View Full Version : ID help From Bangladesh
10-Apr-2015, 06:49 AM
Dr. Seow Sir ,
Please help me ID these Following Specimens.
Thanks in Advance.:)
2.1.Another View of 2nd Specimen.
3.1.Another View of 3nd Specimen.
10-Apr-2015, 09:09 PM
These get very tough.
1. Very likely Neptis clinia.
If you zoom in , the lower margin of the HW discal band has a very small triangular spot at the base of space 4.
Very few species have this spot, the other being N. hylas which have elongate FW postdiscal spots.
In the other Neptis species the band is higher & so miss the base of space 4 completely.
eg in N. yerburii the triangular spot is at the base of space 3 & the base of space 4 is a black cleft.
2 & 3. These two are typical Caltoris & should be the same species.
The rich ochreous brown underside is that of Caltoris sirius which is a large species.
The upperside of 2 shows two cellspots & that of 3 one lower cellspot.
This is also consistent with C. sirius.
Contrary to what Evan stated , the male rarely has a spot on FW space 1b.
TL Seow :cheers:
10-Apr-2015, 10:10 PM
Thanks Seow Sir.
10-Apr-2015, 11:08 PM
The Caltoris sirius in SE Asia ssp fusca have small spots & the cellspots are small.
This looks a bit different.
However, a process of deduction still indicate it is C. sirius.
Of the species with two spots in your area ,the underside hindwing is.
in C. brunnea deep purple brown
in C. cormasa ( 1- 2 cellspots) darker reddish brown.
in C. cahira dark chocolate brown.
in C. bromus a darker ochreous brown.
C. bromus will come closest. The female often has a spot in HW space 2 , the 'extra-spot'.
This is also seen in C. kumara female but kumara have no FW cellspot.
This female below can only be C. bromus since a large upper FW cellspot is noticiable.
Note its darker ochreous brown colour compared to C. sirius.
TL Seow :Cheers.
07-Jun-2015, 03:49 AM
Thanks Sir !
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