View Full Version : Request for ID
Ngangom Aomoa
23-Feb-2015, 03:45 AM
21 May 2014, Manipur, India23464
23-Feb-2015, 11:42 AM
Normally it will be very difficult to try and ID an Arhopala here let alone from another region.
However some features here narrow it down to a few.
The hindwing postdiscal spots 6 & 7 ( the two largest ) have the outer margin deeply notched.
This is typical of the eumolphus group & all the spot positions also matched.
In your region this narrows down to three species , A. eumolphus. A. hellenore, & A. bazalus.
A. hellenore can be eliminated with its short tail . It is also at the edge of its range & would be very rare.
This leaves A. eumolphus & bazalus.
Normally A. bazalus is strongly contrasted being powdered with violet but examples from India are conflicting.
The dirty look suggest this species, but the long tail with larger white tip indicate A. eumolphus.
The clincher is that all examples of A bazalus has the basalmost hindwing spot at upper margin large while it is small in A. eumolphus.!/sp/2154/Arhopala-bazalus!/sp/2116/Arhopala-eumolphus
Correction: The premise that the basal spot in eumolphus is small is wrong as in this example ssp maxwelli from Malaya which has the spot large.
However, the longer narrower tail is distinctive.
Verdict : Arhopala eumolphus.
TL Seow:cheers:
23-Feb-2015, 04:04 PM
ID Correction .Arhopala bazalus teesta.
The tail shape & length are irrelevant.
The main points are the hindwing tornal area has a dirty appearance & the apices of both wings are shaded pale.
A. bazalus teesta . India, mainland Asia.!/sp/2154/Arhopala-bazalus
A. bazalus zarinda peninsular Malaysia.
A. bazalus turbata. Taiwan ? Japan.
TL Seow :Cheers.
Ngangom Aomoa
24-Feb-2015, 12:21 AM
Thank you very much for your time and detailed discussion. Now I have to sit down and go through your notes thoroughly to get a good grasp on this species. Thanks once again. :)
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