View Full Version : Some Butterfly Sightings in 2014
Peacock Royal
26-Jan-2014, 05:28 PM
Here are some species that I have encountered in the last few weekends in 2014.
1. Common Redeye (Matapa aria)
2. The Suffused Flash (Rapala suffusa barthema)
3. A female Malayan Plum Judy (Abisara saturata kausambiodes)
4. Great Orange Awlet Burara etelka
5. Nacaduba kurava ??
6. Large Dart (Potanthus serina ) ?
7. Lesser Dart (Potanthus Omaha omaha) ?
8. Potanthus ganda ??
26-Jan-2014, 08:48 PM
Here are some species that I have encountered in the last few weekends in 2014.
1. Common Redeye (Matapa aria)
2. The Suffused Flash (Rapala suffusa barthema)
3. A female Malayan Plum Judy (Abisara saturata kausambiodes)
4. Great Orange Awlet Burara etelka
5. Nacaduba kurava ??
6. Large Dart (Potanthus serina ) ?
7. Lesser Dart (Potanthus Omaha omaha) ?
8. Potanthus ganda ??
2. is female Scarlet Flash Rapala dieneces ;ground colour is too grey.
4. is Orange Awlet Burara harisa. streaky HW patch is far from cellend.
5. is right. N. kurava male with a narrow submarginal band.
6. is right , Female Large Dart. P. serina.
7. is right Note male P. omaha tends not to have the black band at abdominal tip.
8. is most likely correct. P. ganda male.
TL Seow:cheers:
Peacock Royal
16-Feb-2014, 08:17 PM
Many thanks Dr Seow.
Sharing 4 shots taken in past few weeks.
1. Pugnacious Lancer (Pemara pugnans) ??
2. Arhopala major major
3. Catochrysops panormus exiguus Silver Forget-Me-Not[/I]
4. Miletus sp - the black markings confuse me ??
16-Feb-2014, 09:17 PM
Many thanks Dr Seow.
4. Miletus sp - the black markings confuse me ??
It is a female M. symethus.
The FW postdiscal spots are very obscure.
There is white shading on the FW & HW apices.
TL Seow:cheers:
Peacock Royal
05-Apr-2014, 10:55 PM
Thanks Dr Seow.
Very few butterfly shots taken during my past few outings.
Sharing some record shots :
1. I am not sure if this is The Tailed Disc Oakblue (Arhopala atosia malayana)?
2. The Grand Imperial (Neocheritra amrita amrita)
3. A strange-looking Common Four-Ring (Ypthima huebneri) - a dry form ??
4. The Common Palm Dart (Telicota colon stinga) ?
06-Apr-2014, 01:17 AM
1. Arhopala pseudomuta.
This one has the FW basal spot in space 10, & spot 11 missing.
3. This matched the dsf form of Y. huebneri.
The only other 4-Ring, Y. iarba (Sumatra & Java) has the lower 3 rings out of line.
4. Female T. besta or augias.
I would think it isT. augias, as the besta female's underside is greenish ochre & should look yellower.
TL Seow:cheers:
Peacock Royal
11-May-2014, 01:11 PM
Dr Seow, how about this Nacaduba (taken yesterday) ?
11-May-2014, 02:03 PM
Wonderful you have an upperside shot.
The colour is a frosted lavender blue. There is a hazy whiteness to it due to the intermingled white ribbon scales with the blues.
The underside also suggest it is N. berenice. The FW marginals are relatively flat.
(Note: The female berenice have no white ribbon scales.)
TL Seow:cheers:
Peacock Royal
25-May-2014, 01:02 AM
Thanks Dr Seow
I believe these two shots are both N berenice (shot at different locations)
Need confirmation.
25-May-2014, 03:10 PM
Post 9.
The 1st male should be correctly N. berenice. It is similar to the male in post 7.
The marginal spots on the FW are narrow.
Horace also have a similar male with upper confirmation to match.
The 2nd, a female is far more tricky.
The FW marginal spots are broad but hardly bulge in the middle.
Both marginal & submarginal spots are not much darkened.
It suggest a female berenice with bigger marginal spots than usual.
(Addendum: Horace have a male berenice with large non-bulging marginal spots which are also not dark, matching this female.)
Horace's breeding investigations have not yield the desired results. (Hats off to him for his patience & fortitude.)
So far the result have been one perceived female berenice & several confirmed males.
Several perceived female calauria but no male.
The ID difference of the females is based on the colour of the FW patch & in photos is not quite accurate.
Only a male calauria will help to provide confirmation as the colour difference is greater & more obvious.
TL Seow:cheers:
Peacock Royal
01-Jun-2014, 11:26 PM
Thanks Dr Seow for your elaborations -
1. Should be the Pointed Line Blue (Ionolyce helicon merguiana)?
2. Looks more like the Slate Flash (Rapala manea chozeba)?
3. Some hindwing veins not clearly darken, I guess it might be a P. ganda?
02-Jun-2014, 12:02 AM
Ionolyce helicon is right.
