Tai LA
01-Jan-2016, 10:50 AM
Dear all,
I would appreciate an ID on this butterfly I took in Sungai Sendat Forest Reserve, Selangor, during my recent outing with LC Goh. I tentatively ID'd it as Euthalia monina monina (Malay Baron). Thanks. [Tai Lung Aik]
http://img258.imagevenue.com/loc551/th_97444_EuthaliamoninamoninaMalayBaron35_122_551l o.JPG (http://img258.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=97444_EuthaliamoninamoninaMalayBaron 35_122_551lo.JPG)
I would appreciate an ID on this butterfly I took in Sungai Sendat Forest Reserve, Selangor, during my recent outing with LC Goh. I tentatively ID'd it as Euthalia monina monina (Malay Baron). Thanks. [Tai Lung Aik]
http://img258.imagevenue.com/loc551/th_97444_EuthaliamoninamoninaMalayBaron35_122_551l o.JPG (http://img258.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=97444_EuthaliamoninamoninaMalayBaron 35_122_551lo.JPG)