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View Full Version : Unknown Dried Leaf Camouflage Moth

22-Aug-2013, 04:48 PM
Hi all,

Some weeks back happened to notice what looked like a dried leaf that was actually a fantastically well camoulfaged Moth.

Just to share and also to ask for ID.

23-Aug-2013, 12:22 AM
I find the picture a bit small to see something. Could be my laptop?

23-Aug-2013, 08:06 PM
Normally this pic would be way too small and low-res to try & ID. Luckily it is a distinctive species.
Krananda semihyalina.

TL Seow:cheers:

24-Aug-2013, 12:06 AM
Thanks again.

By the way, it was spotted in Bukit Batok Nature Park. Sorry, the original pic is 0.5MB but need to reduce to less than 100KB to post on forum.

Seen the beautiful photos by some seniors, really fantastic.


Chequered Lancer
24-Aug-2013, 06:01 PM
Thanks again.

By the way, it was spotted in Bukit Batok Nature Park. Sorry, the original pic is 0.5MB but need to reduce to less than 100KB to post on forum.

Seen the beautiful photos by some seniors, really fantastic.


Krananda semihyalina seems to be common within the western area. I've seen the species in that area often too. :grin2: