View Full Version : Are these two different species of Amathusia?
Tai LA
19-Jul-2017, 10:59 PM
Taken at KL Butterfly Park...not very pristine
A. I ID this as Amathusia perakana - due to the darker brown band (
B. I ID this as Amathusia phidippus - paler in colour (
Are they the same species? What are the key ID features to tell them apart?
Thanking you in anticipation
20-Jul-2017, 01:27 AM
The Palm Kings are very difficult to ID based on the underside alone.
1. Probably A. friderici female.
2. A. phidippus.
The main thing is to look at the HW 4th dark band that is inner to the main dark band & the FW main band itself.
1. A. phidippus;
FW main band intact; HW 4th band not notched .& usually flared at the top.
2. A. friderici .
FW main band intact :HW 4th band notched variably on both sides. Upperside of f-utana black in male.
3. A. binghami.
FW main band intact usually broad & reddish brown; HW 4th band notched on both side ,smaller head; upperside with orange brown margins
4. A. perakana.
FW sharper & more pointed,main band intact ;HW 4th band narrow, broken, head separated.
5. A. masina
FW main band very broad merging with the postdiscal band; postdiscal band usually solid .dark red brown ;HW 4th band notched on both sides.
6. A. ochraceofusca
FW main band strongly notched on outer margin ,tapers to the costa ;FW postdiscal band outer margin wavy ;HW 4th band notvhed.
7. A. schoenbergi.
FW main band deeply notched in at veins 2 & 3, postdiscal band outer margin wavy; HW 4th bnad notched.
TL Seow: Cheers.
Tai LA
20-Jul-2017, 05:54 AM
Thanks Dr Seow!
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