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View Full Version : Kaeng Krachan, Phetchaburi, Thailand - 26/27 Jan 2014

Painted Jezebel
30-Jan-2014, 11:34 AM
3 moths found at Kaeng Krachan.

1) This one had me completely confused. At first I thought it was a Euploea species behaving unusually, then I though it may have been the Euploea mimic, Papilio slateri. It was only was I got back to the resort that I noticed the antennae. It is a moth, and again, I originally thought it belonged to Zygaenidae, but the antennae do not look typical of that family. I am still confused!!!

2) A Sesiidae species. I have not seen, or been able to find anything close to this one which was tiny, with a wingspan no larger than 12mm.

3) Arctiinae? Can not find it in my books.

Help please.

30-Jan-2014, 12:09 PM
NO. 1 is Cyclosia inornata, which is quite variable.


TL Seow :Cheers

Painted Jezebel
30-Jan-2014, 01:30 PM
Thank you. Yes, it is rather variable, isn't it! At least I got Zygaenidae right.

31-Jan-2014, 03:49 PM
Could the last one be some Eustrotiinae/Eublemminae or whatevre they are called atm? I am reminded of some of those, but I cant find anything similar, so probably I am wrong...

07-May-2014, 12:51 PM
I'd go with a Eublemma sp. for the last one (Erebidae, Boletobiinae, Eublemmini going on Zahiri et al 2012).

That sesiid is a right stunner ! very cool :thumbsup:

Painted Jezebel
07-May-2014, 01:08 PM
Thanks for the info, Roger.

I am sure the little sesiid would be delighted that you think it cool! :) . Are there any online resources or available books dealing with asian sesiidae? Not one of my sesiidea have been identified at present. You gave me a contact several years ago, Axel?, but I have lost the details. Also, I am rather loathe to contact scientists out of the blue asking for ids from photos only.

07-May-2014, 11:41 PM
That would have been Axel Kallies - i doubt he'd mind you contacting him directly (you could add a line to say I've referred you via ALCS contact in Penang 2008 and only now have managed to sort out dealing with your sesiids...)...
You could also try http://www.sesiidae.net/sesiidae.htm

Painted Jezebel
09-May-2014, 09:57 AM
Thanks, Roger.