View Full Version : Heliophorus epicles or Heliophorus ila?
09-Dec-2017, 03:52 PM
Three images of the same individual from Doi Phu Kha. H. epicles should be "easy" to separate as the hindwing border at space 6 protrudes farther than on ila (or indicus). However, on this individual it does not seem to be a clear cut case. My gut feeling is that this is H. ila, but would be interested if the border at space 6 protruded enough for it to be considered H. epicles.
09-Dec-2017, 06:38 PM
The 3 Heliophorus epicles, ila & indicus are very similar.
I think your 3rd pix is something else.
The tails are short & the lower margin of the FW is excavated.
It looks to be Heliophorus eventa.
Of the 3 the male of H. epicles may have the space 6 border more protruding inwards.
The female of all 3 species have this protrusion much less.
Heliophorus epicles latilimbata
FW white lunulate marks in space 2 & 3 more chevron in shape.
Heliophorus ila nolus.
FW white lunulate marks in space 2 & 3 flat ,ie as short bars, that in space 3 often obsolete.
ssp matsumurae Taiwan.
Heliophorus indicus.ID marks uncertain.!/sp/1114/Heliophorus-indicus
1 & 2 look to be H. ila nolus.
TL Seow: Cheers.
09-Dec-2017, 07:35 PM
Many thanks for the feedback. I checked the timestamps on the three photos, and actually the time of the third photo was in between the other two by only a few secods, so I think the shortened appearance is mainly due to the more oblique angle of the photo (which is also out of focus, which doesn't help). Certainly we didn't knowingly see any eventa in the area and we were there some time, and we are pretty familiar with that species from Doi Pha Hom Pok.
09-Dec-2017, 07:56 PM
Many thanks for the feedback. I checked the timestamps on the three photos, and actually the time of the third photo was in between the other two by only a few secods, so I think the shortened appearance is mainly due to the more oblique angle of the photo (which is also out of focus, which doesn't help). Certainly we didn't knowingly see any eventa in the area and we were there some time, and we are pretty familiar with that species from Doi Pha Hom Pok.
You are right. There is a costal injury mark & two scratches in space 2 & 3 which are matching with pix 2.
TL Seow: Cheers.
PS. On reflection it is probably H. epicles..
All valid pix of H. ila shows the white mark in space 2 to be straight whereas this is slightly chevron.
The off angle of the shot seem to have flattened it.
There is still H. indicus to consider.
PS2; It looks like the male H. indicus have the FW cilia barely checquered plus more prominent postdiscal dark dashes, so that rules it out.
10-Dec-2017, 10:00 AM
Many thanks for the feedback.
Could there be some variation in whether these marks are straight or more chevron like?
Here's an image of lla, which is considered reliably as ila, with distinctly chevron like marks:
10-Dec-2017, 12:06 PM
Many thanks for the feedback.
There is some variation in whether these marks are straight or more chevron like. Here's an image of lla, which is considered reliably as ila, with distinctly chevron like marks:
Yes, I am aware of this image.
It is a female ,whereas yours is a male.
The same thing goes for H. indicus where the FW spot 2 is slightly chevron in the female with the rounded FW.
Other pix.
Male H. epicles tweediei Malaya.
Male H. epicles chinensis Yunnan, HK.
Male H. ila malaya & female. Malaya.
Male & female H. ila matsumurae Taiwan.
Admittedly it is very tough to tell for sure.
From the above pix there is a stronger suggestion for H. epicles.
TL Seow: Cheers.
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