View Full Version : Parana (guttatus vs bada)

10-Nov-2014, 09:52 PM
The first one is Parnara guttatus which is already known from the area. also it is larger [span 40mm] and have a straight line of decreasing spots upwards on hindwing.
my query is about rest of the pics which i think is Parnara bada (it is clearly smaller and having line of irregular spots on hindwing)

Dr Seow can u plz confirm? if it is P bada [and not guttatus] it would be +1 into Pakistan list that`s why i am very cautious about its identification.


11-Nov-2014, 01:07 AM
I can only see two pics.

The 1st as you say it is Parnara guttata.

The 2nd is a bit puzzling. The forewing has a large upper cellspot (the one near the forward margin(costa).

Of the Parnara species possible , P. guttata have 2 cellspots, P. bada & apostata none, & P. ganga has none or a small lower cellspot.

It looks like a female Pseudoborbo bevani. The greenish body hair is also suggestive.
If you have the underside it has 3 (rarely 4) spots on the HW.
The FW spots are neat whereas in Borbo cinnara they are rather irregular in shape.
Here is a male( I think ) P. bevani from India.

TL Seow :cheers:

11-Nov-2014, 02:05 AM
sorry the other pictures could not be attached. here`s another one.2316523165

11-Nov-2014, 05:11 PM
It is a female Pseudoborbo bevani.
The underside shows the 3 spots apart. Additionally greenish hairs, & the regular FW spots 2 & 3 separates it from B. cinnara.

It is very useful to see the HW underside to determine the genus.

Parnara . Underside HW with spots in space 2, 3, 4, & 5. close together & usually in line.

Borbo/Pseudoborbo ; Underside HW with spots in space 2, 3, (4), & 6. apart & out of line.Body hairs more obvious green.

Pelopidas; Underside HW with central cellspot; spots in space 2, 3, 4, (5), & 6.

Polytremis Underside HW with spots in space 2 & 3 (often small), 4 & 5 may be combined & large.

TL Seow : Cheers.