View Full Version : ID needed - Arhopala

Elbowed Pierrot
21-Sep-2013, 06:33 PM
Dr Seow

need your opinion on this, looks like an abberation of the A. major


Frederick shot something close to this at NTU


21-Sep-2013, 07:03 PM
It is either an abberation of A. amphimuta or major.

The postdiscal spot in space 1b (to the inside of the blue metalmark) is almost a perfect V.
This is typical of A. amphimuta. Female.

In Federick's, the same spot is broken into two, but one is much larger , like a 'L'.
This is typical of A. major. Male.

If you have the upperside, the female amphimuta have extensive blue on the HW ie. narrow brown border.

TL Seow:cheers:

Elbowed Pierrot
21-Sep-2013, 08:05 PM
Unfortunately, no choice for other shots