View Full Version : Langkawi 7 - 12 Dec 2013
Blue Nawab
09-Dec-2013, 08:39 AM
-to be continued-
Blue Nawab
09-Dec-2013, 08:47 AM
-to be continued-
09-Dec-2013, 10:49 AM
I am just amazed by your photos. They are stunning with such good colour and sharpness ... not to mention the species that you found as well. Great stuff!
09-Dec-2013, 12:37 PM
Nice series!
Blue Nawab
09-Dec-2013, 10:43 PM
I am just amazed by your photos. They are stunning with such good colour and sharpness ... not to mention the species that you found as well. Great stuff!
Thanks David, you are always very encouraging...!
Nice series!
Thanks Antonio and happy birthday!
09-Dec-2013, 10:51 PM
1. Lexias dirtea.
2. Allotinus substrigosus. HW black spot ;FW apex white streak.
3. Arhopala ariana . better conyrast than A. elopura.
4. Jamides talinga . FW band dislocated at vein 6;HW inner band broken (as in elpis/alecto); FW costa spot 10 (lacking in elpis/alecto; Upperside border.
5. Poritia erycinoides. whitish ground.
6. Salanoemia sala .FW without subapical spots.
7. Pseudocoladenia dan. U-saped spot typical.
8. Koruthaialos rubecula female . Palpi 3rd segment long & upright ; orange band not reaching costa on both sides.
9. Plastingia naga.
10. Rapala likely R. iarbus. HW postdiscal band in space 1b a slant; cilia orange - edged.
TL Seeow : Cheers.
Blue Nawab
09-Dec-2013, 11:20 PM
Thanks Dr Seow, greatly appreciate!;-)
1. Lexias dirtea.
2. Allotinus substrigosus. HW black spot ;FW apex white streak.
3. Arhopala ariana . better conyrast than A. elopura.
4. Jamides talinga . FW band dislocated at vein 6;HW inner band broken (as in elpis/alecto); FW costa spot 10 (lacking in elpis/alecto; Upperside border.
5. Poritia erycinoides. whitish ground.
6. Salanoemia sala .FW without subapical spots.
7. Pseudocoladenia dan. U-saped spot typical.
8. Koruthaialos rubecula female . Palpi 3rd segment long & upright ; orange band not reaching costa on both sides.
9. Plastingia naga.
10. Rapala likely R. iarbus. HW postdiscal band in space 1b a slant; cilia orange - edged.
TL Seeow : Cheers.
Blue Nawab
09-Dec-2013, 11:26 PM
not many captures today...but will still continue the postings...
- to be continued -
10-Dec-2013, 02:16 AM
11. Cirrochroa surya. Note FW submarginal zigzag line reaches the FW apex.
12. Isma iapis. Typical markings & antennae.
13. Graphium antiphates.
14. Nacaduba calauria. 6 lines, large marginal spots.
15. Notocrypta paralysos. notch on ouer margin of band. Termen straight to vein 4 , then curved over to apex. (note from notch of band the dark veins 3 ,4, & 5 emerged).
16. Arhopala ijanensis.
TL Seow :Cheers.
Blue Nawab
10-Dec-2013, 08:49 PM
Thanks Dr Seow!
11. Cirrochroa surya. Note FW submarginal zigzag line reaches the FW apex.
12. Isma iapis. Typical markings & antennae.
13. Graphium antiphates.
14. Nacaduba calauria. 6 lines, large marginal spots.
15. Notocrypta paralysos. notch on ouer margin of band. Termen straight to vein 4 , then curved over to apex. (note from notch of band the dark veins 3 ,4, & 5 emerged).
16. Arhopala ijanensis.
TL Seow :Cheers.
Blue Nawab
10-Dec-2013, 08:57 PM
It's cloudy today in Langkawi and drizzled after that, that caused the number of sightings to drop...
-to be continued-
10-Dec-2013, 11:32 PM
17. Nacaduba subperusia lysa. Narrow FW marginal spots; HW postdiscal band & submarginal spots close; large submarginal spot 6; distinct orange ring (brownish in hermus ).
18. Abisara saturata female. HW band curved; spot in space 1b sharply pointed.
19. Pelopidas agna. Ochreous with some dark speckling but no grey tinge.
20. Losaria coon.
21. Allotinus strigatus. HW postdiscal spot 6 midway between spot 5 & 7; submarginal black dots with outer white.
22. Arhopala amphimuta. HW postdiscal spot 1b a fat V; spots in space 7 unusually small here.
TL Seow :Cheers.
Blue Nawab
11-Dec-2013, 07:17 PM
Thanks Dr Seow!
17. Nacaduba subperusia lysa. Narrow FW marginal spots; HW postdiscal band & submarginal spots close; large submarginal spot 6; distinct orange ring (brownish in hermus ).
