ;HW postdiscal spot 6 not quadrate.
The upperside can be seen as a dull pale lavender. (Violet blue in N. kurava male.).
The Philippine N. berenice. (Note the female berenice appeared to be a beroe female; I think it is wrongly placed.)
TL Seow:cheers:
PS. Antonio! Congrats on the rare shot of Sithon micea:cheers:
Now, if only someone has a confirmed pic of N. normani.:)
Painted Jezebel
07-Aug-2013, 06:30 PM
LD 15. After looking hard at this I thought could this be actually an N. kurava variant as the FW submarginal spots are almost bandlike.
After looking at the Philippine ssp which comes closest to that of Borneo , I feel it is correctly N. berenice.
The inner margin is much more interrupted at the veins; spots 4 & 5 more pointy(peaked) at the middle ;HW postdiscal spot 6 not quadrate.
The upperside can be seen as a dull pale lavender. (Violet blue in N. kurava male.).
The Philippine N. berenice. (Note the female berenice appeared to be a beroe female; I think it is wrongly placed.)
TL Seow:cheers:
PS. Now, if only someone has a confirmed pic of N. normani.:)
Thanks for the above (post 40).
You're in luck! Yesterday, I had a long chat with Stefan Schroeder, who is co-authoring a full review of Jamides, along with Tennent, Cassidy & Rawlings, and we discussed my recent trip (each year he spends part of the family holiday over here and we always meet up). He is also very interested in the Nacaduba and I mentioned N. normani, and he got rather excited (as it is rare, and is one of the few species for which he, personally, needs a specimen) before he remembered that I only took photos. He did mention, however, that N. normani is very small, compared to other species. This stuck in my mind, and I remember that it was not particularly small. It makes me doubt N. normani.
By the way, I asked whether any revisions in the paper involved species from Malaysia or Thailand, and he said not that he remembered.
07-Aug-2013, 06:50 PM
Thanks for the above (post 40).
You're in luck! Yesterday, I had a long chat with Stefan Schroeder, who is co-authoring a full review of Jamides, along with Tennent, Cassidy & Rawlings, and we discussed my recent trip (each year he spends part of the family holiday over here and we always meet up). He is also very interested in the Nacaduba and I mentioned N. normani, and he got rather excited (as it is rare, and is one of the few species for which he, personally, needs a specimen) before he remembered that I only took photos. He did mention, however, that N. normani is very small, compared to other species. This stuck in my mind, and I remember that it was not particularly small. It makes me doubt N. normani.
By the way, I asked whether any revisions in the paper involved species from Malaysia or Thailand, and he said not that he remembered.
There are mentions of N. normani being a pest in Cocoa plantation (it feed on the young shoots) , so it cannot be rare away from the forest.
If N. normani is very small then LD 16 is probably the Bornean representative of N. calauria although it is supposed to be ssp malayica.
It is very similar except that the submarginal spots are rather large.
TL Seow:cheers:
Painted Jezebel
09-Aug-2013, 08:52 AM
Antonio, I echo Seow's congrats on the Sithon micea.
I recall a Poritia species that you took. There are no official records of ANY Poritia from Danum (or any Poritinae for that matter, so the Simiskina shown earlier is important too), so positive identification would be very useful. I know it is worn, but can you post it here?
09-Aug-2013, 09:54 AM
Ok: (
And a few more I forgot to post: (
The Blue-line Brilliant ( (
The Common Birdwing ( (
The Plain Plushblue (
09-Aug-2013, 11:38 AM
Post 44.
1. should be Poritia phama (?same as Hewitsoni ).
FW postdiscal spots shallow V or flat lower down : spacing between bands create the illusion of 2 pale bands. HW upperside margin extended black.
P. erycinoides : FW postdiscal spots strongly V or arrowheads; single 'pale band' whiter ground.( Correction )
P. sumatrae : spots/bands evenly spaced; rich brown ground colour ;HW green extend higher up.
P. philota. : spots evenly spaced; greyish brown ground ; bands in space 1a & 1b curved, not V.
P. phormedon (endemic) strong series of black marginal spots on HW.
Figures 16 & 17 below.
TL Seow:cheers:
Painted Jezebel
09-Aug-2013, 01:11 PM
Thank you. I had wondered about P. hewitsoni, but that was not listed for Borneo in funet. However I had forgotten that Poritia phama was synonymised with P. hewitsoni (Saito & Seiki, 2003). They state that, in their opinion, the differences quoted in the C&P4 keys are due to individual, seasonal and geographical variations, and that there were no other differences, either in superficial or genitalia features.
I'll need to decide how to list the species for the species compilation I am doing for Danum.
09-Aug-2013, 01:16 PM
Beautiful Sithon micea. It's a rare Bornean endemic.
I was eargerly anticipating this species to show up.
