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View Full Version : One windy, foggy night at Khao Ramrome

04-Mar-2016, 07:02 PM
Khao Ramrome, 990 mt, South Thailand.

20/30 knots of wind, a pleasant 15 to 20 C. a lot of fog. Not easy to set up a MV ligh. Shame because, although a last less than 2 hours, it was very busy, moths speaking.

Hard to take sharp pictures with the white sheet flying like a sail... :bsmile:

https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1684/25458853895_6f6c6df036_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/EMHhhP)
Amerila astreus (https://flic.kr/p/EMHhhP) - Arctiidae, Arctiinae

https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1661/24829922433_12fca6cfce_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/DQ8QSV)
Euhampsonia roepkei (Notodontidae, Dudusinae), (https://flic.kr/p/DQ8QSV) or, as the friend Les Day write: "is similar to the northern E. serratifera. In MOT, vol.5 (page 44) it states that E. roepkei is the Sudanian sister species and MAY be found in S. Thaland"

https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1511/24829469093_9ba076d22f_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/DQ6w7H)
Phyllodes staudingeri (https://flic.kr/p/DQ6w7H) - Phyllodes staudingeri

https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1486/25088229139_b67124d0f1_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/EdXJsP)
Eudocima phalonia (https://flic.kr/p/EdXJsP) - Erebidae, Catocalinae

https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1601/25410447176_7776ebc922_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/EHrbEd)
Zeuzera indica (https://flic.kr/p/EHrbEd) - Cossidae. Or, as the friend Roger Kenrick write:
"indica and coffeae are now in the genus Polyphagozerra courtesy of the following publication:
Yakovlev, R.V., 2011: Catalogue of the Family Cossidae of the Old World. Neue Entomologische Nachrichten, 66: 1-129."

04-Mar-2016, 07:09 PM
https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1542/25337113702_a1723e588e_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/EAXkaY)
Antherea sp. (https://flic.kr/p/EAXkaY) - A little help for a lazy guy...

https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1549/25400769146_730b9aff8d_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/EGzzHC)
Asota plana (https://flic.kr/p/EGzzHC) - Noctuidae, Aganainae.
Or, as the friend John Horstman from Pu'er, Yunnan, says, could be A. clara

https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1552/25129996330_538a0895bc_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/EhDNoN)
Ramadasa pavo (https://flic.kr/p/EhDNoN) - Noctuidae, Ophiderinae

https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1535/25057645609_c3b10dcf6b_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/EbfZ3z)
The Greater Deat's Head Hawkmoth (https://flic.kr/p/EbfZ3z) - Acherontia lachesis

https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1634/25376587846_be138a54be_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/EErDsE)
The Spotted green hawkmoth (https://flic.kr/p/EErDsE) - Cechenena helops helops

https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1472/24798320243_673d6b1bf7_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/DMkSDz)
The Spotted Green Hawkmoth (https://flic.kr/p/DMkSDz) - Cechenena helops helops

https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1578/24776332713_8b23f81f15_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/DKpbwe)
The Northern Dark-green Hawkmoth (https://flic.kr/p/DKpbwe) - Angonyx testacea testacea

04-Mar-2016, 08:22 PM
Post 1.

Examples of Euhampsonia roepkei from Malaya.

E. serratifera.

Post 2.

1. Antheraea helferi HW ocellus with black eyelid; Falcate FW.

2. Asota clara.
FW white patch outer margin strongly serrated & 'straight'.
Malaya & Sumatra (Sundainaian forms)

Asota plana :FW white patch outer margin rounded.
Singapore & Borneo.

TL Seow : Cheers.