View Full Version : Skipper ID needed

Blue Nawab
21-Oct-2018, 10:20 PM
Dear Dr Seow,
Please help to ID the following skipper, thanks on behalf of a friend.

Blue Nawab
04-Nov-2018, 04:53 PM
Dear Dr Seow,
Please help to ID the following skipper, thanks on behalf of a friend.

10-Nov-2018, 10:46 PM
This is a strange one as the markings are rather faint.

IT may suggest a Taractrocera but Taractrocera have rounded antennal clubs.& the UnH patterns do not match.
T. ardonia & archias.

The FW spot 4 & 5 are equal in size & the abdominal end is yellow.
These indicate it is either P. omaha or ganda.

It has to be a P. omaha male (note brushlike abdominal end)
P. omaha is rather dull ochreous while P. ganda is strongly orange.
Even if the black is reduced (suggesting dry-season influence) the basal orange do not change.
P. omaha & P ganda male.
http://www.butterflycircle.com/checklist/mugshots/Potanthus%20omaha%20omaha/272%20Potanthus%20omaha%20omaha%20(Lesser%20Dart)% 20Bobby%20Mun.jpg

Other species are ruled out by combination of abdiminal end black-banded or not & FW spot 4 & 5 of different sizes.

TL Seow: Cheers.