Congrats, Antonio.:)))
09-Aug-2013, 09:04 PM
Thanks Aaron, and again thank you Seow for the always prompt identifications and the nice words for the S. micea :cheers:
09-Aug-2013, 11:25 PM
Thank you. I had wondered about P. hewitsoni, but that was not listed for Borneo in funet. However I had forgotten that Poritia phama was synonymised with P. hewitsoni (Saito & Seiki, 2003). They state that, in their opinion, the differences quoted in the C&P4 keys are due to individual, seasonal and geographical variations, and that there were no other differences, either in superficial or genitalia features.
I'll need to decide how to list the species for the species compilation I am doing for Danum.
I think they are probably right.
It is one thing to split off subspecies into full species, but synonymising two established species as conspecific is a big deal.
They must be thorough & very confident of their findings.
Another team have shown that Euthalia ipona falls as a synonym of E. phemius by DNA analysis.
There is too little DNA difference between the two to even merit subspecific designation.
In peninsular Malaysia it appears only the ipona male is known, while both ipona & phemius females had been taken, so the record of 'E. phemius' is due solely to the presence of the female.
So it is Euthalia phemius phemius, & no more E. ipona or even E. phemius ipona.
Probably ipona can be used as a form name. No mention of it though.
TL Seow:cheers:
10-Aug-2013, 02:27 PM
Lost in transcription: (
Miletus sp. (
10-Aug-2013, 04:47 PM
Post 50.
Allotinus sarrastes.
HW postdiscal spot 6 (lunule) in line with spots 2 - 5, marginal spots sharply black & white; FW postdiscal band broken.
TL Seow:cheers:
Glorious Begum
11-Aug-2013, 10:43 PM
Dr Seow, One more help from Danum. Thanks
12-Aug-2013, 12:04 AM
Post 52.
It should be Psolos fuligo.
This species have the FW basal costal area (between the forward margin(costa) & the cell ) widened due to the strong convexity of the FW costa basally.
The colour is also right.
TL Seow:cheers:
Glorious Begum
12-Aug-2013, 11:28 AM
Thank again Dr Seow.
18-Aug-2013, 03:25 AM
After seeing a good example of Arhopala kurzi in the Panti thread, I realised I had fail to double-check along the key further up,by ignoring the position of spot 4.
Anyway this Arhopala (tentative ID hypomuta ) was in the back of my mind as not being right.
Post 3.
Arhopala Danum 1 A. similis correct.
Arhopala Danum 2 A. epimuta correct.
Arhopala Danum 3 FW spot 4 distinctly shifted out; orange tip antenna.
Post 8 LD 3 below FW spot 4 barely shifted out; antennal tip orange.
Following key line 55, 59, 63, 71, 77, 82, 84, 86, 87, 90/91
This is either A. muta or moorei .
Note the FW is raised high & spot 2 can be seen staggered (in echelon) with spot 3.
Arhopala Danum 3 is the same species. (The dislocation of FW spot 4 is quite variable from none to distinct.)
The difference between these 2 species are very slight in Borneo as stated in C&P4.
Note the A muta male below have the orange tip antenna (probably fresh)
Note variable dislocation of FW spot 4 in all examples. Spots 2 & 3 are variably staggered.
TL Seow:cheers:
Painted Jezebel
18-Aug-2013, 09:20 AM
I, myself, was not altogether happy with A. hypomuta for those photos, particularly as I had a true A. hypomuta from there, including the spot at the base of space 6. I can see that, whilst I did not go wrong at 46, as I originally suspected, I did go wrong at 56!
However, could it be Arhopala alica, which has been recorded from Danum before? The key at No. 78 leaves a certain amount of doubt regarding that species. A. muta has been recorded there but not A. moorei.
18-Aug-2013, 11:12 AM
I, myself, was not altogether happy with A. hypomuta for those photos, particularly as I had a true A. hypomuta from there, including the spot at the base of space 6. I can see that, whilst I did not go wrong at 46, as I originally suspected, I did go wrong at 56!
However, could it be Arhopala alica, which has been recorded from Danum before? The key at No. 78 leaves a certain amount of doubt regarding that species. A. muta has been recorded there but not A. moorei.
You can safely discount A. alica.
Evan's description states the underside markings are faint & ill-defined.
The FW spots are almost obsolete particularly the lower ones.
The separation of A. muta & moorei is based on the upperside.
I am only inclined towards moorei because all examples seen have FW spots 2 & 3 separate & staggered, while in muta the two spots may be partially in line.
It is certainly not good enough for a definite confirmation.
I would probabaly leave it as muta with a query on the possibility of moorei.
TL Seow:cheers:
PS. It is stated that A. hypomuta from Sumatra & Borneo usually lack the HW space 6 basal spot.
However, it can be readily differentiated because the HW is strongly toothed at vein 2 as well as at vein 1b.
Painted Jezebel
19-Aug-2013, 08:58 AM
Thank you. I have now done what I should have done ages ago, that is bookmark the wikipedia site!
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