Sharper FW; narrow marginals & submarginals; disjointed FW band; angular HW.
Rapala manea is right.
Worn male; hint of purple wash.
R. iarbus can look very similar, but paler buff brown;straight FW band; sharper band slant in HW space 1b.
Potanthus ganda is right.
HW veins faintly or barely darkened ; more orangey with darker shadings.
TL Seow:cheers:
Peacock Royal
15-Jun-2014, 11:53 PM
Thanks Dr Seow.
Sharing a few more shots.
1. The Studded Sergeant (Athyma asura idita)
2. The Banded Yeoman (Cirrochroa orissa orissa)
3. The Malayan Sunbeam (Curetis santana malayica)
Peacock Royal
28-Jun-2014, 05:53 PM
Sharing two species shot last week and a few hours ago.
1. Is this Ypthima fasciata torone ?
2. Is this Horaga syrinx maenala? The hindwing white band is not broad enough and its size is rather small.
Looks like ovipositing, but I could not find any egg. A long distance shot taken at UPR.
28-Jun-2014, 06:15 PM
Post 14.
1. Ypthima horsfieldi : ocelli out of line & apart; ground whitish.
2. This is the interesting one.
The white foreleg & small size indicates either A. albimacula or chalcedonyx.
Both H. syrinx & onyx are larger with the foreleg banded black & white.
eg H. onyx showing the banded foreleg.
It looks to be H. chalcedonyx since the FW spot is narrow.
Typically H. albimacula tends to have wider FW white spot.
However, an upperside is needed to establish the ID.
TL Seow:cheers:
Peacock Royal
27-Jul-2014, 12:15 AM
Thanks Dr Seow.
Which Jamides is this ? Looks like J. alecto ageladas
27-Jul-2014, 07:31 AM
The straight FW postdiscal band indicates it is either J. celeno or pura.
J. pura : male FW upperside without dark border.
HW underside white striae almost always well-aligned.
Tornal black spot typically with long silvery side bars ( short or absent in celeno.).
Typical male from Malaya.
From Brunei showing the long sidebars on the tornal black spot.
The upperside HW marginal area is usually clean in pura (celeno may be relatively clean too.)
J. celeno Singapore.
J. celeno Malaya.
There is very good suggestion here this is J. pura.
However, a definitive confirmation is not seeing the upperside FW dark border.
TL Seow:cheers:
Peacock Royal
10-Aug-2014, 11:09 PM
Thanks Dr Seow.
A few shots taken yesterday at Mandai.
1. Arhopala sp ? - looks strange. Pity that I didn't manage to get a better shot.
2. Arhopala amphimuta amphimuta ?
3. Potanthus omaha omaha?
4 and 5. Baoris species (different specimen)
11-Aug-2014, 12:11 AM
Post 18.
1. Arhopala antimuta male (short palpi)
Very worn, but just enough to note the position of HW spots 5, 6, & 7.
A female A. antimuta (note long palpi).
2. Arhopala major.
HW spot 1b (inside of metalmark) flat/a bar ; a V-shaped spot in amphimuta.
3. Potanthus omaha should be right. Looks a bit strange though.
Veins darkened & abdominal tip without a black band.
4 & 5 should be Baoris oceia females.
HW cilia dark brown though with a light edge.
A pair from Malaya : male on the right. ( Correction: FW shape indicates female is on the right.)
TL Seow:cheers:
Peacock Royal
03-Sep-2014, 11:36 PM
Thanks Dr Seow
Here are a few shots along Mandai Track 15 and forested areas outside the Mandai zoo.
1. Nacaduba berenice icena ?
2. Caltoris sp
3. ?
4. Oriens gola pseudolus
04-Sep-2014, 01:22 AM
Post 20.
1. This with its bulky FW submarginal spots & straight postdiscal band looks the typical male N. calauria.
The marginal spots are narrow & relatively flat.
It is thus very likely that both berenice & calauria have forms with the marginals & submarginals of varying size.
Present observation indicate it is true also for beroe & kurava.
2. Caltoris cormasa male . Quite typical.
3. At first suggest B. cinnara with only two HW spots but wingshape very sharp & FW subapical spots 2 & large (usually 3, & small in Borbo).
Parnara male species with reduced HW spots , possibly P. ganga but could also be P. apostata.
TL Seow : Cheers
Peacock Royal
07-Sep-2014, 01:59 PM
A few more shots from the same outing at Mandai
1. Miletus symethus petronius ? - the forewing sub-apical spots seem missing ?
2. Mycalesis visala phamis ?
3. Telicota augias augias ?
4. Notocrypta paralysos varians? - this one has two post-discal white spots on the forewing!
5. Potanthus trachala tytleri
6. Melanitis leda leda
07-Sep-2014, 02:56 PM
1. Miletus symethus is right . Wing apices suffused with white; FW spots obsolete.
2. Mycalesis perseoides FW with faint dark striae; HW dark line toothed near vein 1b.
3. Female Telicota colon . HW well contrasted band: FW spots 4 & 5 shaped as in the male.
5. Female Notocrypta paralysos is right. extra crescentic spot 5.
TL Seow :Cheers.