18. Abisara saturata female. HW band curved; spot in space 1b sharply pointed.
19. Pelopidas agna. Ochreous with some dark speckling but no grey tinge.
20. Losaria coon.
21. Allotinus strigatus. HW postdiscal spot 6 midway between spot 5 & 7; submarginal black dots with outer white.
22. Arhopala amphimuta. HW postdiscal spot 1b a fat V; spots in space 7 unusually small here.
TL Seow :Cheers.
Blue Nawab
11-Dec-2013, 07:24 PM
Last shooting day in Langkawi, consider not too bad today...
-to be continued-
11-Dec-2013, 10:24 PM
23. Hypolimnas bolina jacintha.
24. Junonia lemonias.
25. Cigaritis (or Spindasis) syama.
26. Castalius rosimon.
27. Neopithrcops zalmora.
28. Polyura moori. FW with poorly formed lunules at margin of green band (as in hebe.).HW band in space 7 & 8 at least 1 1/2 marginal area.
29. Jamides parasaturatus. As in J. malaccanus.Note uperside FW edge light blue & clear at the margin.(deep blue & dark shaded at margin in malaccanus.)
30. Arhopala alitaeus mirabella. Note strong purple wash.
TL Seow : Cheers.
Blue Nawab
11-Dec-2013, 10:58 PM
Thanks Dr Seow!
23. Hypolimnas bolina jacintha.
24. Junonia lemonias.
25. Cigaritis (or Spindasis) syama.
26. Castalius rosimon.
27. Neopithrcops zalmora.
28. Polyura moori. FW with poorly formed lunules at margin of green band (as in hebe.).HW band in space 7 & 8 at least 1 1/2 marginal area.
29. Jamides parasaturatus. As in J. malaccanus.Note uperside FW edge light blue & clear at the margin.(deep blue & dark shaded at margin in malaccanus.)
30. Arhopala alitaeus mirabella. Note strong purple wash.
TL Seow : Cheers.
Blue Nawab
11-Dec-2013, 11:04 PM
and the last one, #36 is to thank you Dr Seow for the IDs!
The End!
Thanks all for the viewings and Dr Seow for helping to ID.
Thanks Butterfly fairies for the blessings and Good Bye Langkawi for 2013!
12-Dec-2013, 12:17 AM
31. Polyura moori.
32. Charaxes bernardus.
33. Curetis santana.
34. Vagrans sinha.
35. Pirdana hyela.
Glad to be of help.
TL Seow :Cheers.
Peacock Royal
12-Dec-2013, 09:26 PM
Let me add some other species to what CH has posted in this thread.
FH1a : Papilio nephelus annulus (
FH1b (
FH2: Zela onara solex ? - to be confirmed. Shot without flash. Correction : Zela excellens (
FH3 : Lotongus calathus calathus ( ml)
FH4: Tagiadas japetus - I can't figure out which subspecies this is. Correction : Sarangesa dasahara dasahara. (
FH5: Eurema nicevillei nicevillei (
Painted Jezebel
13-Dec-2013, 08:35 AM
Taking the opportunity, whilst I temporarily have an internet connection (playing up for my whole estate for the last 4 days!!) to congratulate you both on the species you have found a quality of photos. Magnificent.
The Zela species - FH2 - should be Zela excellens as the antennae club are white. In. Z. onara, they are brown. (Revision of Rattan-Feeding Skipper Genus, Zela, de Niceville by Kirton and Eliot, 2004).
13-Dec-2013, 10:35 PM
FH4 is actually a female Sarangesa dasahara dasahara.
TL Seow :Cheers.
Peacock Royal
15-Dec-2013, 11:36 AM
Thanks Les and Dr Seow for correcting the ids.
FH6 : Coelites epiminthia epiminthia g ( g.html)
FH7: Drupadia theda renonga (
Here are five different specimen shot along the same trail but at different spots.
FH8 : Pelopidas agna agna ? (
FH9: Pelopidas agna agna ? (
FH10 : Pelopidas agna agna ? (
FH11: Pelopidas mathias mathias? (
FH12. Pelopidas mathias mathias (
Peacock Royal
15-Dec-2013, 12:26 PM
FH13: Lebadea martha martha (
FH14: Curetis Santana malayica ? (
FH15: Curetis bulis stigmata ? (
FH16: Arhopala norda norda ?? (
FH17 : Arhopala lurida ?? (
FH18: Another Arhopala lurida ?? (
FH19 Arhopala perimuta regina ( l)
FH20 Arhopala alitaeus mirabella ?? (
Peacock Royal
15-Dec-2013, 04:49 PM
FH21 : Arhopala aedias agnis - a rather huge Arhopala. (
FH22: Arhopala atosia jahara ?? (
FH23 : Arhopala sp (
FH24: Nacaduba sp (
FH25: Nacaduba beroe neon ?? (
FH26 : Notocrypta clavata theba ? ( l)
FH27: Jamides sp - light blue uppersides (
FH27 : Mycalesis sp (
15-Dec-2013, 04:57 PM
Post 22.
