View Full Version : Butterfly from Fraser's Hill
David Chan
20-Nov-2017, 09:20 PM
Dear Dr Seow,
I would appreciate if you help to ID this Oakblue shot at Fraser's Hill in May 2017. Thanks.
Best regards,
David Chan24850
20-Nov-2017, 10:28 PM
TRhis looks correct as Arhopala avanthina. female.
HW postdiscal band completely dislocated at vein 2; FW cellspots poor & basal one faded out.
This belongs to a group of small tailless species that include A. muta.
A. muta; HW postdiscal band only partially dislocated at vein 2; FW cellspots complete.
A. kurzi ;HW postdiscal band widely dislocated at vein 2 ;FW cellspots complete.
A. major belongs to a diiferent subgroup.
FW very convex & rounded.;FW cellspots complete; HW with a slight tooth & postdiscal band only partially dislocated at vein 2.
TL Seow: Cheers.
David Chan
23-Nov-2017, 12:25 AM
Dear Dr Seow,
Thanks for helping to ID the Oakblue above. Could you please assist to ID these skippers. Is the skipper in 1st photo a Branded Straw Ace (Pithauria marsena)? Thanks.
Best regards,
David Chan
24-Nov-2017, 12:54 AM
They are both P. marsena ,with white spots on the HW.
The other is P. strameinipennis.
TL Seow: Cheers.
David Chan
24-Nov-2017, 09:43 PM
Thanks, Dr Seow for the ID.
The P. marsena in the 2nd photo has a big bunch of hair at the underside of its thorax. Does the bunch of hair has any functional purpose? Just curious. Thanks.
Best regards,
David Chan
24-Nov-2017, 11:04 PM
The hairs arise from the legs and are probably used to disperse scent by the male.
TL Seow: Cheers.
David Chan
26-Nov-2017, 11:42 AM
Thanks, Dr Seow. Learned something today. Cheers !
Best regards,
David Chan
David Chan
26-Nov-2017, 02:27 PM
Dear Dr Seow,
What awl is this? It has no marking on its underside. Thanks.
Best regards,
David Chan
26-Nov-2017, 04:21 PM
Post 6.
Hasora myra funebris.
Underside of both wings are marked by a diffuse dark band ;HW without a dark patch at the tornus (lower end).
A number of other plain Awls are present in the highlands.
All three below have a dark patch at the HW tornus.
Hasora mus pahanga.Underside completely unmarked except for the dark tornal patch; FW apex rounded.
Hazora lizetta.. Underside with diffuse bands ;ground colour ochreous. Also found in the lowlands.
Hasora zoma.Underside dark brown; with a dark diffuse band as in lizetta & zoma.
TL Seow: Cheers.
David Chan
26-Nov-2017, 09:54 PM
Thanks, Dr Seow for the details to ID the butterfly. Appreciate it.
Best regards,
David Chan
David Chan
26-Nov-2017, 10:33 PM
Dear Dr Seow, Sorry to trouble you again. Appreciate if you could help ID these 2 Albatross butterflies:
.1 The 1st butterfly looks like a Lesser Albatross (Appias paulina distanti)
.2 Is the 2nd butterfly a Common Albatross (Appias albina) or a Malaysian Albatross (Saletara panda distanti)?
Thanks a lot.
Best regards,
David Chan
01-Dec-2017, 07:52 PM
The 1st is A paulina distanti & the 2nd A. albina albina.
The Appias can be very difficult because of wide variation in each species. Also females may puddle adding to the confusion.
The three similar species may be ID'ed thus.
The key feature is at the FW apex where vein 7 (lower one) & vein 9 joined to form a 'Y'.
Saletara panda distanti.FW sharp in the male.
'Y' at the FW apex very tiny in the male ;in the female vein 9 is absent ,so there is only a single vein.
Appias albina albina. Underside may be wholly white in P.Malaysia; FW sharp.
'Y' at FW apex larger diverging widely; vein 9(upper one) bent to run almost parallel to costal margin.
Males. 8%B7%E0%B9%89%E0%B8%AD%E0%B8%AB%E0%B8%99%E0%B8%AD% E0%B8%99%E0%B9%83%E0%B8%9A%E0%B8%81%E0%B8%B8%E0%B9 %88%E0%B8%A1%E0%B8%98%E0%B8%A3%E0%B8%A3/
Appias paulina distanti. FW less sharp in the male.
'Y' at FW apex longer than in albina & vein 9(upper one) not bent but fairly straight.
TL Seow: Cheers.
David Chan
01-Dec-2017, 11:44 PM
Dear Dr Seow,
Thanks a lot for the pointers to ID the 3 species. Cheers!
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