View Full Version : Deudorix diara. New to Thailand & Malaya.
08-Apr-2014, 04:04 PM
I was looking for pix of Deudorix staudingeri when I came upon Les pix . This was the one with extensive white on the underside & an upperside identical to D. epijarbas.
This was thought to be an aberration at that time.
What was surprising was coming upon an identical 'aberration' by Liew in Raub ,Peninsular Malaysia.
Liew's website
So what is the possibility of coming upon two identical aberrations far apart.
A check through the possible Deudorix brings up a perfect match.
Deudorix diara. range Assam, Mynamar, Java & Sabah(Borneo).
Swinhoe's original description 1896.
Druce's description 1896, published later.
Original image fig 14.
TL Seow :Cheers.
PS. Another image.
08-Apr-2014, 04:20 PM
Congrates to Les and Liew !! :cheers:
08-Apr-2014, 06:55 PM
Bravo Seow! (and Les)
Banded Yeoman
08-Apr-2014, 08:35 PM
How super!!:cheers:
Congrats to you three!!
Painted Jezebel
08-Apr-2014, 10:25 PM
Bloody Hell! I was happy enough as it being an ab. The specimen is at home, but very worn, so it is avialable for study. I have only come across it once. For information, my photo and specimen was found on 28 April 2012.
Thank you, Seow.
PS. Antonio, thanks for the brackets. :)
08-Apr-2014, 11:25 PM
Wonderful you have a specimen for validation, Les.
Congrats on the capture.
Its curiously disjunct distribution is now properly connected.
TL Seow:cheers:
Great Mormon
09-Apr-2014, 12:31 AM
Congrats guys!
09-Apr-2014, 02:33 AM
Comments from Liew at his blog:
LIEW NYOK LIN ( 8, 2014 at 7:45 AM ( 63748835121)
This is exciting ( thought it could be an aberrated form as it was found at the same patch of flowering plants with quite a number of others D. epijarbas at the same time, and the fact that at that particular period (Jan-Feb 2014), they seem to be everywhere.
09-Apr-2014, 10:04 AM
Well done, Les! :cheers: You should record this new find with Pisuth too, or anyone who is updating the whole Thai butterfly checklist.
09-Apr-2014, 01:01 PM
Butterflies of Thailand FB group is in the picture (
Pisuth is in the picture he is sharing this thread and added Les's discovery to his cheklist . :) (
09-Apr-2014, 02:19 PM
Thanks for the info, Sunny. I've stopped all FB groups and friends' notifications to my account already. Too many to handle, and no time to read everything... If I do, my phone will be buzzing non-stop. :bsmile:
Great Mormon
10-Apr-2014, 01:29 AM
Well done, Les! :cheers: You should record this new find with Pisuth too, or anyone who is updating the whole Thai butterfly checklist.
Sorry if this seems a bit off topic. Our current checklist is able to handle overseas butterflies as a separate view. If you want to help extend the checklist to support overseas butts, I am more than happy to accommodate the request :)
Painted Jezebel
10-Apr-2014, 08:40 AM
Personally, I would recommend keeping the checklist to Singapore only, you would be laying yourself open to a lot of extra work. The Thai list is constantly changing with new species and subspecies being found, species being relegated to ssp, and new synonyms. There are several sites that have a full Thai checklist (mine ( ), North Thailand Birding, SaveButterfly to name just 3). The only person who I think is not aware of this find is Yutaka Inayoshi, who I will be seeing at the end of the month. Regarding Malaysia, I am not so sure.
I have not updated my list yet, as I now have a new computer, and have not been able to transfer the appropriate programs from my old one to this (Paint Shop Pro, Photoshop, Ipswitch and Macromedia Dreamweaver). This, hopefully should be sorted out in the next couple of days.
10-Apr-2014, 02:45 PM
Anthony, Les is correct on the problem in expanding the list , pictures uploaded will have to be validated and the other aspect is who is going to manage this.
Les, Use a Disk cloning tool (software ) to copy your current operating disk to the new PC operating hardisk is one easy way out.
11-Apr-2014, 01:24 AM
Congrats, Les on this wonderful discovery!!
D' abrera(1986) remarks of this species' curious distribution and predicts that it may well be found in Sundaland or Thailand soon and Les' discovery has indeed proven that conjecture.:cheers:
Peacock Royal
11-Apr-2014, 11:52 PM
Sorry being slow to congrat Les and Liew.
Thanks Dr Seow :thumbsup: - your resourcefullness, inquisitive mind and sharp eyes have contributed to the study of butterfly species in Thailand and Malaysia.:gbounce:
12-Apr-2014, 09:56 AM
Congras to L & L. :) (Les n Liew)
Painted Jezebel
13-Apr-2014, 07:56 AM
Thank you, all. However, all the Kudos must go to Seow, without whom, the photos would still be languishing in the D. epijarbus file as an aberrant!
13-Apr-2014, 08:39 AM
Thank you, all. However, all the Kudos must go to Seow, without whom, the photos would still be languishing in the D. epijarbus file as an aberrant!
Wow! I am overwhelmed, but it is a lucky event, & not the same as finding a species new to science. Certainly as much credit goes to the shooters.
TL Seow:cheers::
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