FH8. Borbo cinnara . There is no actual spot in the HW cell. Usual 3 HW spots in space 2 ,3 ,& 6.
FH9. Likewise B. cinnara.
FH 10 should be Pelopidas agna. Note the ground colour is ochreous brown on the HW, browner on the FW, compared to the next.
FH 11. Pelopidas mathias. There is an obvious grey tint to the ground colour giving a dark overall tone.
FH12. Should be P. agna. In an unflashed pic , P. mathias appeared rather dark grey.
TL Seow : Cheers.
15-Dec-2013, 06:15 PM
Post 23.
FH!4 & 15 Both correct.
Note in C. bulis the postdiscal mark in space 6 is tuck well inside the mark in space 7 above it ; submarginal marks aligned.
FH16. Likely Arhopala moolaiana maya.
This & A norda very difficult to separate.
Usually FW band almost intact in norda (dilocated at vein 4 in moolaiana) & HW postdiscal spot 1b fat V in norda vs. fat bow in moolaiana.
FH 17 & 18 Arhopala lurida.
Spots better contrasted (stand out more) than atosia.
HW postdiscal spots 4 & 5 partially or not dislocated (almost completely dislocated in atosia.).
FH20 Arhopala alitaeus mirabella is right.
Note strong purple wash compared to Singapore ssp pardenas.
TL Seow :Cheers.
15-Dec-2013, 07:15 PM
Post 24.
FH22. Arhopala lurida
Note lurida/atosia have HW spot 7 shifted inwards(towards the wingbase) from spot 6, so that their inner margins are not flush or in line.
FH 23 Probably A. lurida .HW spot 4 & 5 are a bit more dislocated than usual.
A atosia have less contrasted spots & spots 4 & 5 almost completely dislocated.
FH24 Nacaduba sanaya.
Note submarginal spots typically band-like.
FH25 Nacaduba kurava.
In N. beroe male below, FW dark striae in postdiscal band poor & wingbases darkened.
FH26 Notocrypta paralysos . Strong notch in outer margin of band .Same individual as Cher Hern's.
FH27 Female Jamides celeno/pura . Not possible to determine which.
FH28 Dsf Mycalesis perseoides.
TL Seow Cheers.
Blue Nawab
15-Dec-2013, 10:45 PM
Need Dr Seow's confirmation for some shots taken last year in Langkawi, thanks!
K#1 (Arhopala lurida)
K#2 (male Euploea mulciber mulciber)
15-Dec-2013, 11:39 PM
Post 28.
Both are correct.
K1 would be a typical Arhopala lurida.
HW spot 7 is shifted inwards from spot 6 so that their inner margins are not in line.
HW spots 4 & 5 are in line & not dislocated.
(FW spot 4 is shifted outwards -partly hidden.)
Spots are fairly well-contrasted from the ground colour.
TL Seow Cheers.
Blue Nawab
16-Dec-2013, 12:18 AM
Thanks Dr Seow!
K4(Megisba malaya sikkima)
K5 (Euthalia alpheda langkawica)
16-Dec-2013, 12:57 AM
Post 30
K3. Arhopala amphimuta.
A. amphimuta & major differs from A. moolaiana & norda in not having a white dot in the tornal cilia on the underside.
Note HW postdiscal spot 1b is a V (with equal length arms). In A. major this a J or L (with unequal arms).
TL Seow: Cheers.
Blue Nawab
16-Dec-2013, 01:17 AM
Thanks Dr Seow, then is this K6 (Arhopala amphimuta?)
K9 (Catochrysops panormus exiguus?)
16-Dec-2013, 11:42 AM
K6 is correctly Arhopala amphimuta.
A 2nd helpful feature is the discal spot in space 7 ( the inner of the 2 large spots HW uppermost). It is usually large (not always) in amphimuta.
This spot is small in A. major.
K7. Arhopala lurida.
Although this has a sort of purplish wash there is no ambiguity in keying out as A. lurida.
Note HW spot 6 & 7 are staggered (& inner margins not aligned); FW spot 4 dislocated; HW spot 4 & 5 only slightly dislocated.
K8. Parnara spp. very likely P. apostata.
There appeared to be a HW cellspot, but this is an artefact .The actual cellspot in Pelopidas is further in at the origins of veins 6 & 7 .(Topmost vein is vein 8)
HW spots are large & close; antennal clubs stubby.
The other species P. ganga have been recorded only from Genting Highland area in Selangor.
K9 Catochrysops strabo.
Note FW costal black spot away from postdiscal band; submarginal spots forms a broad band .(In panormus submarginal spots narrow & almost zigzag on the HW.)
TL Seow :Cheers.
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