Peacock Royal
13-Sep-2014, 11:49 PM
Joining the +1 group of BC members today.
1. Cethosia penthesilea methypsea (Plain Lacewing)
2. Hypolimnas bolina bolina (Great Eggfly)
Peacock Royal
28-Sep-2014, 10:42 AM
A few shots taken at Mandai and USR
1 and 2 : Udaspes folus (Grass Demon)
3 and 4 : Potanthus ganga ?
5. Which Arhopa ?
6. Mycalesis perseus cepheus
28-Sep-2014, 07:03 PM
Post 25.
3 & 4. Potanthus omaha female.
Underside with veins lightly darkened but upperside HW with strongly darkened veins.
5. Arhopala major.
Enough markings to match this species.
6. Mycalesis mineus.
TL Seow : Cheers.
Peacock Royal
06-Oct-2014, 10:56 PM
Two shots take yesterday at MNT.
1.Logania marmorata damis
2. Nacaduba beroe neon ??
06-Oct-2014, 11:58 PM
Post 27.
It is a male Nacaduba berenice.
The male N. beroe has the FW postdiscal band's inner dark striae largely obsolete (rather like in sanaya or pactolus ).
TL Seow : Cheers.
Peacock Royal
06-Dec-2014, 10:12 AM
Thanks Dr Seow
Here are some shots taken at Tampines Eco Green Garden on 1 Nov.
1. Pelopidas mathias mathias
2. I guess it is Pelopidas mathias mathias but without the hindwing cell spot ?
3. Pelopidas mathias mathias ?
4. Shot in Taichung for comparison. Most likely to be P. agna according to my Taiwanese friends.
5. Telicota augias augias ?
6. Telicota besta bina ?
7. Potanthus trachala tytleri
06-Dec-2014, 05:37 PM
Post 29.
1. should be typical Pelopidas mathias.
2 & 3 are the same butterfly on the same leaf.
The HW underside have spots 2, 3, & 6 suggesting Borbo but thoracic hair brown & pix 3 shows the groove of the male brand of Pelopidas.
There appeared to be a faint HW cellspot & the ground colour is light.
Note that FW spot 2 is a narrow rectangle typical of P. agna.
Very likely P. agna male.
4. This Taiwanese swift looks to P. mathias, way too grey & dark to be P. agna.
5. Telicota colon male. The FW spots are arranged in a staggered manner.
6. Telicota linna female. The HW veins are not darkened except where it is abraded.
Correction: I think you are right the veins are lightly darkened & so should be T. besta female.
7. Potanthus confucius male.
FW spots with broad overlaps ; HW band with spot 4/5 not shifted outwards as in P. trachala.
Underside lightly dark shaded but with black edgings & spots , wsf type.
This one is very typical P. confucius but still need an upperside for confirmation.
TL Seow : Cheers.
Peacock Royal
07-Dec-2014, 10:28 PM
Thanks Dr Seow.
Based on the Singapore checklist, I was having problem identifying this species which I shot this morning at Sungei Buloh.
I think this may be Neptis duryodana nesia - need confirmation.
07-Dec-2014, 11:02 PM
Post 31.
It is the female Phaedyma columella.
The gap between the FW cell bar & the triangular spot is much wider than in Neptis duryodana.
The spot on the FW dorsum (lower margin) is also larger & elongate.
TL Seow : Cheers.
09-Dec-2014, 11:15 PM
Note the post 29 Potanthus confucius is an almost perfect match for the two Thai males in the link. 9%89%E0%B8%AD%E0%B8%AB%E0%B8%99%E0%B8%AD%E0%B8%99% E0%B8%AB%E0%B8%8D%E0%B9%89%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%88%E0%B8 %B5%E0%B8%99.597/
TL Seow:Cheers.
Peacock Royal
04-Jan-2015, 10:59 PM
Some shots taken in the western part of Singapore in Nov and Dec 2014.
1. Not sure which Potanthus sp.
2. The Pugnacious Lancer (Pernara pugnans)
3. The Dark Tit (Hypolycaena thecloides thecloides)
4. The Sumatran Sunbeam (Curetis saronis sumatrana)
05-Jan-2015, 09:29 AM
Post 34.
1. Potanthus juno female.
HW veins across band not darkened; dark shading but no dark spots.
FW with only two subapical spots 6 & 7; uppermost spot 8 reduced to a sliver or edging.
Rounded FW & whitish abdomen indicate female.
TL Seow :Cheers.
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