View Full Version : Please help to ID these Skippers

Tai LA
16-May-2016, 08:24 AM
1. Is this the Palm Bob (Suastus gremius gremius)?

http://s32.postimg.org/x2947mzyp/Palm_Bob_Suastus_gremius_gremius_2.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/x2947mzyp/)

2. Not sure of this.

http://s32.postimg.org/cr2bigdxt/IMG_6662.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/cr2bigdxt/)

As again. thanks!

17-May-2016, 08:23 PM
1 .Pelopidas mathias male.
Note a dark line that runs down from the corner of spot 2 (the largest) This mark the male brand on the upperside.
A line thru the two cellspots will cut the dark line (ie the line will cut the brand on the upperside).
FW spots broad , rounded.

In P. agna male FW spots narrow & a line thru the two cellspots bypass the brand.

2. Pelopidas mathias female. HW spots typical of Pelopidas ie with an upper cellspot.
The female usually have larger HW spots & the abdominal end also indicate female.

In P. mathias the underside colour is irregular with uneven dark smudges.
Female P. matrhias.

In P. agna the underside is evenly coloured ie clean.
Female P. agna.

TL Seow : Cheers.

Tai LA
22-May-2016, 10:30 AM
Thanks Dr Seow. By the way, Bob Cheong has a souvenior for you from Singapore. LC Goh will forward it to you when he is free.