View Full Version : Another UFO skipper
31-Aug-2014, 07:24 PM
This time I could not manage a proper underside shot as the butt kept opening up the wings to take in the sun.
Could this be a Parnara sp.? (no spot in space 1b of FW, and the antennae appear to be short).
31-Aug-2014, 07:38 PM
Certainly matches one of the Parnara doesn't it? :thinking:
31-Aug-2014, 08:13 PM
It is Parnara apostata.
I recall a shot from P. Semakau which was very dark.
Parnara bada is easily recognised by its pale/whitish antennae , poor HW spots & browner colour.
Singapore examples.
P. ganga is common in HK it is paler brown , Fw cell sometime with a lower cellspot, HW spots tend to be small.
HK examples.
India. Note lower cellspot on left FW>
I have not include pix of P. apostata because of a very similar species in the north, P. guttata which have cellspots.
TL Seow::cheers:
PS. Male P. apostata from Vietnam.
31-Aug-2014, 09:28 PM
Thanks, Khew and Dr Seow for the skipper ID. :)
We have the voucher specimen this time as physical evidence of its existence in Singapore.
31-Aug-2014, 10:58 PM
That's great, Horace. I recall that the first evidence of this species was by Victor Hitchins, surprisingly taken at Dhoby Ghaut MRT station! :omg:
01-Sep-2014, 10:09 PM
That's great, Horace. I recall that the first evidence of this species was by Victor Hitchins, surprisingly taken at Dhoby Ghaut MRT station! :omg:
When was that? Did it happen before I join BC? :thinking:
03-Sep-2014, 12:05 AM
Encountered another UFO skipper at the same site. :thinking:
The attached pics show both sides of the butt. :)
04-Sep-2014, 01:08 AM
You have another Parnara male.
Unfortunately it is very worn.
It is hard to say whether it is apostata or ganga.
TL Seow : Cheers.
04-Sep-2014, 12:11 PM
When was that? Did it happen before I join BC? :thinking:
Not too long ago. This image was sent to me by Victor Hitchins, who shot it at the Dhoby Ghaut MRT station's garden on 6 Sep 2011. I didn't think too much about it then, but had filed it under a Parnara. Seow, what's your view of this fella?
04-Sep-2014, 03:46 PM
Khew, I found the thread in 2011 in which you posted the pic above, and Dr Seow already replied ( then that it was a Parnara apostata. :)
04-Sep-2014, 04:48 PM
Khew, I found the thread in 2011 in which you posted the pic above, and Dr Seow already replied ( then that it was a Parnara apostata. :)
Yes, I remember posting it then. And now we have a voucher specimen to prove it. :cheers:
04-Sep-2014, 08:27 PM
Not too long ago. This image was sent to me by Victor Hitchins, who shot it at the Dhoby Ghaut MRT station's garden on 6 Sep 2011. I didn't think too much about it then, but had filed it under a Parnara. Seow, what's your view of this fella?
It definitely is good for P. apostata. It is noticeably darker & HW spots large.
I remembered this was posted then.
The upperside markings of Parnara are so alike that in worn specimens they would look identical.
Helpful are the colour of the hairs & FW costa.
Upperside of Suuny's P. bada.
P. ganga.
P. apostata often appears almost black so the male ii Post 7 might possibly be P. ganga.
TL Seow:cheers:
04-Sep-2014, 10:22 PM
That P. apostata appearing almost black is likely due to the strongly back-lit condition (as evident in the over-exposed lantana flowers). :thinking:
04-Sep-2014, 11:13 PM
That P. apostata appearing almost black is likely due to the strongly back-lit condition (as evident in the over-exposed lantana flowers). :thinking:
Concur with the observation.
Les did have the specimen set & posted.
It is still a much darker species than the other two.
The presence of P. ganga remains unsubstantiated.
TL Seow:cheers:
28-Jun-2015, 07:56 AM
I found the revision on Parnara by Chiba & Eliot which can be downloaded from reference 1 below.
Parnara bada Spots often reduced; HW with spots 2- 5 small & irregular often obsolete,( spot 6 may be present).
Langkawi & Singapore.
Parnara apostata. Spots large usually complete; neaarly always spot 6 present (underside).
Malaya & HK (note spot 6 present & so could not be guttata or ganga.)
Parnara ganga : spots usually large, HW spot 6 absent.
I am afraid most of the posts are P. bada although they look very different.
The exception is post 1 & 9 , the shot from Dolby Ghaut.
These have large upperside HW spots suggesting P. ganga .
TL Seow:Cheers.
01-Jul-2015, 10:15 PM
Thanks, Dr Seow for sharing the updates on Parnara spp. and revised IDs for earlier posts. :)
02-Jul-2015, 01:34 AM
From the revised key Parnara apostata is out of the picture in Singapore.
Two typical female P. bada are Sunny & Federick' shots.
The post 1 female looks so different from the two P. bada that it should be P. ganga.
However, the post 7 female looks identical to post 1 except the HW spots are small & irregular suggesting P. bada.
This gets very confusing.
The more typical P. ganga with big spots is seen below. This lacks cellspots & HW spots 6 & so cannot be either P. guttata or apostata.
TL Seow : Cheers.
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