View Full Version : ID of Bush Brown
David Chan
20-Nov-2017, 11:14 PM
Dear Dr Seow,
Are these Burmese Bush Brown (M. perseoides perseoides) or Long Brand Bush Brown (M. visala phamis) butterflies? Photo was taken at Upper Seletar Reservoir. Kindly assist. Thanks.
Best regards,
David Chan
21-Nov-2017, 12:04 AM
They are M. perseoides.
Both species have broadened white striae,
In M. perseoides the HW dark line have about three teeth, the lowest at vein 1b if present is diagnostic; ; inner margins of eyespots very jagged.
Sometimes this lowest tooth may be a bit flattened, but the dark line always continue further downwards.
In M. visala there is no tooth on the HW dark line or only the middle one; inner margins of eyespots usually fairly regular.
Some examples have an 'L' mark at the lower end but the line ends shortly after that, ie. there is no further extension downwards.
These may have a hybrid element.
TL Seow: Cheers.
David Chan
21-Nov-2017, 08:02 PM
Thanks, Dr Seow for helping the butterflies. Could you kindly point out the dark line in M. perseoides, please. I am not sure what to look out for. Thanks a lot.
Best regards,
David Chan
21-Nov-2017, 09:16 PM
There is only one dark line on the HW(=hindwing) & it has a number of sharp points (teeth)
TL Seow: Cheers.
David Chan
22-Nov-2017, 08:19 PM
Thank you very much, Dr Seow. Cheers!
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