View Full Version : Mycalesis sp
25-Sep-2017, 05:38 PM
I think positively the last of these terrible Mycalesis to be posted. Beginning to have suicidal tendancies!
These two were both taken from Hala-Bala extreme southern Thailand right on the border with Malaysia. Both look like M. intermedia, but this far south this species should be absent? (as doesn't occur in Peninsula Malaysia?). Comments appreciated.
Many thanks.
Image 1
Image 2.
25-Sep-2017, 08:12 PM
1. Mycalesis distanti.
2. Mycalesis visala phamis.
In peninsular Malaysia & extreme south of Thailand ,where intermedia is absent ,only Mycalesis with a very large FW spot 2 is M. distanti.
There is a bent in the white band but perspective distortion makes it looks narrow.
Individual variation means some have this bent better formed.
Also , other species may have a bit of curved-in at the tip, giving a similar look.
In Singapore where both intermedia & distanti are absent , all below are M. visala phamis.
In this mating pair, the female on the right have very large FW spot 2 & would easily be confused with distanti.
M. distanti. This one is from Selangor (central part of Malaya).
M. distanti is itself uncommon in most part of Malaya except in the north ie the border areas.
In your previous post no. 5 is definitely M. visala & no. 6 most likely.
M. intermedia shoud be readily ID'ed by the deep & sharp V indentation with spots 4 & 5 very small, & FW spot 2 very large & pressed against both sides.
In some cases it is very difficult. Very possibly such are due to crossing between closely allied species.
M. intermedia & distanti have identical male genitalia. They were separated because in intermedia the HW hair pencil is long covering the brand next to it; in distanti it does not.
TL Seow: Cheers.
PS. I am working on the assumption that M. intermedia does occur in the border areas of Thailand.
It could have found its way there by now.
Typical M. visala have the indentation rounded.
eg the long yellow brand on the underside of the FW reaching the white band IDed this correctly. Note indentation is rounded.
This below is M. visala because the FW spot 2 is small & it is in south India where intermedia does not occur. Note indentation resembles intermedia, but not sharp.
M. intermedia The underside FW yellow brand does not reach the white band. HW upperside hair pencil wholly covers the HW brand; in distanti the HW brand is partially exposed.
26-Sep-2017, 10:52 AM
Many thanks for the detailed reply.
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